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Does this subreddit have the big gay?

| Hmmmmmmm

| >subreddit
Get the heck out of here.

| >>514226

| >>514226
That language is unacceptable in my Christian danger/u/ server.

| You're all pathetic, you know that?

| >>514268
No, but I do know what rules to uphold in my Christian danger/u/ server.

| >>514268 watch your tone, young man.

| >>514295
>young man
You're new here, am I right?
>Christian danger/u/
Sorry, gurl, but I'm autist

| >>514304 I'm not new. I just don't wanna call people "g/u/rls" like a retard.

| >>514307
Well, I have bad news for you, m8. You're already a retard.

Also your mom is a lesbo

| >>514320
>Well, I have bad news for you, m8. You're already a retard.

| >>514323

| >>3d98a8 >gurl refuse to be a gurl
Honey everybody knows that guys don't use the internet, just give eup and accept it

| Upboated

| >>514265 I know right? Subr*ddit. Worse than heter*sexual dickings in the missi*nary posit*on with them thrusts rocking down south until the cummies happen

| >>514465
You know, you should be banned for too many hetero things were said by you. Disgusting.

| >>514467 HANDHOLDING

| >>3d98a8 hello, ma'am! I would like to inform you that once you downloaded the app/ visited the site, you have already infected by autismo, mental impairment, depression and the big black gay. Have a nice danger/u/ experiences!

| >>514463 I give it two oars.

What's a subreddit?

>>514471 gaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1544878532

This thread is permanently archived