This thread is permanently archived
So there's no way to see date published for threads?

| That's an interesting choice. It kind of bothers me because I can't tell if people go on this site or not....

| There's the last modified, wich is the last time someone reply to the thread

| Total number of posts: 2, last modified on: Tue Sep 25 2018 19:52:50 GMT+0200 (South Africa Standard Time)

| >>411279 Oh I see it now! Thanks. Wonder how I didn't see it before.

| >>411281 Thank you. I was silly.

| we can also confirm for you that this site is pretty live, though its not super fast. stay a while!

| You can see the timestamp of each post in the api. Change /u/thread/xxxxx to /api/v2/thread/xxxxxx/replies. For example, I can tell that this thread was created at 2018-09-25 13:51 eastern time.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1537901786

This thread is permanently archived