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How many calories does shitposting burn?

| I hope I'm getting a good workout

| All of them.

| 30 minutes of shitposting burns about 3K

| This depends on how much stroke you make with your keyboard. Let's assume all 500 chars you type is without correction or deletion. A good shitpost is unaltered shitpost. Pure shitpost.

Using the data extrapolated from here: https://what-if.xkcd.com/102/, 500 characters would burn for 0.75J worth of energy from you — and that's ≈0.0001875 calories per one danger/u/ shitpost.

Shitposting isn't all they hyped it up to be. Sorry.

| >>528594 That's only counting small keys. It mentions 2.5 Millijoules when you use the spacebar or enter. Let's say, for example, there is an average of 7 letters per word. 7+1*62=496, and there would be 4 extra small keys, so thats 434+4 small keys and 62 spaces. 657 mJ for small keys plus 155 mJ for spaces equals 812 mJ or 0.812 J, an inprovement. You could also count the captcha, and clicking on Submit.

| >>528629 And that's not taking into consideration capslock, or enter if you want to separate paragraphs.

| So, If you want to optimize your shitposting for calorie burning, you should either post blank posts (1250 mJ or 1.25 J) or do this:



| >>528631
>>6c31ba here. Even if you account for all of that, the amount of energy expenditure is close to minimum. No matter how you make the words-to-space ratio, no matter how many additional strokes (Shift, Caps, etc), no matter the correction done by the writer.

We aren't accounting for repeated motion or WPM either, both of which affects expenditure as well. (1/2)

| Continuing on: keyboard keys vary. A lot. ISO and ANSI have differing Enter size. Backspace can be a small key as well. This makes any approximation only viable with a controlled trial.

I propose this study. Anyone want to lend me a grant? I'm sure we can make something good out of this.

| >>d02747 I know it's not an efficient way of burning calories, I just wanted give a more exact result. I even thought of another way to optimize even further the shitpost.

Alt+0153 is the combination for ™, that's 5 small keys per ™, or 7.5 mJ per ™. 500 ™ equal 3750 mJ.

That's 3.75 J per shitpost, 5 times yours 0.75 J, and 3 times the 1.25 J blank shitpost.

In the future, shitposts will be like this


| >>528637
Well, if that's the case then we can optimise further. Using keyboard navigation, our fingers will be performing more actions on the keyboard. Browser extensions like Tridactyl allows you to focus to a text input using `gi`.

In *NIX, the use of the compose key (mostly) eliminates the long and arcane Unicode summoning spell. ™ can be inserted with Compose+T+M.

Let's go deeper. (1/2)

| A multilingual shitpost would be the answer. Assuming a locale switch key is a definite big key (say, Caps), and we have languages of varying script (English, Swedish, Chinese, and Vietnamese comes to mind).

If the post is composed of those languages, we can further increase the stroke necessary. If one word is done in one language, then a switch is a must for the next word. This doesn't eliminate the use of other big key (Shift) either. (2/2)

| We can push even further as well. The use of double space after a period is not uncommon in the English language. If we were to apply this to all of our differing languages, we will press three big keys before each words.

Or hell, replace commas with cedilla and apostrophe with curly ones. That takes about three keystrokes with the Compose key. And the Compose key should be a big key for this to have more effect. (3/2. Sorry)

| Omg I got an aneurysm in all of my arteries just for looking at this thread

| I type unicode on *nix with ctrl shift u, although I think that only works in X. that's 2 big + 1 small + 4/5 small for the codepoint

| What about mechanical keyboards?

As for Alt codes, you could also cheat. Alt+9999654 does the same thing that Alt+38. Both are codes for &. That would be 8 small keys instead of 3 using the short one, or 2 using Shift+6.

500 of those long boys equal 6000 mJ or 6 J per shitpost. 0.001434034 kcal.

You know, if you wanted to burn calories, you could chew some gum while typing.

| Fun fact: Randall Munroe, the guy who wrote https://what-if.xkcd.com/102/, complained in his book "What If?" about some units of measurement, like kips (1000 pounds-force), kcfs (1000 cubic feet per second), and Rankine (Fahrenheit-Kelvin crossbreed).

Joules per Shitpost should be JpSP or J/SP?

| JpsP because shit is an adjective and posts are the real unit

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1549741034

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