antsy feelings

| what do you do when you feel antsy or anxious of not accomplishing much? like everyone seems to be progressing but you’re stuck at a slower pace and wasting/rotting away?

| ur mom is stuck at a slower pace and wasting/rotting away

| >>1049581
she isnt but ok u faggot

| cut

| You take a deep breath and go for a walk!!! Then once the brain juices are flowing you think of your goals. What do you want from your life? Then do your best, take small steps at your own pace!! If you feel too anxious for this talk to your doctor. Eventually you'll be able to pick up pace and make your dreams come true!!! I believe in you!!! ("⌒∇⌒")

| >>1049602
thank u g/u/rl..

| fuck goals. does a tiger have any goals other than its next meal so it can survive. all these meme shills are false flags. be true to yourself my g/u/y

| >>1049682

| >>1049684

| >>1049732 dumb

| >>1049579 focus on your passion and what you love, and try to slowly expand yourself, your skills, and your knowledge from there

| I fuvking lose it and spiral

| >>1049789 oh you poor thing... c'mere into my arms, let me hold you cutie

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1742989232
