Say something profound


| something profound

| Your mum

| elona

| There is a spooky skeleton inside you

| Virtue is good

| >>1049720

| >>1049756
How about this: your skeleton is wet.

| Hot dogs are sandwiches, just rotate them 90 degrees.

| >>1049794 girl what the fuck, this is way too wide to eat now

| All sex is religion and all religion is sex

| if you timetravel, you're living just another layer of time where you're, able to do X things, but there will be also timelines where you're doing Y things.
You're not special for time traveling, everyone does it already and fucking each others in a single timeline won't change the other infinite timelines.

| You're an idiot if you're a nihilist. You're an idiot if you think this is a simulation.

If you're a nihilist, your projected reality is calling you an idiot.

If you think this is a simulation, it was coded to call you an idiot for believing so.

| >>1049802

| nigger

| "Tram-mļöi hhâsmařpţuktôx"

| >>1049801 mega based time-travelling selfcest enjoyer

| Your eyes are blind, your heads are empty, your hands cannot hold anything. But that is why you need to remove the veil from the eyes and make your empty heads work. Even if you cannot grab anything, still desperately pull your hands.
Observe, analyse and act.

| The profit capital is the root of all evil.

| And as long as there is evil in peoples hearts, I will always be resurrected.

| >>1b418d
The answer is Money.

| >>1049876

| I love having money!


| Girls are really pretty

| >>1049945 Now that's something deep

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1743075224
