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I've stopped believing in love

| I've stopped believing in love, now I believe only in shallowness and genetics.

| What is Love? Baby dont hurr me, dont hurt me, no more

| Love in this world is a myth, but 2D love is real and genuine

| The power of love is bullshit. Power of swords and violence, that's where the money is.

| Love is more than just desire and genetics, there is a power to it that you must believe in. You're never going to be able to shoot a love laser, but romance is not worth shaking a stick at.

| >>527671 Lul

| the power of thermonuclear hydrogen X² mass destruction weapons is greater.

| Love is a concept created to sell movies; books, anime and stuff. Strange how you believed in it in the first place.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1549577957

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