Anime trading cards

| >be me, bored g/u/rl walking on a friday night
>see trading card store across the street
>"huh i havent played pokemon in awhile"
>go inside
>see a full ass WALL of trading cards on display
>not just pokemon, they've got cards for bleach and oshi no ko and rentagirlfriend
>pretty much every big anime from the last two years has its own 50eur box of trading cards
>see guy at checkout holding two of those boxes for goddamn FRIEREN
>sign me the FUCK up

| >i get lost in the sauce and waste 50eur of precious drinking money
>rip the card packs expecting really nice art of my husband stark
>it's just screenshots of the anime with some text over it
>oh my fucking goddddddddd

the game that it's for is called white black in english or just weiß schwarz
weird feels weird when german words
are used like that

| feed the machine

| elona

| I wonder if you could make a collage or wallpaper with them

| i spent so much money on fkn union arena arknights cards and i have 109/113 of the cards, im not even a whale in the actual game

| It’s an ok move if you’re under 18 years old

| I bought like 3 of the cards because of the specific character I liked. Got them from ebay many years ago.
Don't buy into a TCG because of stupid anime pictures. Only do it to actually play the game. (I got a few digimon decks because I actually enjoy playing it)

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1742891158

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