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I have a filling something bad is about to happen

| So my reason for this is that i have had very good luck for the past few days this only happens when something bad is about to happen. I have bad luck when something good is about to happen

| You don't need luck, g/u/rl, you have a brain. Use it.

| A brain cant help what usually happens when the supreme bad luck kicks in

| Last time i got mu nuckle choped by a machete and now i have a very large scar

| Deal with it. Seriously. I never had luck, and I'm kinda successful person, well I hope so. Only hard work and patience, remember.

| Then stop putting more points in your STR stat and move on to luck!

| >>512652

| >>512652 but then how he gonna fight off the machetes?

| >>512776
Nice try, reserve-trap-OP.

| What are you, 12?

| Waiting for the other shoe to drop is a shit experience komaeda

| >>512781 touché mon amie

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1544555005

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