why are you here

| There's a lot of social medias but you decided to land here. Why ?

| In my case, I'm here because I really appreciate the aesthetic of this forum. Also, the anonymity is quite pleasant. I feel like I can tell everything to everyone.

| I think it reflects the very essence of the internet. We don't know each others but we are gathered here and we are all so different. It's so cool.

| I've just deleted my X account, I don't need a name.

| If this website disappear for any reason, you can count on me to recreate it.

| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d9e6XmNn9Q

| Waiting for something to happen?

| I deleted my instagram account

| >>1049659 i was come here long time ago around 2018/17.. i think i found it over music app.. why, because most social media are trash, 4chan is too big, discord is ok but overhoarded too
>>1049660 too, traditional text board system
>>1049667 but question is will you delete your /u/account?

| >>106fad I don't consider text boards as social media, there's no algorithm in the background that force me to stay, there's no doomscrolling, likes, shares, retweets. It's just talking to strangers online, few minutes during my day. So, no I will not delete my /u/account !

| >>1049659 I'm not on any social media Platforms. Unless Telegram and Discord count as such? But I think they're instant-messaging clients.

| >>489eda They're messaging apps yeah

| I like anon boards and cyberpunk and found this I think via lainchan or something. It's small and cozy and I feel like I can namelessly be part of something.

| >>1049663
I'm going to be your XOXO account cutie
I found it through the steam page of vahalla

| forum aesthetic 100% true dawg

| Hi everyone, OP here with my phone. I will also start reading books again. During the past 5 years, I can count with one hand the number of books I read and I think it’s not normal. I’m missing vocabulary and knowledge

| to make fun of gurl that like stone ocean

| Just to suffer

| "why are you here"
Well my mom and dad liked each other really much and sometime later I was here

| I create dopamine and reading and posting on a messageboard gives more than reading a book.

| I hate myself

| Just to suffer

| >>1049669 ohh it seems you don't have /u/pass, basic /u/ is just like 10% of fun

| I'm here because it has a good mix of elements and aspects that I like: Weebness some%, reddit and 4chan behaviour to some extent%, basedness in high %, queer%, etc%
And I love you all

| >>1049757 *fucks your mouth*

| idk, it's my first day here I don't even know the vibe of the place yet. I'm a fan of the game I guess, and am acquainted with message boards that's why

| nothing special.. just like here:
The translation is below:
Why am I running around the apartment? I have to be EVERYWHERE!

| Russia thread.

| >>1049714
Me to! My vocabulary was grate before!
I love you

| > I love you.

Project Moonie!!!

| >>1049930 I love you too g/u/rl, and you know it!

Total number of posts: 31, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1743075150
