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Where are you g/u/rls from?

| I'm from spain

| Headline on the news of next day "Girl found bruttaly disfigured on the sidewalk of ibiza"
No thanks ;3

| Not today FBI,not today

| Glitch City

| >>359396 You know that Spain is artificial frankenstein if s country, tell me where are you really from. Catalonia? Valencia? Galicia? Castile?

| I'm from Basque country btw

| México

| I'm a Spaniard as well. From Madrid (basically Castile, but we're too cool to roll with those losers).
Also isn't there a lack of gringos here?

| Niggerland, I'll let you figure it out.

| I'm from new china

| Pinochet's Domain

| >>fc29c1 soy de Euskadi también, de Bizkaia

| What's with all the sudacas?

| >>359570 Pero si solo hay 1(un) sudaca, bocachancla.

| México

| This is becoming an spanish thread, what's that an inquisition!? Nobody expects an spanish inquisition!

| >>359568 Kaixo! Euskaraz badakizu?

| Cheeseland

| I'm from Earth

| >>360767 noski badakit! Baina ez dut asko hitzegiten

| Jersey

| Loland

| Poland

| Canada

| Hueland

| Strongest Land

| >>361433

| Florida dood

| Georgia (US South)

| Kiwiland

| Spain, Valencia City

| >>359534
Africa, England or Sweden
No ever excepects them :3

| >>359534
So 4chan

| nightcity

| >>359536 How is that gonna work LUL

| I'm from Gamindustri FYI

| Hey, fellas (ノ´ з `)ノ
I'm from Sao Paulo

| I'm from hell, but I was exiled for inventing loli harems...
Now I'm on this planet called Earth and it really is nothing like hell...

>Hell was way easier to live in.

| From Zurich. It's p nice here.

| >>3b5344 Soy de Perú! Hablas español verdad?:D

| Land of fantasy, the origin of many weird fetish and people.


| >>362479
Oh damn, en Zürcher. Are you native?

| Im from England the land of tea and chavs

| South Ukraine.

| >>362886 Crimea?

| Kebabland

| >>362936
Nope, but really close to it.

| >>361433 >>362321 Sempre tem uns não é? Sou de sp também.

Total number of posts: 49, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1531835176

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