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Fuck, I'm living

| So 19 g/u/rl that was planning on dying of August of this year, but things changed around and chances are I might end up sucking it up and living. (Got that sweet sweet dick in my life now gurls)

Buuuut I spent all my money and have barely enough to get me through the following 6 months. No career. Any idea on how to smugle a latina down to the US and get my ass to work?

[Bf is murican, only reason why Im moving to that hellohole]

| Well. Not an expert on this, but it's a fact that most of undocumented migrants to the US come into the nation by outstaying thier visas.

So. Best of luck? But try to see if there is a legal way and look out for yourself a lot more g/u/rl. Moving out is can be really dangerous and a lot of people will look out to misuse your trust!

| >>530831


The approval process for immigration takes a long fucking time though, so...

Total number of posts: 3, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1550417727

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