My introvert friend got a girlfriend

| when he told me about it my reaction was hysterical laughter for 10 minutes.
but i am very happy and proud of him.
he was able to confess his feelings despite his shyness and that's cool

| I love his girlfriend too!

| I also love his girlfriend too!

| we all love her

| >girlfriend(male)

| She’s so charming and pretty and nice! I want them to make each other very happy

| >>1048902 those are the best girlfriends

| may their relationship prosper!!

| >>1048909
Kiss kiss!!

| stickin my peen in his girlfriend cause i also love her

| >>1048982 kiss yourself

| >>1048982 kiss her

| >>1048899 i love both all of them and people who love them

| I have fucked his girlfriend

| >>1048865 why were you laughing for so long? Do you have a medical condition or are you too happy or maybe was it like that time when I told my older sister I was dating a loser from her class? She laughed so hard in my face... that did hurt though...

| >>1049030
>:( I like you much more than her!

| >>1049030
Our special girl got a very special medical condition.

| Every g/u/rl’s is special!!!

| >>1049079
The fuck did you just call me?

| >>1049125 You're my special regarded acoustic person

| >>1049125 cute!

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1742442388

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