I wanna cut myself, but

| I'm too scared to do it.
Reason of this thought: The math teacher who can ruin my fucking life.
I'm Russian, and, yes, I know, that scores are not the important thing.
But I dont want to go in fucking army, just cus my country want it (Russia moment)
And also, my mother will fuck my brain that I'm fucking stupid lazy shit, who can't fucking understand algebra and geometry.
My life at this moment get fucked so hard.

| Math is very hard, g/u/rl! I struggled with it as well. But you really shouldn't be cutting yourself, you're too cute for that!! I hope things will get better for you, I'm cheering for you!!! ❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀

| chatgpt is pretty good at teaching school math you should try it

| that's not a reason not to cut. stop making excuse and cut you fucking stupid lazy shit.

| use the cutest band aid you can find! (。>﹏<。)

| You’re too pretty to cut your nice skin~
Can you ask someone for help? What about us!!?? Post your questions and maybe we can help!! Or deepseek/chatGTP.
I know lotsa nice Russians who would wanna kiss you g/u/rl and I hope you feel happy and safe so you get a money job one day and can be together and happy with them

| Years ago i was in a similar situation but with an english teacher. I would plan things about the suicide in detail, like what i was going to wear, which can be a lot of fun! If you can take it easy for a while, you will hopefully be able to deal with the situation. What i realized from the event is that to avoid suicide and rebound from depression in general, you need to make a clear decision once not to do it.

| Seek asylum

| Cutters are lame and unattractive. There I said it.

| >>1047977 Don't be so rude! Some g/u/rl are going through some pretty hard times. They are brave and strong, but sometimes it just get a little too much...
>>1047859 I understand things are difficult right now but you'll get through it!!! Don't give up and stay strong!! ( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆

| >>1047977 someone is jelly (´。・v・。`)

| >>1047977 look up @aazsxx2. checkmate uhh person

| the cutting threads really got to me when i found out an aquaintance used to cut and was really close to unaliving themselves
very very unexpected in the middle of a physics lecture

| >>1048053 In the middle of a lecture?!
I hope they're okay now...

| >>1048053
Yeah I know really nice girls who used to too and I don’t like it at all. I don’t want to call people bad like how fat people get shamed and bullied and it’s just bad even though we love them. I don’t like calling them brave either because it’s the other stuff I like about them and the cutting makes me feel scared and like I fail them. I don’t know. I guess I’ll say they’re cute g/u/rls to me and I feel scared and not talk about them as cutters- is there a better way?

| I found following the guide on how to talk to suicidal people worked with my suicidal friend a lot and made her feel listened to. And she reached out to me yesterday for help with a thing! But she felt bad about it and herself : ( she’s cool too.
I should ask her these kindsa questions more maybe
Do you still feel that way OP? What holds you back?

| You're russian eh? Don't you get cuts all the time from all the bear fighting?

| >>1048283 I like the stereotypes about country of балалайка and водка

| >>1048291
Don’t drink the vodka! It makes your skin wrinkle and fall off and they you get angry!

| I really liked the depression and selfharm and drug abuse aesthetic as depicted in art. I even fantasized about cutting together with my g/u/rlfriend. But that would be a very bad idea!!! I stopped selfharm years ago. Don't make the same mistakes as me. Don't hurt yourself please <3

| I guess the bullets will do

| >>1047859 If i can be honest as person who also do self-harming i can't help you to stop cutting yourself but also i'm not judging you for it, just i recommend be careful, you can mistakenly cut deeper than you actually want, end up in ER and most doctors aren't nice sadly

I'm sorry to asking you but how old are you? how big and open minded is your family? how many years left until you finish your actual studied high school/college now?

| i don't know your family socio-economic situation, also i don't know how you and your family is connected with Russia, but did you (your family) thought about leaving Russia (to avoid army). If i can be honest i don't know political situation of Russia also but i think i was reading many Russians was escaping to Kazakhstan or Europe over Italy (if it wasn't changed)

honestly it is maybe just crisis idea, also it would be big change for you and your family but it's just suggestion

| >>1047903 nice idea ^^
>>1048464 i somehow understand you honestly xd

>>1047859 do you think that you could have private tutoring? honestly it was little helping me, not fully but partly yes usually at least enough to pass test. Also how important is for you selected school? Did you thought about studying something else which could be maybe easier?

Honestly i understand that these are maybe little "radical", if i can be honest i don't know how learn math effectively.

| >>1048672 wow didn't think anyone would. I actually have a tg channel where I posted random art I found that would fit the aesthetic. But I haven't posted anything in 3 years.

| Cute :3

| >>1048711 you can maybe know yami kawaii? xd there also exists "edgy" kind of things on FB, Tumblr etc. but yes these networks are little old now and Instagram have strong censorship again this kind of content

| >>1048786 too cutesy. Not enough suffering.

| >>1048786 maybe I can post an example

| >>1048786 CW: blood, self-harm

| >>1048786 CW: blood, self-harm

| Huh! I didn’t know files on telegram could be independent of the channel… this really gets in the way of kidnapping you :<

| >>1047859
Yes, mathematics is difficult, but for some it is not so.. Натуре, yes, it is like that.
What would you can to do here? Try to hard work on it! "..This is only way to be sure!" Do you need good books, maybe modern ones aren't good enough, try something old, maybe Soviet edition? I've heard that some people are trying to publish it. May with them you will start to understand it.

| Update : D update : D pls update OP : D

| >>1049068 it's reminding me one girl who makes me blush always was saying that would kidnap me ;-;

| >>1049283
Cute roommate Chan I think that’s you? I was going oooh ahhh when she said that but I felt too shy. You’re really kidnappable whoever you are ;)

| >>1049289 i think i'm not or you need to remind me :c

| >>1049283 rapable

| >>1049306 she told me this too and i was just melting;-; why she makes me feel being princess

| >>1049317
I wants to touch you you beautiful flower, I want to tie you up and know you’re all mine, I want to sit you next to me in my car and drive around and look at you and talk to you and reach over and feel you, I want to put you in my bed and wrap my arms around you you’re just too much for me! I want to go places in public with you and hold your hand, I want to get out products in the grocery store and say ‘oooh would you like this?’ Just to make you look at me and hold it

| I want you so so bad. I’m free this weekend, but I’m not even sure I could bear the heartbreak of splitting up again- I never want to let you go

| I wanna cum myself

| >>1049317 I want to beat you up so bad your eyes can barely open, tie you up in my basement stuffed in a small dusty cage with tiny source of light, sitting on a cold ground with only a layer of tattered cloth, get to eat only 1 meal a day with disgusting leftover scrap of foods with your hands. Rent your body though telegram for a small fee suiting your worth. I would bring a cosplay to do a photoshoot sometime, profitting from you even more. Use you as I like and toss you away.

| >>1049366 i like this all but not the part with selling or only 1 food:(

| >>1049381 too bad, I need money and you have no say in it.

| >>1049384 what if i will call her to save me and punish you?:c

| She is south east asian, loving football, she was fighting people physically and got blocked on tiktok for racism many times. I think that you can't win this xd

| >>1049389 the more the better

| I would save her too but make her wear the cosplay and thank me ahhhh so pretty

| >>1049423 she already wanted this from me including very extreme lewd things which made me little shocked honestly xd

| >>1049423 she already wanted this from me including very extreme lewd things which made me little shocked honestly xd

| >>783ffd
Ur really good at making her happy I really respect that I guess I’ll have to pay you for access to her huh?

| >>1049442 noo, it's not works as this

| >>783ffd
Awww do you really like her after all? >< cute couple


| Op r u still alive????????

| she's cooking i bet or got a lil overwhelmed but will be soon :fier: :fier: :fier:

| I feel really bad right now. I want to cut too...

| >>1049835
I'm okay now. Singing to myself helped me calm down.

| >>1049835 you should cut

| >>1049845 maybe I can cut you? Or each other while we make out that would be so cute (///ω///)

| dont join the russian military bc if you join the russian army I will kill u :( america moment

| *cuts you while sleeping*

| yo girls, OP here. i read this thread almost all the time, and it's funny how my moment of weakness one night when i wrote this post is still being discussed to this day :р and i'll clarify: in russia there is a mandatory conscription service in the army for 1 year for men (Yes I'm a guy. Sorry, not sorry)

| >>1049844
I’ll remember that thank you
Sing on free bird

Russia is confused you are tooo cute!

Total number of posts: 65, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1743036212
