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| I know it's weird but please help. I've been trying to find a cartoon for already a long time. If u know anything like it lemme know. So there was a drill nose and a fairy. Drill nose had an ability to drill wood which he ate. Him and her fall in love but then some evil man kidnaps her and keeps her in in some cubic or triangle shaped thing. When fairy is freed, they share an Eskimo kiss because drill nose had big nose. Fairy looked like Tinker Bell and he had red Hawaiian shirt.

| Op here. Need to add some things. So drill nose wore a shirt similar to Dale's. Also I forgot to say that I looked up Tinker Bell cartoons but couldn't find meaning it was probably another fairy. I saw it when I was 4 or 5... I can't remember. It was dubbed in Georgian (my native) but I highly doubt it was Georgian itself. That's all I can remember. I tried to Google it a lot of times but never ever found it. I think the channel where I saw it was Imedi. So help please?


Total number of posts: 3, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1545858633

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