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| A drug that only makes you want more is a waste of time.

| I am clean for more than one year, and im so glad i could stop.
Ive almost OD because of that, i was using this shit everyday, and drinking too.
I regret because i had spent a lotta money in this, money that i could have used to better things.
Still, im happy that i had the determination to stop.
Some friends of mine could't deal with this vice and they ended up dead, and they were so young

| Please my g/u/rls, dont do that shit. It feels Nice in the beginning but as soon the vibe gi away, you feel like a complete shit, useless, a sensation of being miserable, it is horrific.
Think twice about do that.
This is an advice from a fellow g/u/RL who almost lost his life for this, and had lost a lot of dear people for this.
Be safe <3

Total number of posts: 3, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1549621290

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