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Text Based Adventure

| (I hope i get a unique handle)
Proper Command Input Flags:> prefix used for non motor functions ie. thinking, looking, hearing, etc. >> prefix used for motor functions ie. walking, picking up, etc. [!] prefix for interactions with usable objects. [@] prefix for interactions with living organisms. Combat inputs will be later explained.

| Scratch the first two prefixes, -) for non motor now and ~) for moyor fubctions, sorry about the inconvinince. (Bland handle, but itll do)

| -) look around

| ~) run screaming into the night.

| //User Name(s) Not Found, Assigning User Name(s)//
First Command User Name: Ninatee
Command:-) look around
Output: You look around to find a field of black hills that gradient to white at the top. This is all you can make out as this enviroment stretches out beyond the horizon.

| //User Name(s) Not Found, Assigning User Name(s)//
Second Command User Name: Teshoom
Command:~) run screaming into the night.
Output: You run screaming into a wall as you're in a room. There are no windows so your want to do your action is questionably schrodinger-like due to the uncertain time. That and youre in a enclosed space; a room.

| wait so there's a field of black hills in a room

| (No, everyone gets their own unique setting. I track who it is by the ID.)

| (If you were to input a command you'd get a setting as well, the idea is to get five individuals, have them meet up in game, have people inputting suggestions, and a ending somewhere way down the line.)

| -) look around
>also really cool idea op

| //User Name(s) Not Found, Assigning User Name(s)//
Third Command User Name: Semchef
Command:-) look around
Output: You look around. You find yourself in a room. The room apear to be a standard apartment. The lights are off, but the room is still well lit. The light is coming from the window, the lights of outside bathe the room in a bright pink and blue. Your preception appears to be flawed, but as of now you dont know why.

| it would be nicer hussie's way with only one character
>> fuck Dorothy

| or should I type
[@] fuck Dorothy

| (Think of it as Hussie meets D&D, also new ID since I'll be switching from my phone and computer. This is currently my computer)
//User Name(s) Not Found, Assigning User Name(s)//
Third Command User Name: Becerus
Command:[@] fuck Dorothy
Output: You attempt to engage in sexual intercourse with @ Dorothy, but your Organism Book and Log, or OBaL, cannot find any files on @Dorothy. Location of @Dorothy unknown--

| --Interaction with @Dorothy terminated due to lack of knowledge of close proximity. Your OBaL also remind you that you have not yet registered your own genetic makeup and appearance on it either. It gives a prompt informing you that interactions with other organisms will result in poor outcomes until you register. Looking around should help you with that. You know you have eyes, that's a start.

| (Also if youre a no show for 1-2 days your character will either be given to another user or ret-conned.)

| >>49552
~) switch on the lights
>can I input two commands at once? If so...
-) look around

| >>49495
This is me, looks like my ID changed :/

| >>49423 in case of ID switch this is me
-) look up

| User Name:Semchef
Command(s):~) switch on the lights
;-) look around
Output:You get up from your couch and find the light switch. The parts of the room that were not in view of the window are now illuminated in a soft yellow. This includes two other door ways and your desk.--

| --Output; You look around. Youre in a apartment, from your memory this apartment is standard for the area. The objects in your room are what any mild-mannered citizen has: couch, desk, computer, and television. You know where everything is now, in relation to waking up; the television is north of you and your couch and your desk is north-west of you, somewhat blocking the doorway area.--

| --A fire marshal would be dissapointed. Looking around has made you realize: you have no perception of depth! You either have only one eye or one of your eyes is covered up.

| just realized I tagged the wrong one
>>49425 this is me or "Ninatee"
-) look up

| ID change again :/

| User Name:Ninatee
Command:-) look up
Output: You stare upwards. Your eyes are met with a giant ball of green, pink, blue, and orange. Through your daze of amazement you realize that's your home; that is Earth. Its green, algae rich oceans, pink, iron rich deserts, blue, mutated flora, and orange, clay-dust-filled clouds.--

| --You can see the sun setting over the horizon and the city lights of earth glowing awake. The first is one of the most will, embarking on a journey will require the strongest step to be succesful. Home is a long space trek away.

| ~) head for one of the hills

| (I can guess that that's Ninatee, but im going to need you all to start all actions with "User:Ninatee/Semchef/Jojo/etc." Just to help me out thanks. [Command sequence in next post])

| yeah that was Ninatee, sorry

| (Its chill)
User Name:Ninatee
Command:~) head for one of the hills
Output: You head for a random hill to presumably climb up it. The hill isnt too steep or high so the climb to the top didnt take too long but did drain your stamina points and action points, your action points refills immeadiatley since youre not in combat.

| --Once on the hill you see how all the hills are of the same size, you have passing thought of how if the whole mass was like this its look like a dull urchin, but throw that thought out...because thats just silly. Silly thoughts now thrown out, you can tell there is a manhole ontop of the hill, strange.
(Hint: non motor actions such as -)ponder or -)recollect will give additional options and information on a scene. Acting as a character is highly encouraged)

| (I have got to apologize for the terrible grammar on the phone posts, if i could correct it i would, the computer posts have better grammer, i swear)

| (it's cool)
User: Ninatee

| >>49716
~) move to television
-) look at reflection in television

| User Name: Ninatee
Output: You ponder...Well that just hurt your brain, but through pondering you remember that before you woke up here you had a duffle bag, where is it? Also, through the pondering you realize you dont remember who or what you are, finding that out would be very helpful.

| User Name:Semchef
Command(s):~) move to the television
;-) look at reflection in television
Output: You move towards the television less than gracefully due to your half-awake brain and impaired vision.
Output; You look at the reflection and discover : you're a Luskan. [Luskans: A mollusk humanoid from cold reigons of the earth. Due to the soot of the northern part of the world most Luskan shells are stained black.--

| The stains stregthen the shell and allow Luskans the ability to have a high defense with a closed shell. The muscle underneath is incredibly soft and acts as a critical weak point, unless cover with soot as well. Apart from their mollusk attributes, they are no different from humans, all except for a 5th limb in the chest cavity used for self-defense]--

| User: Ninatee
~)move back to where I started
-)look around on the ground

| Appearance wise youre an average luskan; grey-black shell, pink, vulnerable muscle, and all five limbs. You check your face and discover someone covered your right eye with glue and left a note reading "Might want to get your eye checked, muscle boy heh ;p", how distasteful of a prank, but who wrote it?

| -) question life

| User Name: Ninatee
Command(s):~)move back to where I started
;-) look around on the ground.
Output: You move back to the bottom of the hill andnlose half as many SP due to gravity doing most of the work, luckily pondering regained it in the process.
SP:||| --

| --Output; You look around and...find the duffle bag!..in terrible condition. Its been mauled to absolute devastation, but its contents are intact, for the most part. Searching through this could prove useful.

| (>>49940 Do you want to be apart of the story or do you just want a one-shot paragraph?)

| User: Semchef
Wait wait wait, I'm a fucking snail man!?
~) leave room
-) look around

| User: Ninatee
>>49947 I'm on the fucking moon, man. Join the club
-)search the duffel bag

| User Name: Semchef
Command(s):~) leave room
;-) look around
Output: You slide past your desk, unlock the door, and leave your room.
Output; You look to your right and see nothing but a bland apartment hallway. You hear a, simultaneous, gasp, yelp, and snicker from your left and turn your head to see three females; a fellow Luskan whos snickering, a tall lion-looking girl who has their hands on their eyes, and a frog girl whos blushing a bright orange. What a situation to be in.

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:-) search the duffel bag
Output: As for clothes, you find a pair of dress pants, sneakers, and fingerless gloves. Other objects include; a grocery bag, a kazoo, a very small book, and a flag for a country you cant remember, but feels familiar. While looking for compartments to the duffel bag a squishy egg drops out. It must have been stuck to the side of the bag. It looks...alive, in a weird way. You could interact with it, but do you want to?

| User: Ninatee
-)examine self
~)put on clothes from the duffel bag
-)examine egg thing

| User:Semchef
-) Talk to the girls
-) say "what?"

| >>49959 pretty sure you're naked lmao

| >>49993
Yeah... I figured... But in situations like these you just gotta be confident.

| (Taking a break until tomorrow or saturday, personal stuff)

| -bumping for safety.

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:-)examine self
*Fixing Command*;[!]put on clothes from the duffel bag
*Fixing Command*:[!]examine egg thing
Output: You go to examine yourself...but there's nothing there! You look completely down towards the floor and can't find a thing. There's nobody here...oh! an you have no torso. Jokes aside; if there was someone else here they wouldn't be able to see you. You're either invisible or a ghost, the latter of which would freak you out.

| --Output; You put on the clothes. They fit you very nicely, which is odd due to the addition of 4 additional arm holes which you filled perfectly. Speaking about your arms: when you slid them in you could feel how they wiggled in, not at all human like. Everything else fit the match of a human though. Well, at least now if there is anybody else in space they'll be able to see you.

| --Output: Upon close examination the egg you discover that it was just a rubber toy egg. The strange thing, however, is that inside of the egg there is a mouse along with a button switch. The mouse's movements must have been what made the egg look alive, but what's the button for? And why even a mouse?

| User Name: Semchef
Command(s):*Fixing Command*[@]Talk to the girls
;*Fixing Command*[@]say "what?"
Output: You engage in conversation with the girls.
♬♩♪You got an achievement!♪♩♬
Achievement: First Communication with Another Organism
Reward: Gain enough TIM's to advance onto the next status rank, +1 Quality point towards Charm Quality.
♬♩♪Status Rank Promotion!♪♩♬
Status Rank: Charmer of a Very Low Degree

| --Output: ★☆★Conversation Begin!★☆★
Semchef: what?
Frog Girl:Y-y-you're naked!
Luskan:[Laughing very much out loud]
Lion Girl:Why are you naked, whats wrong with you!
Semchef:{Input Next Line}

| (Just to be consistent with previous statements)
User Name: Teshoom
System Command: Termination
Reason of Termination: Long Absence of Input, -10 Lines of Input
Output: You slowly starve as you give up hope. You pass away in an unknown location, never able to advance beyond the room you awoke in.

TOTAL SCORE:00000000010

| (And because I have the time:>>49944)
//Special Access User Name(s) Not Found, Assigning Special Access User Name(s)//
Special Command User Name: Leckron
Command:-) question life
Output: You question life... … … … … Ah, now you've discovered the true meaning behind the infinite cosmos and the life it brings. You feel complete. Goodbye existence. [Fade out of existence]
Leckron: Fade

| (Shit!!! Wrong Post Number. Correct Post Number:>>49940)

| User:Semchef (seems like my ID changed again)
-) say "uhm I uh... Oh I needed some fresh air, we snail people need to roam around naked to uh... Breath through our skin, yeah... Right. "

| User Name: Semchef
Command: [@] say "[TOO LONG]”
Output: ★Conversation★
##Semchef: uhm I uh... Oh I needed some fresh air, we snail people need to roam around naked to uh... Breath through our skin, yeah... Right.
CHARM QUALITY ROLL. REASON OF ROLL: Attempt at Convincingness
Luskan:6, Lion:4.5, Frog:5
FORMULA OF CHECK: Roll number * ((1/2 * Rank #) * Quality Rank)
. . .
ROLL: https: //imgur.com/a/EV1wj

| (Had to cut a few corners to make that last post work, and the link has a space between the ":" and "//" so, yeah)

| --##Frog Girl:R-really? I-I-I didn't know about t-that.
##Luskan: Oh wow! If that's true i might just have to try that out myself. ˢᵗᶦᶫᶫ ᶠᵘᶰᶰʸ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ
##Lion Girl: Even so: do it in a private place, not in the hallway, geez!
##Semchef:{Input next line OR next command}

| (Just in case there are some lurkers reading, but not participating--two things: there are still 3 open character slots and once those 3 slots are fulfilled a suggestion of action can be made as such--)
Suggestion User Name (or SUN, †if you need the extra 10 seconds): (Literally anything, doesn't even need to be the same for the same person)
Suggested Command Towards (or SCT, †) (the character name): (command, preferably with proper command usage)
(--so, yeah)

| (I'll make one final statement for the night, since I'm pretty tired right now: if the said lurkers, mentioned in the last post, decide to talk about what suggestions are good, or how the characters are doing good/shit/weird, etc. Do. It. In. Parentheses. It distinguishes the text of the story from the discussion. Making sure mistakes are kept to a minimum is vital to a smooth story for the players and those playing along)

| User:Semchef
-) look at lion girl
-) say (to lion girl) "uh.. Uhm haha sorry I just really needed to breath... I'm Semchef by the way."
-) extend hand

| >(I love you OP)

| User Name: Semchef
Command(s):-) look at lion girl
; [@] say @LionGirl "[input_phrase1]"
:-)extend hand
Output: You look towards the lion girl, specifically.
Output; ★Conversation★
##Semchef: uh.. Uhm haha sorry I just really needed to breath... I'm Semchef by the way.
##Lion Girl: Uh, alright, nice to meet you Semchef. I'm Clarica--
##Luskan: I'm Grisha and this is Toma
##Frog Girl: Yeah...I'm Toma.--

| Output: You extend your hand.
##Clarica: I'd be happy to shake your hand...once you put on some clothes that is. And if that takes you, for whatever reason, longer than 1 chirp you can offer that hand shake to us again in apartment 2209.
Semchef: {Insert}

| (Ninatee has been gone for while and i don't want to be a dick in case they've got personal stuff like i did, but if they're a no show up until Tuesday or Wednesday I'll have to put their character up on auction. I can't be flimsy with my rules.)

| (Yeah was busy with irl stuff)
User: Ninatee
~)take mouse out
~)put mouse on ground
~)press button

| User:Semchef
-) say "I'll be right back"
~) enter apartment
-) look for decent clothes
~) wear clothes
~) leave apartment
-) look around

| -burn apartment

| User Name: Ninatee
Command(s):~)take mouse out
;~)put mouse on ground
:~press button
Output: You remove the mouse from the fake egg.
Output; You put the mouse onto the floor.
Output: You click the button and...nothing. You look around for any changes, but to no avail. Even the mouse is the same, save for maybe a thicker coat of fur, but that could just be the slime from the egg.

| --Disappointment, is how you would describe this event. The mouse still still remains, however. Do you take it out of sympathy or leave it out of a suspicion of a deeper plot?

| User Name: Semchef
Command(s):-) say "I'll be right back"
;~) enter apartment
:-) look for decent clothes
;~) wear clothes
:~) leave apartment
;-) look around
##Semchef: I'll be right back.
##Clarica: Alright.
☆Conversation End☆
Output; You enter your apartment and squeeze by your desk, again.--

| Output: You rummage around your room looking for clothes. You find a pair of dress pants, sneakers, plain t-shirt, hawaiian shirt, and a breathable latex suit so that your clothes don't get dirty from your slime/mucus.
Output: You put on the latex suit, then the everything else on. You give the outfit a score of 7/10. Comfortable, but fashionably questionable.--

| Output: You leave the apartment.
Output; You look around and the girls are gone. Apparently whatever a "chirp" was you exceeded that time frame. Looks like you'll have to find where apartment 2209 is.

| User:Semchef
-) look at own apartment number

| User: Ninatee
~) pick egg up
~) put egg in pocket
~) pick mouse up
-) examine mouse

| >>52110 tfw no liongirl gf

| >>52399
Hey hey hey, she gave me her apt number. There's still hope.

| I just realized
>4 arms
>on the moon
Am I Stitch?

| :O

| (Parentheses plz)
User Name: Semchef
Command:-) look at own apartment number
Output: You look at your own apartment number and find that its 5017. Where ever this place is, it has a LOT of apartments.

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:~) pick egg up
;~) put egg in pocket
:~) pick mouse up
;-) examine mouse
Output: You pick up the egg.
Output; You place the egg into your pocket.
Output: You pick up the mouse.--

| Output; The mouse, as it turns out, is not even a mouse it is a vole. You were correct on the slime making it appear bigger, but its other wise below average vole weight, being trapped in an egg must not be too healthy for it. As you examine the vole, your OBaL gives a prompt reading:--

{y} {n}

| User: Ninatee
-)recall "OBaL"

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:-) recall OBaL
Output: Your OBaL, or Organism Book and Log, is a directory of any, and all, organisms you encounter in your life. It will scan organisms and grant you access to a database of information of that one organism. It tracks the Quality bonuses and penalties to certain species, weaknesses and strengths, and general information. --

| It also has an option of logging locations and events of the past for future need. Depending on the quality of the scan it may even reveal hidden information invisible to the senses.

| User: Ninatee
-)select {y}
-)look through OBaL for organisms with 4 arms

| (You actually have 6 arms, to quote>>51137, "4 additional arm holes" as meaning 2 arm holes + 4 more arm holes, do you want to change your second command or?)

| (oh right, sorry. Also I think I was doing the conversation wrong, I'm supposed to use [@] right?)
~) go down the hallway until you reach the end or find a staircase
-) look around

| >>52584 (Yeah make it 6 arms my bad)

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:-) select {y}
;-)look through OBaL for organisms with 6 arms
Output: You select {y} and your OBaL scans the vole. A new prompt appears auto-scrolling through a long list until it locks onto #1348709, for which it unlocks as the information guide of all vole.--

| Output; You search for organisms with 6 arms and find a lot of bugs. Your ObaL is even reading "Search instead for Anthropod?". It seems low-sentient 6 armed creatures out number setntient ones greatly. The pattern of the recorded bugs is rather peculiar, but you're figuring out how to work with your OBaL, so it can wait.

| User Name: Semchef
Command:~) go down the hallway until you reach the end or find a staircase
;-) look around
Output: You walk down the hall and you keep walking, and keep walking...and keep walking. It took around 10 minutes to walk down the hall. This drains your SP quite a lot.
Output; At the end of the hallway is a elevator and a staircase. A red liquid can be seen on the stairs leading downward and on the vending machine near the elevator.

| (Previous post was 100th post woo!)

| User:Semchef
~) go down 3 flights of stairs
-) look at the nearest apartment number

| (100 posts and still only 2 users, feels bad :/)

| User: Ninatee
-) Scan self with OBaL

| (bumping for safety)

| -) look around

| (new person? nice!)

| (bump)

| (Sorry, been out for Thanksgiving, expect new outputs tomorrow afternoon)

| User Name: Semchef
Command:~) go down 3 flights of stairs
;-) look at the nearest apartment number
Output: You attempt to go down the stairs even with your low SP and tumble downwards...on all three flights. Each tumble down the three flights inflicts 1 DP to your SoDaS (System of Defense and Security) leaving you with 27 safety points. You're not in any pain, but you're covered in the red liquid covering the stairs.--

| Output; You pick yourself up and look to the nearest apartment and find it to be 2999. Looks like if you want to get to the girls apartment it'll be another long walk. Having the elevator so far away from 50% of your tenants is not good for design, highlighting the shoddy nature of your living environment.

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:-) scan self with OBaL
Output: You set your OBaL for a scan towards yourself and...it can't find a organism in sight. Your OBaL gives you a [HELP] prompt and in in the prompt lists reasons as to why the scan failed. One of the reasons was the model type. You go to the [INFO] section of the OBaL and find that its a Visual OBaL Model 1.03.

| //User Name(s) Not Found, Assigning User Name(s)//
Third Command User Name: Thradol
Command:-) look around
Output: You slowly wake up, a slight haze to your vision. You hear papers fluttering around you as you straighten your back. You appear to be in a office made up of a weird concrete. This concrete has many small holes in it and resembles coral, but without the vibrant colors. Papers are piled around you and the desk to your side.

| User: Ninatee
-)think about what to do next
(ran out of leads I think)

| User:Semchef
-) rest for a minute
~) walk down half way until you reach apartment no. 2209
-)look around

(welcome back op)

| (another new ID :/, Atleast this one is pretty cool)

| >>54251
(meant to say hallway*)

| User:Thradol
[!] Look through papers

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:-)think about what to do next
Output: You recall every lead you have, from the most explored objects to the least explored objects; clothes, mouse, egg, button, gloves, grocery bag, flag, kazoo, small book, and manhole.

| User Name: Semchef
Command:-) rest for a minute
;~) walk down hallway until i reach apartment no. 2209
:-)look around
Output: You take a moment to relax and regain your breath.....
Your SP maxed out.
Output; You take another long trek down the hallway, this time with a soaked over shirt and pants with wet patches...That took a while and took out a chunk of your SP.

| Output: You look around, same decor as your hallway: nothing. But, the door in front of you has the number 2209. Yhe only other notable thing is that the door has a golden doorknob instead of a grey one.

| User Nane: Thradol
Command:[!] Look through papers
Output: You examine the papers, they're all taxes, spreadsheets, and other business forms all mentioning Shell-TOR inc. The obly noteable pieces are one with a photo of a family on it, a note with a foriegn language on it, and 5 blank papers srapled together.

| (First time ive messed up typing 'User Name', woops)

| User: thradol
[!] Take papers
-) look under desk

| User:Semchef
-) take deep breath
~) knock on the door

| (There was a manhole?)
User: Ninatee
~)walk to manhole
-)examine manhole

| (ctrl f says there was one on top of the hill. Somehow I forgot.)

| ~play va11

| User Name: Thradol
Command:[!] Take papers
;-) look under desk
Output: You take the most notable papers as taking all of tge papers found here would be encumbering to say the least.
Output; You look under the desk to find...a pistol?? Its a glock pistol, but with no bullets, what kind of stuff has happened to warrant a gun?

| User Name:Semchef
Command:-) take deep breath
;~) knock on the door
Output: You take a deep breath.
Output; You knock on the door and hear someone say, "Come in!".

| User:Semchef
~) enter apartment

| (I'm triggered, my ID changed again!)

| (this is starting to get interesting, also I have a new ID every time I post)
User: thradol
[!] Take gun
~) examine walls

| (oh, no I think it's based on location)

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:~)walk to manhole
;-)examine manhole
Output: You walk back up the hill to the manhole, draining your SP in the process.
Output; The manhole is a standard city manhole taking it off would require more than 2 arms, luckily you hav-"OOORAH OOOORAH"...what was that? You look towards the source of the thundering call and find a hill with eyes...and a mouth and arms. Bizarre. Very bizarre.

| User Name: Semchef
Command:~) enter apartment
Output: You enter the apartment, its just about the same space as you apartment but the walls have a orange and green tye-dye wallpaper and bean bags strewn about the floor. As you pass the door for the bathroom you see Clarica, Grisha, and Toma on beanbags watching a TV on the floor.Calrica and Grisha seem spaced out, but Toma notices you, she might be too shy to start a converaation though.

| User Name: Thradol
Command:[!] Take gun
;~) examine walls
Output: You take the pistol and arm your self with it.
Weapons:Glock Pistol[EQUIPPED]
Output; You examine the walls and find steel boards on the side south of the desk barricading what seems to be a window. The walls to the east and west of the desk have incomprehensible words and numbers scribbled on them, but the east wall has noise coming from it. The north wall has a door and windows, but the windows are spray painted.

| User: Thradol
[!] Note down words and numbers on papers
~) scratch a small peephole in the paint on the north window

| User Name: Thradol
Command:[!] Note down words and numbers on papers
;~) scratch a small peephole in the paint on the north window
Output: You write down the numbers and letters, the structure of the numbers and letters is unorganized so the written sequence is probably not the true sequence.
Output; You scratch a small peephole in the window and look through it, seeing a hallway with doors, presumably, leading to more offices. Much of the hallway furniture has been smashed up.

| User: Thradol
~) try to open the door, quietly

| User:Semchef
-) greet all of the girls

| (I'm just gonna stop mentioning the ID change because it seems to be changing daily...)

| User: Ninatee
-)examine "hill"
-)estimate distance from "hill"

| (ID changes with IP I think)

| (bump)

| User Name: Thradol
Command:~) try to open the door, quietly
Output: You slowly push at the door, but there's something heavy making it more than a little difficult to push it open slowly. You don't hear the scratching of the floor when you push so it must not be any kind of furniture.

| User Name: Semchef
Command:-) greet all of the girls
Output: You give a friendly "Hey" to the girls. Toma quietly returns the greeting, Grisha jumps from being startled, and Clarica turns her head toward you.
★☆★Conversation Begin!★☆★
##Grisha: AH!
##Clarica: Oh hey, took you long enough. What happened?

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:-)examine "hill"
;-)estimate distance from "hill"
Output: You start looking at the hill. Calling it a "hill" would bring up questions of sentient debates, but what else do you call it? Its like all the other hills here except, it seems to be alive. It has two large arms formed from, presumably, rock, eyes, hopefully, made of rock, and a mouth, probably, made of rock as well.--

| While you were examining it, it also seemed to be examining you, or the floating clothes in the air.
Output; The distance of the hill isn't too far, in fact it's one of the hills closest to you.

| User: Thradol
~) use the gun as a hammer to break a piece of the desk off
~) use this as a shield and run at the door to open it

| User:Semchef
-) say to Clarica "yeah...I kinda had a tumble down the stairs."

| (guys why do I get the hardest storyline? Talking to girls.)

| (I'm almost certain there are zombies outside of this room I'm in)

| (zombies? Easy. Socializing with the opposite sex? Nearly impossible.)

| User: Ninatee
~)walk to the "hill"
-)talk to the "hill"

| (Talking with a sentient hill sounds easier than talking to girls)

| (Toma seems cool, talk to them)

| (Toma does seem cool, but like Clarica totally seems my type...)

| >>install gentoo

| (Bumping, just in case. Ill add more outputs later on today -OP)

| User Name: Thradol
Command:~)[TOO LONG]
Output: You use the gun to hammer part of the desk off. This wears the gun down, making the chances of a critical weapon failure 20%.
Output; You use the broken off piece of the desk to ram the door. The moment you exit the office a explosion from your left sends you tumbling down the hallway. Whatever was keeping the door closed must have been filled with explosives, not that you're currently concerned with that, but still.

| (*an explosion)

| (Wait, scratch that, i got it right the first time)

| User Name: Semchef
##Semchef:yeah...I kinda had a tumble down the stairs
##Clarica:Tumble down the stai--HOLY SHIT.
*Clarica finally notices that you're drenched in a red fluid and jumps up towards you shocked*
##Clarica: You're covered in blood!, what kind of tumble did you have?
##Grisha: Guy, you need a ambulance asap.
##Toma: Ah, ah, AH!
*Toma paces back and forth panicking*

| (Really wished i had more than 500 characters to work with, a lot of the dialogue has to be nuetered to make it fit in one post, having a chain of posts for one command looks terrible. :/)

| (welcome back Op)

| User: Thradol
~) make a better shield out of the furniture
~) make a melee weapon out of furniture
-) look down corridor

| (don't worry about it op, the responses are still top notch.)
-) say "haha it was just down 3 flights of stairs, I'm pretty sure this isn't my blood. This red stuff was on the stairway before I got there... I think It's the reason I fell."
-) say towards Toma reinsuranlly "really I'm fine, no need to panic."

| (I have no idea what dictates when a post dies so I assume this works)

| >>58842(if nobody posts in a thread for 24 hours it dies, so yeah bumping is enough to keep it alive.)

| (bump)

| (Got busy with things today, expect the outputs tomorrow -OP)

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:~)walk to the "hill"
:[@]talk to the "hill"
Output: You walk down the hill towards the mountainous creature.
Output; You gain the creatures attention, but it doesn't appear to be able to speak. A question emerges in your head: where did this creature come from? If it had been here when you first awoke you surely would have heard it. It must have gained sentience between the time that you woke up and now, but how?

| User Name: Thradol
Output:~) make a better shield out of the furniture
;~) make a melee weapon out of furniture
;-) look down corridor
Output: You're in no condition to do that. You feel as though your entire left side is badly wounded.
Output; Again, you're badly wounded and aren't physically capable of this action.
Output: You look down the corridor. Explosion marks are found next to every open door, along with copious amounts of multi-colored fluids.

| User Name: Semchef
Command:[@]say "{INPUT}"
;-) say towards Toma reassuringly "{INPUT}"
##Semchef: haha it was just down 3 flights of stairs, I'm pretty sure this isn't my blood. This red stuff was on the stairway before I got there... I think It's the reason I fell.
##Semchef: really I'm fine, no need to panic.
##Clarica: Red stuff on the stairs? I didn't see any red stuff when we exited the elevator, which you should have taken by the way.--

| ##Grisha: Yeah and if it smelled as bad as you smell right now i'm sure we would've noticed.
##Toma: Im glad you're okay, but whos blood is that then?
##Semchef: {INPUT}

| User:Semchef
-) say "wait, there was an elevator? Ugghh."
-) say towards Toma "thanks, it didn't occur to me that that was blood... I'm kinda concerned, you guys stay here, ima go check it out again, I'll be right back."

| User: Thradol
-) examine wounds
-) look for fist aid kit

| User: Ninatee
~)walk around and analyze the "hill"
-)scan the hill with OBaL

| (btw there is another user we forgot a while back whose "name" was Becerus.
should probably terminate them)

| Walk all the way home

| (bump)

| (Is there any spots remaining?)

| (bump)

| >>61134
(pretty sure there is!)

| (rip OP?)

| (OP still here, my life has been more...eventful than usual so free time has been scarce as of late. Sorry for the hold up, I'll try to take this board to 250 posts, then figure out a more leeway than a board does. For now, Ill continue until 250. Expect outputs tomorrow morning or afternoon. And as for the new comer; if you input a command, with the right format, ill be glad to add you to the list of Users. ☮ -OP)

| (<3)

| (Thank you for updating us OP! I'll put a command soon.)

| >>61720
(A thank you to you too)

| -)wake up

| (took a nap, my bad, the "-)wake up" command fits that perfectly)

| User Name: Semchef
Command:[@]say "[TOO LONG]"
;[@]say "[TOO LONG]"
##Semchef: wait, there was an elevator? Ugghh
##Grisha:hehe, *cough*
##Semchef:@Toma, thanks, it didn't occur to me that that was blood... I'm kinda concerned, you guys stay here, ima go check it out again, I'll be right back
##Clarica:Nope, sorry, youre not going alone. It'd be in my worst interest to let you go alone.

| User Name: Thradol
Command:-)examine wounds
;-)look for fist aid kit
Output: You examine your wounds...yeesh, if you were the least bit squeamish you'd be hard pressed to look at that again. Your upper half is in little to no damage, a few cuts in your left arm due to the shrapnel, the same cant be said about your lower half. Your right leg is suffering severe abrasions and a twisted ankle while your left leg is charred and gored to nauseating degrees.--

| Output: You search through all of the offices looking for a first aid kit. crawling through globs of, presumably, congealed blood in each doorway. You find parts of a first aid kit scattered through the various offices. You obtain alcohol, a needle and string, gauze, medical tape, and a needle previously used for a different type of "medicine". The amount of bio-slime you're covered in suggests many have failed to escape the offices alive, except for a few offices that were clean.

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:~)walk around and analyze the "hill"
;-)scan the hill with OBaL
Output: You stroll around the hill and find that it has no orifices beyond its mouth. Your best guess on how it would sense and live is through the ground's magma system, but you doubt you have the time to investigate that theory.
Output; You use the scan feature of your OBaL and since the creature is visible the scan begins. Its estimated completion time is 4 minutes. What to do until then?

| //User Name Not Found, Assigning User Name//
Fourth Command User Name: Capsity
Command:-)wake up
Output: You awake to the noise of explosions overhead. As you gain your bearing you find that you're in a room made entirely of glass. Five walls are of glass while the sixth, the one above you, is made of steam pipe metal. As you gain all of your bearings you're made aware of what the glass room is for, and that is to view the clouds and oceans below you. It seems that you're on an--

| --airship, but, due to the explosions, for how long is not known.

| User:Thradol
~) use first aid kit
~) create a crutch out of furniture
-) equip needle

| (welcome back OP)
-) say "...Fine, let's hurry“
~) leave apartment
~) move towards stairs
-) look around

| (last post was 200!)
User: Ninatee
~) walk around to the side with the mouth
-) attempt to communicate verbally with the "hill"

| (bump)

| User Name: Thradol
Command:~) use first aid kit
~) create a crutch out of furniture
-) equip needle
Output: You use the medical materials to the best of your abilities and improve the condition of your right leg, but hav3 no means of improving the left.
Output: The best kind of "crutch" youre able to make is a kind of wheelchair out of a swivel chair and a curtain hanger for pushing.
Output: You equip the needle as a means of offense.

| User Name: Thradol
Command:-) say "...Fine, let's hurry“
~) leave apartment
~) move towards stairs
-) look around
##Semchef:...Fine, let's hurry
☆Conversation End☆
Output: You leave the apartment and Clarica follows.
Output: You walk down the hallway...that takes a long time.
Output: You look around the staircase/elevator area and find,,,find,,,a absolute murder scene. Two victims have been pinned to the wall and one is smashed into the--

| --vending machine making its lights flash wildly.

| (I think you mixed up the usernames there for a minute, lol)
User: Thradol
~) move to the end of the corridor

| User: Capsity
-)look around the room more closely

| User:Semchef (/Thradol because op hates me.)
-) say "What... What the hell? How did I miss all this!?"
~) check both corpses for a pulse.

| (SOrry, i do the outputs whenever i have freetime during work. Guess i was off my game this time.)

| (bump)

| (bump)

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:~) walk around to the side with the mouth
-) attempt to communicate verbally with the "hill"
Output: You walk to the side with a mouth
Output: As hard as you try, you cannot comunicate with the hill, it just becomes scared. It seems to be very infantile. Almost like a newborn.

| User Name: Thradol
Command:~) move to the end of the corridor
Output: You move down the corridor, pushing through the globs. You reach the end of the corridor and find a doorless elevator shaft. The wiring for the elevator itself seems to still be there though.

| User Name: Capsity
Command: You look around the room closer, and yep its glass a empty glass room. Its cracking too. Whatever commotion is happening above you is causing the glass to become more britle as time moves on. You could either go towards the commotion and climb out the room or escape the commotion by allowing the glass to break and falling to the ocean.

| (FUCK, i am out of my element, i forgot to do the 'command' and 'output' things)

| User Name: Semchef
Command:-) say "[TOO LONG]"
~) check both corpses for a pulse.
Output:★☆★Conversation Begin!★☆★
##Semchef:What... What the hell? How did I miss all this!?
Output;You check the corpses for a pulse, but come up "empty handed" so to speak.

| --

| (Most likely the outputs will have to be bi-daily.)

| (woop OP)
User: Thradol
-) look for a staircase

| User: Ninatee
-)think about "hill"
-)wait for OBaL

| -)suicide
>thinking about it, better do it tomorrow, its late

| User:Semchef
-) say to Clarica "Hey, are you alright? You need to call for help, head back to others I can stay here. You don't need to see this."
~) inspect corpses

| User: Capsity
~)wait and escape the commotion

| (I just passed on by here to check what i should do tomorrow, but what do i do about >>68561? I want to play along, but i can't tell if that red text is legit or not)

| (Is there still any space? The stories so far have been great!)

| >>69645
(let's just pretend that he's joking...)

| (Yeah theres still space available, one more infact.)

| User Name: Thradol
Command:-) look for a staircase
Output: You look around the entire area for some passage to a stairway, but can find no such thing. The elevator shaft seems to be the only way to descend and ascend the floors of this facility. The elevator itself still seems to be connected to the wiring, calling it up would probably, well, call it up.

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:-)think about "hill"
-)wait for OBaL
Output: As you wait for the scan to be complete you think about the hill. 'It couldn't have been here when i woke up or I wouldve heard its 'oras' and it didnt appear until after i searched the bag, but what could i possibly have done in the bag that would cause a hill to live?'
Output:You wait for the scan...and upon the scans completion it prompts you:

| User Name:Semchef
Command:-) say to Clarica"[TOO LONG]"
~)inspect corpses
##Semchef:Hey, are you alright? You need to call for help, head back to others I can stay here. You don't need to see this
##Clarica:IM FINE. Im fine. Im going to call thr others and tell them to call for help. I need to see if everything is as clearcut as it seems, Semchef.
Output: You insepct the corpses and find only wallets, keys, and other basic utilities on each of them.

| User Name:Capsity
Command:~)wait and escape the commotion
Output: You decide to wait out the commotion and let the glass break beneath you. As the glass succumbs to its fractures you are plummeted towards the ocean beneath you. The commotion grows more distant and faint as you fall away from the airship, but as you escape the calamity of the airship youre greeted with the doom of falling in the ocean. If you dont find a way to lessen the impact in [2 commands] then this landing--

| --will be no better than falling on concrete.

| User Name:MIDI
Command:-) Review Surroundings

| User: Thradol
-) call elevator

| User: Ninatee
-) select {Y}
-) analyze data gathered

| (I'm currently on holiday someplace without signal, so if I end up not responding for a while... Plis forgive.)
-) check wallets for identification
-) inspect blood on stairway

| (bumpeddy bump)

| Fifth Command User Name: Midi
Command:-)Review Surroundings
Output: You review your surroundings;a empty room, a door, and a window. This is a very bland room, very little can be taken in.

| User Name: Thradol
Command:-) call elevator
Output:You press the button on the panel to call the elevator...once it arrives you are taken aback from how makeshift this elevator is; the roofing is still intact, but all but one of the walls is gone. The flooring of the elevator is just hammered metal tied to the ceiling with rope, making it unstable.

| User Name: Ninatee
Command:-) check wallets for identification
-) inspect blood on stairway
Output: The wallets identify the two smashed into the wall as a married couple; one a avian and the other a rodent, both females. The one smashed into the vending machine was a male bovine, in his wallet he had a picture of him posing with a trophy for winning a dead lifting competition and a miniature birthday card for someone named "Elice" with currency in it.--

| --Output:You inspect the blood on the stair way and find it to lead upwards, having a drip pattern of such. However, there is a smaller trail of gold-ish, bronze-ish blood leading down the stairs, not of any of the three victims.

| (Great, i fucked up the user names AGAIN, uurrgh)

| User Name:(Actual)Ninatee
Command:-) select {Y}
-) analyze data gathered
You select {Y}.
Output: You analyze the data briefly. Through your skim you gather five topics of interest from the data: living functions, age, origin, habitat, and mental capabilities, which do you read further about?

| (BTW, maximum post limit in 6 posts)

| (should we start a new thread now and just link it here?)

| User:Semchef (:'( you really do hate me op?)
-) inspect the golden/bronze blood
~) follow the golden/bronze blood down the stairs

| User: Ninatee
-) read origin
-) read mental capabilities

| (goodbye thread)

| [Please copy all inputs to the TBA-LU-S1S2 thread. System update 0.2 iminent]

| sudo rm -f /

Total number of posts: 250, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1513895033

This thread is permanently archived