My belly hurts

| I don't know why. It's not even stomachache, but instead something like muscle pain so that when I lift or something it hurts

| try some snake oil, heard it's does miracles against belly pain

| Is that a hernia????? I’m asking my doctor(chatgtp) right now be careful g/u/rl!

| Maybe have some water and rest ok cutie? She said it isn’t a hernia if there isn’t a bulge probably. Gas or muscle pain were her ideas. I’m going to hope you get better a lot.

| if it doesn't fix itself, let me know.

| in 2 weeks*** (sorry I just woke up)

| Tummy hurty gf

| You forgot to pull out your bad dragon after the night race

| did you get pregenante?

| That child in your tummy? Yeah, it's me.

| if you kick op 9 months straight, you'll get a cake

| >>1048863
Ooooh that would be so amazing bringing tummy hurty gf a heating pad
Holding her
Caring and understanding when she says frustrated things
Bringing her tea to drink

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1742313235

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