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Danger/u/ is dying

| and there's nothing you can do about it

| I think that the captions killed it, I find them infuriating at times. I type in the exact words but it doesn't let me send. So I have to reload the thread copy, paste my text again and enter a new captions and sometimes I even have to do it a third time, if not at all. 4th time now

| >>522604

| You guys haven't been here for very long have you?

Good Riddance

| >>522604
I take the captcha over REOL. At least with the captcha, Pref doesn't have to temporarily pull the plug to alleviate the problem.

| I mean if only you could reload the captcha without having to leave the thread, its annoying having to copy your text and paste it until you get the I, l, t, o, c and e right

| >>522627 how long have you been here g/u/rl

| >>522653
Too long.

| >>522661 same

| Oh look. Someone posted this last week. And the week before that. And the week before that. And.... Come to think of it, with all these prophets constantly saying Danger/u/ is dying, it must be a miracle not a single one has been correct.

| how bout we try 3 days without captcha

| Although I have just come here for less than three days.
But I love here
I hope it will continue to work.


| but where will we go :(

| It's dying because of the captchas and the new ids and stuff. This app strayed too much from the original design from the game so it's lost it's novelty.

| wake whats pizza

| Every life form is slowly dying, /u/ it's eternal.

| >>522890 +1

| If it is so eternal why is there a /u/ 2?

| At least 1.5 years earlier this place had 2 times more threads, so there's that. Why would it die though. Traffic may drop lower, sure.

| It was fun g/u/rls

| It only dies if you let it die.

| If it's dying it's because of the shit tier quality of the threads these past few months. I miss the danger/u/ of 2 years ago.

| >>522667 im here from the dotto spam

| >>523859 you think two years ago better? cmon mate i still remember it always been like this, even worse /d/ only have about 5 active thread when Anon E is still roaming

| cmon, you all cunts, old danger/u/ is no better, only that weebs on /a/ that were active because shitty things like loli or trap thread

| is there any comfy textboard beside dangeru?

| >>523942 they were the best things you sl/u/t

| This is an unknown place.
We are all anonymous.
Fresh blood is needed here.(I mean the new user)

| >>523951 goddamn what kind of good is that shit, loli anime mostly is pure trash,

| >>523954 I think before we get new blood we need better cultural filtering. This place would get u n c o m f y if we had a bunch of new kids. Plus the fact that it's on the Play Store is already attracting enough new members tbh.

>>523949 I also want to know this. There's got to be somewhere else.

Total number of posts: 30, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1548377379

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