Post number #1049690, ID: 8128b7
Here they're like 13$ which is way too expensive for a 100g~ smash burger with no fries.
Post number #1049691, ID: 344728
Price in the US always baffles me. My country's weak purchasing power could never...
Anyway, I checked. A Burger King's cheeseburger is 2.61 USD, but if you go to a local non-franchised street-level burger sellers, you can probably get one for less than 2 USD.
Post number #1049703, ID: c6d7cc
Hmmm.... McDonald's analogue (copy) in Russia costs ~$0.9-$1. Double cheeseburger ~$1.6
Post number #1049711, ID: 1b887e
France, costs around 8-10€
Post number #1049730, ID: 1f3204
Mcdonald's or a proper burger place?
Post number #1049744, ID: 395753
>>1049690 McDonald's? Burger or menu? There existed advertisment campaign where single cheeseburger (only) costed around 0.7-1.5€ but now it's away.. big menu costs around 6-10€ i believe, but i eat different so idk accurately but cheeseburger used to be one of cheaper
Post number #1049892, ID: 75a976
Depends on the place
Post number #1049922, ID: 849795
Ok so in canada here you got a&w burger. It’s like somewhat similar to macdonalds? Currently there’s a promotion where they are selling a single “étagé” burger for like 3.99$, a double runs you 4.99, a triple runs you 5.99. Being a nocturnal abomination studying for finals these last few days id pull up, order two triple burgers at 3AM and leave. Its like 13 bucks with tax which in usd runs about $9.10 meaning 4.60 usd per triple burg. Insane price considering CANADA
Post number #1049923, ID: 849795
I remember whwn i was in serbia burger plave they had a weird ass burger that was massive for 310 dinar… the sauce was called GOKU
Post number #1049924, ID: 849795
No wait it was called vegeta
Post number #1049955, ID: 45eca2
Poland $2.60 for cheeseburger in KFC. Can't get proper price for McDonald's because they keep it behind some app and you need to buy more than cheeseburger. There's 2x cheeseburger + small fries for $5.15 Looked around at local places, but there are no pictures attached.
Post number #1049956, ID: 45eca2
There were some stalls on the street that'd sell you one for $3, it was bigger than McDonald's, but it was impossible to eat it on the go without sitting down, because it was full to the brim and stuff would keep spilling out. They gave you a plastic fork sometimes, but what's the point of a burger if you're eating it with cutlery? In the end, I just make my own at home.
Post number #1049957, ID: 45eca2
Found a price for Burger King Double Cheeseburger $4.90
Post number #1049960, ID: 8128b7
>>1049730 Proper burger place. I don't go to mcdonalds or burger king.
Post number #1049961, ID: ab8b45
Post number #1049962, ID: 5ab844
money? not much. health? significantly.
Total number of posts: 16,
last modified on:
Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1743074255
| Here they're like 13$ which is way too expensive for a 100g~ smash burger with no fries.