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Why does life hurt?


| because it wants to torture us as long as it can before sweet mother Death comes to rescue us and take us into her loving arms

| So that we can enjoy when it doesn't

| Look man, just because your step-dad didnt let you put the big cheese puffs in the kart at cosco doesn't mean you gotta start slitting your wrist on here, get over it.

| If nothing hurt, nothing would feel good. You'd be stuck in some numb, grey, dead life with no joy or despair. You're gonna be fine, anon. The good times will come. I'm waiting on them myself.

| >>522637
If nothing hurt, it would just mean nothing would hurt. The absence of feeling good is not the same as pain, they are two different factors entirely. A world could exist with times of feeling good and times of feeling neutral, with no need for the unnecessary anomaly that is pain. There is mo reason pain should exist. Pain is the first and greatest flaw in the universe.

| >>522649 pain only exists because you let it exists

| >>522652
Yeah genius when you stub your toe or get stung by a wasp or get hit with a rock or are stricken with a tragedy in your life that damages you emotionally and psychologically you're just consciously saying "I will allow this to hurt me now."

| >>522718 its really fucking easy to desensitise yourself you know that right

| >>af81f8
Without sadness or pain, feeling neutral would feel bad compared to ever rising heights of happiness. You could look back and say 'Wow, I felt like shit back then!' Despite your new baseline being constant fucking orgasm.

| >>522827 so nobody suffers more than anyone else then? Because that's where that leads, if we all adapt to anything then everyone suffers the same amount, or maybe a random inherited amount

| >>522827
It's true that the state of neutrality would be the new 'lowest point' on the scale of feeling, but just because it's the lowest doesn't mean it would inherently be equal to pain. It's like saying 0 is a negative number now that you've gotten rid of -1.

| >>522862
An incredibly sheltered man would consider the slightest inconvenience absolute agony.

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1547887187

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