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| UwU

| TwT

| ówò

| •w•

| °w°

| ÒvÓ

| uwu

| QwQ

| (ง ื▿ ื)ว

| O̷̢̬̮̬̰͈̻̩̘͙͕̰͙̐́͒̆w̵̢̞͍̭̹̪̦̐̈́̓̒͛̋̐̔͠͝Ơ̵̭̱̹̹͎̻͉͔̫͖͙͚͍͑̈̈́͋͠͝


| sex

| éwé

| The captcha took shitpost like this away from us. Thank Pref it's gone.

| I love shitposts

| Y r u ghey?

| >>541272 ur mom

| うwう

| >>541272
Who says I am gei?

| >>ad3889 yo mamma

| >>541506 the dick that's stuck in your butt

| @w@

| angry uwu is ùwú

| Sad uwu is úwù

| uwu

| My teeth hurt

| My palms are sweaty

| のwの

| ДwД

| OvO


| ФшФ

Total number of posts: 33, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1553597704

This thread is permanently archived