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Cool people thread

| Only cool dudes and dudets can post here.


| Only fags care about being "cool".

| Only emo fags dont care about anything.

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| oh mama!

| Did someone say... coolDude!?

| By saying who can care and who can't, you're caring about who can care. That means you care. Thus, you are an emo fag. QED. >>530554

| >>1c2a44
Genious, if I care I am just a fag according to the first fag.
Learn how to read before posting, your logic is as faulty as your chromosome count.

| no, she said caring about being cool, specifically. learn how to read before telling people they can't read, and learn some better insults while you're at it

| >pops collar and dons sunglasses
You called?
>flips hair

| 3y, (00/_ I)uI)3 15 н3г3 т0 34т 455 4ИI) к1(к guм.
4ИI) 1м 4/_/_ 0uт 0F 455

| >>530922 g/u/rl, i'm sorry to hear that. let's go find more together!

| But how do I know if I'm COOL?

| *pops jukebox*

| *pops jiffy pop* Music & movie night g/u/rls.

| >>530625
Rip coolDude :(

| Como Zaqueuuuu, eu quero subir

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1550532901

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