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What do you guys think the % of autistic virgins on /tech/ is

| I'd say 99.9%

| Somewhere between 0% and 100%

| At least 101%

| Somewhere between the percentages of /d/ and /u/

| it's comparable to /new/ I would say

| >>362920 so 100% right

| >How about fuck everyone who's an elitist
I want to have a normal conversation about tech without the cancer

| >>362942 well you can't because clearly you are not using gnu/linux on you ti82 calculator

| >>362942
Then you're in the wrong place.

| >>362942 go to reddit, here is imposible

| >>363036 >>363034
How about fuck both of you and actually work to fix the problem

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1531696106

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