Post number #1047795, ID: 832708
I made this post few times years back and today i feel that is best time to make it again ^^ I feel little lonely and eccentric at same time so you can ask me literally anything and i will try answer ^^
Post number #1047796, ID: 832708
Ahh this color is so bad, i will change it later today xd
Post number #1047799, ID: 253fe8
>>1047796 why is this color bad?
Post number #1047802, ID: 6dbbb6
Oh no it's the poop chan >>832708
Post number #1047810, ID: f02e64
When was the last time you wet yourself?
Post number #1047811, ID: 07db88
Who is this g/u/rl? I'm new here... ^^'
Post number #1047821, ID: 24675e
>>1047811 OG here. I have no idea who this is.
Post number #1047825, ID: 5299d9
what is your social security number
Post number #1047826, ID: f6f474
Qock and Asshole thread
Post number #1047834, ID: 2bc473
So this is my new id ^^ >>1047799 do you know when you play racing games a lot? you will become racist one day >>1047802 yes xd >>1047810 half-day back xd >>1047811 i'm me :D >>1047821 i don't know myself either xd >>1047825 i'm sorry i'm bad in numbers and math :c and social contact? i live out of society in hikki mode >>1047826 no this post is not about frog asses you aren't in france restaurant :c
Post number #1047836, ID: a5e170
when are you going to kill yourself
Post number #1047843, ID: 207fbc
>>1047834 I hav some questions for you What is your fav anime and videogame? Would you kiss a ghost? Are you trans? What do you think about V-A11hall-A? Do you like danger/u/? Would you date a robot/AI? Fav color? Would you fuck a fumo?
Post number #1047851, ID: 2bc473
>>1047836 don't be silly i'm real nihilist so i don't have reason to kill myself since i will day anyway ^^ >>1047843 favourite anime.. hard question xd depends maybe about genre? SEL is almost religion but i also like gits, perfect blue, cowboy bebop, another, clannad and more xd videogame, i think project zero 2/fatal frame 2 ^^ ghost.. if it was girl and if she had some characteristics... maybe xD trans.. i don't know clearly i wouldn't do surgeon or so.. but wearing skirt would
Post number #1047852, ID: 2bc473
>>1047843 be maybe nice xd it's nice too ^^ i live danger/u/ ^^ don't judge me but i made sexchat with ai xd but love.. no i'm not able to since it's not real and can't be advanced enough :c maybe in far future if was robots really realistic? i have no idea, but i need physical touch too and so.. color.. also hard question but around blue-purple spectrum around 400-500 nm which is pretty large spectrum.. but i think say miku as color is fair xD
Post number #1047853, ID: 2bc473
>>1047843 no i wouldn't fuck fumo, fomo is fucking me xd
Post number #1047855, ID: 207fbc
>>1047851>SEL is almost religion but i also like gits, perfect blue, cowboybebop Mega based good taste! >maybe xD Honestly, same here >so.. but wearing skirt would hmm interesting...and cute!
Post number #1047856, ID: 207fbc
>>1047852>i made sexchat with ai xd Me too... It was pretty fun lol Have hope! I believe we'll be able to love AIs and robots in the future! >but i think say miku as color is fair xD So purple to blue range? I like all colors (particluarly green) but yeah I like those too! >>1047853 A fumo is fucking you?!?! 0_o How?!?!
Post number #1047858, ID: a0c21b
Это Казахстан?
Post number #1047880, ID: 2bc473
>>1047855 it's nice from you thank you xD but i'm not cute sadly xd my pale vampire skin and skinny body is weird i think xd >>1047856 who knows maybe all of us will grow up clones what would made based on our brain scans or something xd i have no idea how would looks mine but i think it would looks little bit as rize from tokyo ghoul or senjougahara hitagi? idk average anime little but this character is~ idk xD but green too xd i like cold colors in general
Post number #1047881, ID: 2bc473
>>1047856 fomo is fucking me, not fumo xd >>1047858 i don't speak russian/kazakh sadly but not i don't come from kazakhstan xd but i met once with one person from kazakhstan, she was honestly nice
Post number #1047910, ID: 207fbc
>>1047881 fomo as "fear of missing out"? If that's the case, what specific thing are you feeling fomo about, g/u/rl?
Post number #1047918, ID: 2bc473
>>1047910 too much videogames, anime and options but sadly only one body xd and choice paralysis is paralysing me etc
Post number #1047919, ID: ba1379
>>1047880 I wanna give you a big kiss and snuggle your cute to me! Can you help the Russian g/u/rl with her algebra/geometry work? You said you’d answer any question! I did it G/u/rls! I solved the first puzzle!
Post number #1047946, ID: 182ae7
Dlaczego jesteś gejem?
Post number #1047947, ID: 32aade
Hey Q&A g/u/rl! Can you give me a topic you were curious about for a long time.
Post number #1047991, ID: 207fbc
>>1047918 that's extremely relatable lmao So many things to do, to play, to watch... So little time! But I guess we must try to choose the things that seem to have the greatest potential fun?
Post number #1048005, ID: f6c497
>>1047881 >but i met once with one person from kazakhstan, she was honestly nice Good to hear it. But I guess that g/u/rl here >>1047858 just gived reference to known meme from VR-chat.
OP, I have a questions for you: 1. what tou prefer the C, Fortrsn, Pascal, D or/and what the best compilation lang? 2. what tou prefer the Unix shell, bash, awk, lua, python, jullia or/and what the best interpretation (scripting) lang?
Post number #1048092, ID: 2bc473
>>1047919 i don't know xd i can answer anything but i can't promise i'm always right.. so if i will think 1+1 is 3.. i answered but sadly not correctly xD which work btw? xd >>1047946 i'm not gay xd >>1047947 topic... as in real life anything or you mean specific post here?:o hard question.. i love playing videogames.. i have a lot various consoles.. i studied IT, Media, some things around marketing, management, production and now i study field near politology...
Post number #1048093, ID: 2bc473
>>1047947 but what i want do? i have no idea xd few times i was mindfucked by existence i was posting here about determinism.. i remember one silly g/u/rl what told me that if would shot me that it's her free will but it is? xD i see physics interesting somehow.. not mathematically i'm not good in it, but theoretical one is fascinating. recently i saw this really interesting ^^ what about you? i hope i understood your question right
Post number #1048094, ID: 2bc473
>>1047991 yes but choices are hard xD and choosing taking time too and so.. fomo is demon xd when i feel tired from it i'm doing random choices or asking others xd >>1048005 if you mean "kamaz" song noo.. i really know one person from Astana online.. sadly we didn't talk for a while but it sounds as good idea to do i think ^^ she was traveling in my country once so i guided her. she is always so cool somehow i admire her xd
Post number #1048095, ID: 2bc473
>>1048005 honestly interesting list of languages xD if i can be honest i don't know what have best compilation times or so.. but if i was supposing to learning one from these i would select likely C because of syntax i think my choice is maybe little boring xd D i don't know well honestly but it seems interesting also it's on 2. placement ehhh if comes about script i was having a lot fun with Batch and i could make things without copy paste with this in notepad xD but luckily...
Post number #1048096, ID: 2bc473
>>1048005 Windows is somehow ending support of it more and more xd honestly i don't have experience with scripting languages only with Javascript (i didn't liked it).. and about Python i somehow like way how it works with variables but honestly i don't like that it's need have python installed and so.. about others i have nothing to say :c
Post number #1048104, ID: ba1379
>>1048092 xD ooh maybe I didn’t solve it :>
Post number #1048117, ID: 8602d9
Is OP excited for ENA Dream BBQ? Will she play it? Is she even aware of it?
Post number #1048124, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048094 >if you mean "kamaz" song noo.. Don't know it. I meant that someone said many times that phrase "это Казахастан?" in English VR-chat, so it turned out to meme. >>1048095 >i would select likely C because of syntax Good!!! Let me hug you! >i think my choice is maybe little boring who said that to you? Point them to me, I show them!!! [threatening with the keyboard]
D is successor of C/C++, but I don't like that lang (some its new features).
Post number #1048129, ID: 5000f5
w ho
Post number #1048131, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048095 Batch is good, but bash (or POSIX shell) is more powerful then cmd on windows, maybe powershell will be good choice, or cmder that use some bash version.
I don't like python, I feel the "massacre" on system directories, you need differ versions of it to be installed for different scripts (just like lua). Javascript - is inevitable "evil", but you don't need install something else than browser, where it should be used. Hope you will try more "normal" scripting langs
Post number #1048158, ID: 5a1179
>>1048093 Well my intention was to learn what you have wondered for a long time irl, to solve it together with the g/u/rls. Though Im glad you took it deep!
Wow thats a lot of fields, you know how to get things done! Dont worry about what to do, everyone after highschool gets wrecked like that since thats how the system works..
Yeah seen the video I love physics, learning how stuff works is wonderful! I am an engineer but I also hate math so generally I use the handy calculator.
Post number #1048159, ID: 5a1179
>>1048158 Oh also I hate fluid dynamics. Makes my brain melt...
At the moment I am looking for analog radios, basic cpu structure to at least handle a radio as a hobby. I generally research what I wonder to the deepest to explain what I found to my partner. (We are still somewhat new and dating lots, though she just can't say her love to me yet...)
Post number #1048231, ID: 3e9ccd
Post number #1048257, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048093 in modern physics (especially theoretical one) you can't go further without mathematics! >:) >>1048159 And at here you haven't see quantum mechanics yet (let alone quantum field theory!). Don't even try, are you listen? For your mind health don't touch it!!!
Post number #1048264, ID: 2bc473
>>1048104 i feel confused if it's sarcasm or not :c >>1048117 ohh i know music but u didn't know game is coming it looks awesome:o >>1048124 i didn't know this meme honestly xd hmmm i feel your options was trying determine me to choose Pascal or Fortran.. surprised me you didn't offered me something newer. What you specifically don't like about D?:o from high-level i have only some basic things in Java and C# >>1048129 w hat?:o >>1048131 I heard it about bash ^^ but never tried
Post number #1048265, ID: 2bc473
>>1048131 Lua sounds scary too as i see xd it is nice about JavaScript but results what didn't worked as expected all the time.. honestly i always liked creating software than website things, it's silly but CSS is something what i hated somehow xd maybe even more than JavaScript xD but when i see how is things going i feel that web applications makes maybe more sense :x specially with various type of hardware showing up etc. I always lived in world where was pc, phones, consoles..
Post number #1048266, ID: 2bc473
but now I'm seeing many people replacing computers by phones, when people are buying laptop i saw mamy of them preferring Mac over Windows etc. And when i look at browsers, WebKit leading sadly all (and I'm saying it as Firefox user on both pc and phone). But this centralization makes me think it's just "logical" to maybe ditch files ;/ What scripting language would you recommend me to try? Bash?:o
Post number #1048268, ID: 2bc473
>>1048158 the plan A) was become pilot or programmer but my health state said no and IT was hard, respectively math and english there. I was returning home like 2 hours before midnight because of learning xd i remember i saw Switch announcement while i was going somewhere again in Australia trip with my high school i changed my idea and maybe as panic result of stress and switched to these named to economy field in art-school environment.. and than i ended up in humanities unis now
Post number #1048269, ID: 2bc473
but as I'm seeing people i feel some kind of imposting syndrome little.. not that i would cheat but as I don't belong there i think.. from my experience all these classes was having different kind of "culture". IT was hard but many people was sharing same hobbies, art-economy environment.. while in my economy class I didn't saw people i would understand with, many of them was decided i think or finishing. I saw artists really interesting people to talk, they was fun...
Post number #1048270, ID: 2bc473
very honest, and at end they was try harding similarly as on IT as i saw, because as i heard them these what tried get to uni they was accepting only for example 20-30 people (from hundreds) it's not field for me but.. I can't explain it fully but they was having plan a and following plan a pretty much.. while me i was just taking stress-free "average" high school.. and than i was going to media, politology there i noticed people was various some serious, some care-free and give up
Post number #1048271, ID: 2bc473
I can't tell what think about university i feel, since i studied 2 various again some are more individual, some are more collective and oriented to them goals (some people want do in news some want work in organisatios or do science) but i feel i could tell all of them are about learn of order, doing things in time, projects and some kind of work culture i think. I honestly study it because i see it as investment and I'm worrying i wouldn't be able to learn engineering now since
Post number #1048272, ID: 2bc473
what all i skipped. But after finishing it next year what i will do? I don't know, maybe some IT qualiry course or maybe trying find work near IT with some development of learning on it i think.. at the end i somehow feel that it was collective closest to me. In one where I'm is nice, all of them was but i feel as I don't belong there, as if was cat in collective of rabbits, pandas or dogs xd
Post number #1048273, ID: 2bc473
>>1048158 in my high school i wasn't allowed to use calculator sadly.. and my memory was terrible for formulas somehow xd but i hope you will succeed ^^ I'm sorry for writing it long.. ahh this is how many topics you will get when you will become lost in life maybe xd >>1048257 what do you mean I can't watch popular science videos and say i care about physics without math? xdd tbh i know it's reason why i ended up in humanities and i didn't even study physics.. only basic IT one
Post number #1048274, ID: 2bc473
but it was ok xd I'm half dead and half alive i already know I'm in superstate don't interact with me please or i will die xd honestly about quantum physics or sensing of time.. don't take me literally it's just my subjective thoughts is that our brain isn't able to sense reality correctly/accurately so instead is doing many optimizing things. You can maybe thinking that everything what is happening right now but our vision have around 200-350 ms latency
Post number #1048275, ID: 2bc473
All sounds what we hear are around 120 ms old, if we send signal to move muscles it's around 70 ms etc. I don't know numbers accurately now.. but i think that universe is probably more complex than we can easily sense and while some things happens our brain maybe convert it somehow to works effecient. When we watch watches with ms we can also see 1.38593 s moving but can't see it so maybe some kind of things we can't just easily see or understand without effecient experiment which
Post number #1048276, ID: 5a1179
>>2bc473 Oh I totally can relate on finding the "path for yourself". It just takes time to swim in all those knowledge to do the thing youre ok with.Its a whole lot of luck.If only there was someone to hold everyones hand.Glad you ve shared your story and settled on something for now!
Thanks for the kind words! Always fun to hear others out.Side note I started using calculators on the third year of university so..Sadly I too had to memorize such lengthy formulas.. Have a good one!
Post number #1048277, ID: 5a1179
>>1048275 Also youre on target with those numbers! Arent you a good listener too!
Post number #1048280, ID: 2bc473
confirm little more accurate devices xd I'm sorry if my words are weird or not very accurate. I think interesting is idea of eternalism I'm not saying i would agree with it just i think that is little filling this blank place theoretically. Tbh as hearing you it really sounds as some kind of final boss after killing another fimal boss xd i think engineering fields are science if it was souls game i think.. i just switched to peaceful one xd
Post number #1048281, ID: 2bc473
confirm little more accurate devices xd I'm sorry if my words are weird or not very accurate. I think interesting is idea of eternalism I'm not saying i would agree with it just i think that is little filling this blank place theoretically. Tbh as hearing you it really sounds as some kind of final boss after killing another fimal boss xd i think engineering fields are science if it was souls game i think.. i just switched to peaceful one xd
Post number #1048282, ID: 2bc473
All these numbers are guess I don't remember it accurately but our brain have bad imput lag and bad cable Management take it off xD
Post number #1048366, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048264 like Pascal, Fortran, C/C++, D, Java, etc. All of them are high-level ("highly abstract") programming languages; assembler comes to mind from the low-level ones. C is closest to iron from high-level ones. In the D language, I don't like the way the syntax is made, the influences of python, java, C#, etc. This is not as C! including libraries is quite different, finding out the size of the occupied variable memory. I like these innovations, in short.
Post number #1048368, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048264 I've worked with Pascal, C/C++, Fortran, and some others. Pascal is dead. Fortran is good, but more for physicists/mathematicians who don't have time to write code, and Pascal's syntax is similar to Fortran's. Fortran is as fast as C. But there are hardly (may be even no) any graphical libraries for the program interface on Fortran. On the other hand, it fits well with C in a single project (at the level of the Fortran standard).
Post number #1048386, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048265 Oh, CSS-mincemeat, I understand, but it's better than just html, and along with JavaScript, it's just a hell of a mix! Let's add also CGI-scripts in C! Mmm, it's delicious! And at the end unfortunately, it's kind of sad with that all-wide mobilebrowser ification. >>1048266 I remember back when opera had its own presto engine. Yes, the unification of the page rendering engine is still good, but on other issues, browsers differ,
Post number #1048388, ID: ba1379
>>1048264 No cute Scottish chan! It was playful like I was imagining this is a puzzle game and I gotta keep going on the help the Russian math g/u/rl quest- oooh that’s my question!! What would your quest be? What does scottish Chan need?
Post number #1048389, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048266 even if Firefox is based on the same WebKit, it is much better than Chrome. >What scripting language would you recommend me to try? Bash?:o It depends on the purpose. If you want a system-wide (and Unix-like ones), you can start with bash (although it can also be installed on Windows many ways), but I would recommend starting with POSIX shell. If you decide to work with shaders, then they say to take up a special language, such as hlsl, etc.
Post number #1048394, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048266 Oh, of course, for web purpose you may try perl (with html and css), may be using it instead JavaScript.
Oh, yes-yes, you should trying to so-named the regular expressions! >>1048273 That's not exactly what I meant. I watch science pop myself too. I meant that it is impossible to pretty understand (not to mention study) modern physics (especially the microcosm - particles, fields, etc.) without mathematics. As it is, not everyone knows how to explain on their fingers.
Post number #1048403, ID: 2bc473
>>1048366 now i look i feel surprised fortran is high level honestly i didn't know this.. i thought it's was used for specific tasks in specific devices little xd >>1048368 i will maybe change Q&A to reverse Q&A but i feel really curious what you used Fortran for? :o i thought it's not used anymore honestly >>1048386 i think people would feel bored by white not interact website probably only with few links xD this unification makes me think to convert to webkit using one in future
Post number #1048404, ID: 2bc473
specially when i see what Mozilla do recently as new slide menu or weird AI integration which feel as feature which could be just part of plug-in if people wanted this :/ also i'm using part of things as ublock origin and idk how much ram eater chrome still is these days.. but i noticed i needed use Chrome 2x in 2024.. i will see how i will end up.. also i tried on phone samsung browser in my phone few days back from curiosity.. and broken colors on /u/ mindfucked me xD
Post number #1048408, ID: 2bc473
>>1048388 i'm sorry my english is little bad and i feel confused a lot now xD i don't come from Scotland xd what game, quest, math or idk russian g/u/rl need? can i ask for direct question maybe? xD wait i need find what scottish g/u/rl need? i don't know maybe find Scotland on map to return home? :,D >>1048394 Perl can be used instead Javascript? :o i didn't know honestly. By question i was curious if you have some your favourite scripting language what i should try maybe xd
Post number #1048409, ID: 2bc473
>>1048394 about math i think that i understand.. honestly you will maybe think i'm dumb one but recently i got that addition can be visualised as line, multipling as square and squaring as cube xd or about natural fractals which are mindfucking somehow as Sierpiński triangle xd
Post number #1048413, ID: ba1379
>>1048408 : D : D Maps are fun objects! You’re pretty! I thought you were the g/u/rl from Scotland-oops! Sorry! How could I get you mixed up x3 Oh! The Russian g/u/rl was upset about her math classes I hope she’s ok but she was in another thread. So what would make YOU happy!? I hope u don’t feel lonely.
Post number #1048438, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048158 You know, physicists also hate it, therefore they have come up with methods and ways to bypass direct calculation whenever possible (depending on the task). >>1048274 Quantum physics is strikingly different from our familiar (now classical) physics. Physics has always used speech to describe certain phenomena, that's how it began, but now the language of physics is strictly defined, and this is mathematics.
Post number #1048439, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048274 But for popularization, you can still use only speech, but you miss a lot without mathematics, alas.
Yes, indeed, the visual apparatus physically has such a delay. But we still see the "present," and the brain uses almost all of its predictive power to make us see it. Therefore, when they say that we use the small potential of the brain, this is nonsense. The brain can easily predict mechanical movement, but flashes are unpredictable.
Post number #1048441, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048274 Experiments were conducted, links, please look for yourself, okay? //sorry, I'm like a slothy
>>1048275 That's true, if we can feel more, especially some quantum, maybe we will understand more things clearly, but alas we still need to try decoding a blackbox of microcosm as well as whole Universe.
Post number #1048445, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048403 True, Fortran as a first world-wide programming language began on with punch cards, see Fortran 77 code syntax (yeah, you still can use this code as part of your modern project in Fortran without rewriting, due to its standard; so deep lagacy code, at opposite to C, not so deep). I used it for to solve some physic problems around plasma particles (not special) with numeric methods such as Runge-Kutta. Sorry, I don't meant to bother you thread like this, it is just occurs.
Post number #1048448, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048403 Please don't rename it! That's how I was raised, to be polite and try to answer questions.
Everything depends on its (WebKit) use, a white site (I prefer a dark one anyway) with several links is good, at the same time, newfangled sites bullied me up me already with these "bright" tricks and other useless plates >>1048404 Many applications are starting to introduce AI functionality, even TeXstudio. It's infuriating; couldn't they really have done it as a plug-in/add-on???
Post number #1048451, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048408 ..or find Excalibur (or Caledfwlch?), te-he! //for scottish g/u/rl-chan quest.
Are You heard about PHP? So, you can do all that thing Perl (I heard that also PHP a construction above Perl). Last one is full-powered language with built-in support for regular expressions, why not use it instead JavaScript? But someone refer it to harmful things Maybe something make JavaScript more popular than Perl.
Post number #1048452, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048408 Now I try learn POSIX-shell (trying don't use bash-specific features). I think that's will be my favorite. May be you should try it, if you have possibility to work directly on some Unix-like OS, that's will be better than learning shell-programming by installing bash port on windows. >honestly you will maybe think i'm dumb one Oh, no, no. Hmm fractals, it really looks beautiful, did you know that the coastline is a fractal?
Post number #1048453, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048409 You will be surprised (maybe) that you can summarize (or multiplicate) not only known numbers, but also other things, see Group theory, that is especially used in quantum theory. Here also you can meet up with rings, half-rings, algebra, etc. Mathematicians are great entertainers!!!
Post number #1048454, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048413 can you link to that tread, please?
Post number #1048473, ID: 2bc473
>>1048413 how could you think it? xD what would make me happy, i have no idea, i'm maybe void xD >>1048438 i'm curious how they bypass avoiding calculating? :D >>1048439 i don't mean that brain wouldn't be used from potential but that there are some physical limits.. hmm i wonder if we didn't had this predicting ability if we would randomly hitting head to doors etc. xD but honestly sometimes i doubt that i see in 3D.. recently i thought i saw fly and it's showed up it was far
Post number #1048476, ID: 2bc473
distanced point, i don't remember what it was, if some kind of wire from somewhere, antenna etc.. but it was like 15 meters far from me at least xD but about usages i did read that brain activity is little "switching" while group of neurons communicating. and there are kind of things as default mode, salience etc. and these activities are somehow "grouped". i think that 100% brain usage is basically epilepsy but probably not really effecient xD but also drugs can affect it etc
Post number #1048477, ID: 3eb44f
>>1048454 I couldn’t find it :<
Post number #1048480, ID: 2bc473
than person can have physically damaged some area of brain and died instantly or "just" get mentally handicapped or become deaf etc. but is somehow fascinating how can keep trying rewiring damaged areas and sometimes "fully" repair. but is interesting how can solve some tasks much easier as non-linear ones.. i think my thoughts are really random if i randomly remember russian hydraulic computer now xD you don't have to sorry xd
Post number #1048482, ID: 2bc473
>>1048445 about plasma honestly it sounds interesting over i have really low knowledge in this area. is this all only theoretical testing or you also works in lab and using some special devices for it? :o you don't bother thread i honestly really welcome it, i'm not sarcastic or anything, by reverse i meaned because i'm curious about things what you do because i'm xD /u/ won't allow me to reanem thread anyway :,D
Post number #1048488, ID: 2bc473
>>1048448 by white site i meaned if website don't use css :D something as first website made in cern xD about websites i little bit don't like how they become bloated by agressive advertisments.. i feel ok about advertisments if are part of design (for example on right slider while content slider is seperated) so advertisment is visible, long but your eyes are bothered by reading article anyway so you don't care what is on slider if you don't analyse website
Post number #1048489, ID: 2bc473
or /u/ design is nice too.. it looks almost identical on pc and phone and what i need is just reading posts xD but when i see what news servers are like, than they want things as registrations, with many data trackers etc. in this context i like simple white websites too if they deliver me what i want xD i don't have nothing again ai but way how is integrated. what browser ai could do?
Post number #1048491, ID: 2bc473
maybe using voice recognisition and after saying some tasks it could maybe do them as "show me facebook, show me what is new" etc. i have no idea i think but slider showing ChatGPT is just same as if i had new tab with ChatGPT xd there is context menu after selecting text but do people need ai that much? it can really be plug-in, copy-paste is probably still what 90%+ will most people do because they want paste it in some software they use xd and slider menu i was curious
Post number #1048493, ID: 2bc473
>>1048448 now i just watch video about texstudio.. i don't know what think about it xd i believe in korea and japan will soon exists ai toilets if they don't exists yet xd
Post number #1048496, ID: 2bc473
now from curiosity i'm checking speed of opera and firefox and it seems firefox is one of fastest from webkit browsers over that firefox is even consuming more ram then most of them xd >>1048451 i hope found map will help her to find sword xD it was sub-quest for main quest! xD it is interesting reading. btw. how you got to D language? it also isn't somehow much used right? :o i didn't know coastline are fractals
Post number #1048503, ID: 2bc473
>>1048453 i just watched one video about it little, if i can be honest i'm not sure if i understand group theory correctly but it seems as counting of combinatronic and representing various kind of objects in digital form? (similarly as array?) little i remember when i had python course about data analysis and using matplotlib and other libraries, i remember these visualition from arrays what i made but i don't fully understood what i was creating honestly xd
Post number #1048504, ID: 2bc473
i hope i didn't overmixed things right now and just don't talk about totally different things what have nothing in common. i somehow randomly remember when i was kid möbius stripe on bag bullied me because i wanted it symetrical xD i think my thoughts are very random. but surprising me that some physicists leads to believe in religion as einstein who believed in god or schrödinger who thought everyone is "one". it's somehow surprising me that really smart people are somehow
Post number #1048505, ID: 2bc473
religious.. it's something what makes me not sense much.. it's reminding me i have one friend now who is really smart in politological things, she is writing articles, planning continue to PhD etc. and somehow is christian i don't judge it or anything just somehow i can't fully understand why smart people can believe in something what wasn't proofed and all of it was result of history and social construct or how tell it. idk i'm overthinking little xd
Post number #1048512, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048473 For example, using the spherical symmetry of the problem, integration over the entire three-dimensional space R is reduced to integration over a single variable (coordinate). Or, using the mean theorem, they calculate the estimate of the integral, instead of its full "honest" calculation.
Post number #1048514, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048476 I understand, I meant that some people imagine that supposedly a person can use the "hidden" potential of the brain, as a result, the stupid movie Lucy with Morrigan Friedman (if I'm not mistaken). >>1048480 Yes, the brain and the body as a whole are amazing. Still, it's true that full-load or rather brain overload is epilepsy, but load and potential are different. >i randomly remember russian hydraulic computer now te-he.
Post number #1048518, ID: 5b8be4
Oh, well, okay :) About plasma, I've been doing some modeling, the so-called "computational experiment", it's something between a theoretical study and an experiment in the usual sense. We have a laboratory in which they are preparing a large electron acceleration unit by ion collective acceleration using electron cyclotron resonance (ECR), which in turn is held by gyromagnetic autoresonance (GA). There is a small installation.
Post number #1048522, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048480 see >>1048518 But it isn't my specialty, I more on programming and theoretic physics (quantum mechanics, if to be sure). >>1048488 Oh, now I understand. I'm use ublock, umatrix and noscript (just historically left it). >>1048489 I agree. >>1048491 ..maybe for handy search or analyze (or translation) on current page, I guess. Whatever, I also think that should be add-on, but not a part.
Post number #1048526, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048493 TeXstudio is powerful IDE for TeX/LaTeX programming that helps to compose a (scientific) article, book, presentation, etc. At the same time, it is a publishing system that belongs to the WYSIWYM paradigm, which is much more powerful than a WYSIWYG word processor, such as Word or Writer. >i believe in korea and japan will soon exists ai toilets if they don't exists yet xd Nightmare!!!
Post number #1048530, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048496 it's better to let it consume memory than rape the disk.
What about Opera GX? It has built-in functionality for managing memory and CPU consumption.
Honestly, I don't remember, but there was a case: I was interested in the history of languages, in particular C, I found out that it was preceded by A and B, maybe then I came across D. Yes, it is apparently not very popular. // if anything, I didn't switch to it.
Post number #1048534, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048503 Well, wait a minute, in order. You are considering a set (see introduction to set theory) equipped with an operation on its elements like an addition or multiplication operation (one of the two). For example, rotation matrices in three-dimensional Euclidean space form a group. Further, this group has different representations, for example, in the form of 2x2 matrices (the entire three-dimensional space is projected onto a plane by a fractional linear transform);
Post number #1048536, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048503 the visualization of array have nothing to do with group theory. It is different thing. >>1048504 the Möbius strip is a funny two-dimensional (if you ignore the thickness) shape with a single surface. > that some physicists leads to believe in religion as einstein who believed in god or schrödinger who thought everyone is "one" Oh, dear g/u/rl, what the hell in your mind.. Only one physicist I know who believed in god, Isaak Newton.
Post number #1048537, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048504 This is the first time that thing I've heard of Schrodinger, what does it mean? Maybe you also heard any more nonsense about Darwin believing in God at the end of his life?
Unfortunately, it seems that you have formed the wrong opinion about the great figures of science.
Post number #1048538, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048505 That's right about culture. Button natural science at present it is hard to find great scientists who believe god or whatever. Sorry, above I forgot mention "natural" to science. I will tell you something important: faith and evidence are located in parallel planes; if they prove the existence of God, I will not believe, I will know. In other words, this knowledge simply will destroy faith.
Post number #1048539, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048505>>1048538 >But on natural science
Post number #1048540, ID: 5b8be4
I should hard working about two days (preparing preparation and make report in our seminar), so I'll be back soon. //using beamer package in LaTeX to compose presentation of report.
Post number #1048554, ID: 2bc473
>>1048512 i see :o so there are theoretically options to calculate it by better way to more accurate results but it is too difficult and no interest or not effecient way how to calculate it if i understand?:o >>1048514 ohh i did hear this that people was saying we use only 5% or so.. i didn't know that it comes from movie i thought it comes from same mindsetted people what are telling about nazi technologies or seeing ufo xd >>1048518 over i have almost no idea what it does except
Post number #1048555, ID: 2bc473
accelerating, it sounds honestly really awesome ^^ honestly i never had experiments.. only required tasks/results with some parameters xd but it sounds interesting. how modeling before it usually looks like? :o >>1048522 my neither honestly but i was curious about neurology little since i wanted to know what is "awareness" and where find it. but again it comes from popular videos/articles/interviews or simple specialised medicine studies wiki xD also in context of BCI and potential
Post number #1048557, ID: 2bc473
>>1048522 i "have" noscript installed too xd but i have all-allowed so basically as if i didn't had it installed xD i'm little thinking if is there still point to use it honestly.. i did read that ublock don't work effectively in webkit based browsers because of newer version of manifest also i'm happy with performance of firefox and layout (but yes i wouldn't mind if i had another slider for having another tab handy) xD is umatrix somehow different than noscript?
Post number #1048558, ID: 2bc473
>>1048526 ohh so 3rd window is for making document file? :o it was somehow confusing me, i thought it's already part of ai. if i understand it's used for creating documentation too while you creating something complex for others? :o from curiosity i googled it and it seems in america exists some smart toilet to analyse "content" for purposes of how healthy your organism is xd tbh i would prefer ai toilet what would analysing websites and summaring news and reading loud than this xd
Post number #1048559, ID: 2bc473
>>1048530 honestly i would probably checking differences and maybe check other alternatives too if i did.. but i want powerful browser enough i could easily open 200-300 tabs as i do in firefox xD when i was trying Chrome i think i saw it loading slower maybe if difference was because i didn't had set it as default browser.. i have no idea but it made me think i use explorer/edge xd maybe we need D++ and D# to become more popular xD
Post number #1048560, ID: 2bc473
>>1048534 now i feel little confused what is difference by 3D array and Matrix but if i understand purpose of this is displaying 3D objects on 2D for example as displays right?:o I'm sorry for asking dumbly it's have practical usage in physics and group theory?:o Yes but it's not funny if you are like 6-9 and you are trying find end and want it "flat" and symetric xD it's feel really annoying if you don't understand what is happening xD
Post number #1048561, ID: 2bc473
>>1048536 if I'm not wrong Einstein was refusing existence of Quantum physics because "god don't play dices" and didn't liked calculation with probability
But yes now as i think i think i did understood it wrongly
Post number #1048562, ID: 2bc473
About Darwin I didn't heard it so i have no idea. But about Schrödinger I'm not sure, i don't doubt about his contribution to physics. Even more surprising me that great person as this release little controversial book "My View of the world"
Maybe aging affect people I didn't thought this factor. I'm sorry for switching topic but randomly i remember one biologist from my country or Terry Davis
Post number #1048563, ID: ba1379
I think everyone is one too!
Post number #1048564, ID: 2bc473
i don't want compare these people, judge or anything but somehow if i could tell in common all of them are smart in them field, and i would tag them as authorities and than i feel some kind uncomfortableness that this kind of people are somehow falling in something what can't be proofed and also is totally out of some kind of common discourse or how tell it. I'm maybe silly in this way xd but somehow it's something what really can shock me little in this way
Post number #1048570, ID: 2bc473
>>1048538 by "natural" sciences you mean kind of science based on measuring and experiments? Now as i think honestly it is really interestint view. I'm honestly little nihilistic and maybe atheist, but I'm really open minded person i feel but somehow i think faith is not enough for me, there is various kind of religions and how i can know this one is specific is correct from others, it looks as "lottery" little and they even can get in conflict each other xd
Post number #1048572, ID: 2bc473
but honestly I'm thinking if was for example god showed up to exists. Isn't destroy of faith good for knowledge? I don't know if is process of "Faith" itself important honestly, i feel as kind of person what would open Pandora's box from pure curiosity. But if i can be honest this parallelness i see curious now. Wouldn't most religious people want know "if they are right" and saw proof if it was become knowledge if was religious books showed accurate? I should have sleep maybe xd
Post number #1048573, ID: 2bc473
>>1048540 ohhh sure ^^ i hope you will come back after :D i hope you will succeed ^^ >>1048563 what leads you to this thoughts? ^^
Post number #1048577, ID: ba1379
>>1048573 ^~^ I hope you don’t feel ignored words g/u/rl. I didn’t read all of them cause I’m a little tired. I guess I can see myself in others- like I can imagine being my dog. And I want to change to be better, so I care about a ‘self’ which is different from the current one, like I wish I was replaced by me who ate a little healthier. So what is the core thing? It’s feelings and making things better. Anything with those is me but with different tools but the same essence
Post number #1048581, ID: 2bc473
>>1048577 nooo i don't feel ignored xd i hope opposite to you too honestly most messages was mainly adressed to>>2bc473 It sounds honestly interesting.. if i can be honest, please don't get insulted, it is really only my subjective thoughts it seems to me as projection of you in "others" whatever this kind of entity it is as dog for example but i have no idea. I honestly never felt this kind of experience
Post number #1048582, ID: 2bc473
but if it makes you feel well it is nice ^^
Post number #1048583, ID: 2bc473
when i was younger i was scared of ghosts, honestly i somehow wanted proof them they exists, also i was curious about rituals, summoning etc. I was really young kiddo xD but i remember how i was reading blogs or trying guides what was "guarantee" to work but "sadly" didn't.. or including reading general religion texts. tbh maybe on conspiracy rollercoaster xd but later around middle school i was get on phase when i did start learn about physics, "advanced" history, percentage etc
Post number #1048584, ID: 2bc473
and somehow my thoughts was get in, why would government keeping big secret as this? How it would even do information would leak so easily and now sure more than 10 years ago. And i did become probably really doubtful about many things somehow. About revolution technologies as infinite living batteries or nuclear fusion I'm applying fishbone Diagram etc.
Post number #1048639, ID: ba1379
I found the Russian math struggles g/u/rl!!
And nooo I’m not insulted! It’s important that you question world views so you don’t forget your own experiences and get hurt!
That’s cool you did all that! Do you know much about technologies today? I think they’re cool but I get overwhelmed and tired if I try to learn about too much at once, so I try to just have a few things I try to do each day.
Post number #1048660, ID: 2bc473
>>1048639 hi ^^ if you are saying so, i will visit the thread! i'm glad you aren't insulted. honestly i can easily forget myself so easily i feel maybe little as alice from wonderland or lain xD If i can be honest since i dropped IT, i did stuck in introduction to programming and OOP. (mostly based on Java) I can make simple website, videogame, simple graphics or something what i would need by tutorials or wysiwyg tools.. i have simple idea how most software or hardware works but
Post number #1048661, ID: 2bc473
if i can be honest many high schooler who finished IT have higher knowledge than me. But if i can be honest i'm little playing with idea to return back to IT and probably starting learning programming again for work purposes if i would starting work i think. Since i don't like idea writing articles, also i don't think i want work in organisations.. but i don't know i will see.. little i found OSINT interesting while studying media i don't want say i was "abused" knowledge but
Post number #1048662, ID: 2bc473
little shocked me what friends around me are using same passwords.. i didn't paid for databases or tried to login them, i really respect them privacy but yes i scanned them by these tools. If is there something what i would recommend really is using password manager. But if i can be honest i feel as curious person in many things. Truth is that i studied theoretical "abstract" studies because i wasn't decided :/
Post number #1048663, ID: 2bc473
>>1048639 btw. what are you learning? :o is there something what could help you?
Post number #1048665, ID: 2bc473
honestly i understand this tiredness, usually helping me to going eat, and if i feel still tired i split work to another day, but i have fixed plan and i'm banning myself to do something until i do it
Post number #1048666, ID: ba1379
>>1048661 Don’t be down on yourself g/u/rl! That’s a lil more than me or the same I think! You don’t have to visit it. I dunno I get fantasies about us all having a house and big jobs and all but a lotta the time there’s nothing to do. Maybe I’m a lil tired and being negative huh?
I think ur a nice g/u/rl anyway. And you should get to follow ur dreams! If you wanna be a skilled puters person I wanna see you succeed! You can take it slow too and figure out what held you back.
Post number #1048670, ID: ba1379
>>1048662 Awww yeah I’m applying for jobs now and I only have vague knowledge. But it’s a start towards being useful I think!
I dunno I have so many things I’m supposed to be learning I’m overwhelmed by them. I wanna know how information works and how the brain works and how to program and linear algebra and how to model dynamic systems and optics and how to use Linux well and electromagnetism and and and and bleh I hope your goal goes really well!
Post number #1048674, ID: 2bc473
>>1048666 it's nice from you xd >>1048670 honestly i don't yet, i'm studying uni because i'm avoiding to work.. but something realistic inside me is telling that i will probably need to working once.. also i'm thinking about traveling once maybe and move somewhere near sea. but yes it's very abstract for me now.. just i think some kind of conclusion of all my IT escapism is that i want probably return to IT.
Post number #1048675, ID: 2bc473
Also including with ideas as working from home etc.
Post number #1048677, ID: 2bc473
>>1048670 honestly fact that you are just interesting by these topics is good start i think you can see a lot people (in young age too) who can hate just by starting computers. honestly it's a lot topics so is good to split them on small pieces xd information work - digital or real life information? one of most famous is "shannon-weaver model" and also information are limited by speed of light (latency in computers etc) digital are little tricky depends how much deep you want to go
Post number #1048678, ID: 2bc473
if you want go on software side (kind of things as how programming language delivering binary code to computer) or if you want go on semiconductor level and mechanism how computers works. In brains are information saved by different way for sure but it would have somehow affecting sense way on neurons level in brain and it would be hard even for neurologist. Personally i think that information is some kind of "subjective intepration of...". Program as software or something else?
Post number #1048679, ID: 2bc473
>>1048670 others looks too difficult honestly xd optics - you mean optic media, or how light works? or internet optic cables? about Linux what you define by "well"? i think as far you are happy with using Linux you are already using it well ^^ as far if it's serve you and filling your tasks or if you are able to do what you want
honestly many of these questions are somehow philosophical too
Post number #1048681, ID: 2bc473
but i think that best start to learning anything is having accurate questions and getting slowly deeper and deeper. And for every single question you can have already specialists (who also don't need to know in detail how something works)
how informations in brain works? (neurologists) how information in software works? (software enginners) In semiconductors (hardware engineers, physicsts etc.) optic in human eye (Ophthalmologists) etc. i can be wrong in some of these maybe they
Post number #1048683, ID: 2bc473
can even overlap but if i can be honest i think you aren't supposed to learning as far if you are not enjoying it ^^ you don't have to feel bad because you don't know something or feel that you need to hurry, best is getting step by step and making good questions
i hope it's not annoying from me i hope i somehow helped you as guiding little :c if it's annoyed you you can think as if i didn't wrote anything
Post number #1048688, ID: ba1379
Nuh uh! You’re great I’m just a lil overwhelmed when I think of all I want to know and how I feel and going to bed. I’m keeping the tab open for tomorrow to read ; )
Post number #1048695, ID: 2bc473
>>1048688 if i can be honest in some questions you are getting on level where knowledge need to be paid. There exists question what would people pay you really a lot money if you would know answer :D
Post number #1048697, ID: 18a53f
poat pic of you titter? and vagena?
Post number #1048705, ID: 2bc473
>>1048697 idk if you are just lewd or if you are just making fun from my bad english but I'm flat xd
Post number #1048757, ID: ba1379
>>1048705 And extra cute x3 So don’t let em bully you!!!
Post number #1048799, ID: 2bc473
>>1048757 I'm not cute xd
Post number #1048800, ID: ba1379
>>1048799 Ur cute x3 I want to put a pretty bow in ur hair
Post number #1048817, ID: 2bc473
>>1048800 ngl i little bit wish from girl to give me bow and hug :c >>1048807 how you found out i'm prototype of ChatGPT 5?
Post number #1048818, ID: 2bc473
>>1048807 your IP was tracked please fill out this complex survey:
Post number #1048840, ID: 5b8be4
I'm back! Little tired. I will answer step by step.. slowly (I'm sorry, but I'll allow myself to stretch this out in time.) >>1048554 In general, it's true, direct calculation is usually time-consuming, so they try to "not calculate", so to speak.
Well, the movie is essentially the apogee of that, maybe it said loudly.
Post number #1048846, ID: ba1379
>>1048817 *tying it in your hair* such a pretty g/u/rl- I gotta hug you!!-.. if that’s ok? I like how you try to help and have lots of thoughts! I think it’s important to stay mentally active, even if I tire out easily ; ) and you’ve got a lovely sparkle inside you g/u/rl <3
Ooooh eepy see ya ; )
Post number #1048882, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048555 Nothing special. There are as just console programs that produce a "ton" of text files with numeric data, and with GUI and animation graphics (but also produce a "ton" of numeric data). Everything revolves around numerical models of numerical methods. My laboratory nevertheless specializes in computational experiments, and (unfortunately or no) I have no direct relation to the laboratory with the installation and I "touched" plasma for a short time and just numerically.
Post number #1048885, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048557 Also heard about situation with chrome (i.e. browsers on webkit) about ublock. As I can see the umatrix is more thin work (like control toggles for scripts, media, css, etc) with source-site (current and third-party ones, and also with subdomains for each one), when rather than the noscript, which is just has disable/enable features for scripts from sites. >>1048558 Yes it is have internal viewer to see final pdf-file.
You want it to be like Siri (etc.) audio speaker? :D
Post number #1048889, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048559 Hm, need more investigations. I found strange thing like D++ the lang-interpreter written in Pawn script (for games I guess), digger++ (also called D++) and D# (DogeSharp), yes last one is related to meme with dog of siba-inu breed. "@_@ >>1048560 Arrays and matrices is different kind of terms. First one is term in programming. Matrices is represented by arrays into programming languages. Array is set of single-type data, if we see basic terminology. Matrix in mathematics
Post number #1048896, ID: 5b8be4
is table of numbers, each element of which is changed by rule, see Gantmacher "Theory of matrices"; e.g. you can meet them when solving algebraic equation (matrix of coefficients at unknowns). >>1048560 You can use 3D-array to represent cubic matrix, as example. To represent a matrix you should use 3D-array.
Post number #1048898, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048560 The 1st thing that comes to mind now is the visualization of a 4-dimensional space-time, because after projecting a 3-dimensional one onto a plane, one axis is "released" for time.
But what a feeling comes.. Yes, yes, that's the feeling when understanding comes! Or after much agony, you come to a solution to a problem, whether in mathematics/physics, or in programming.
Post number #1048911, ID: 2bc473
>>1048846 idk xD >>1048882 touched plasma? it's possible? :o >>1048885 it sounds interesting :o idk i didn't thought creating of documentation in pdf at all but sure why not siri version xD >>1048889 i was mean it ironically but i feel surprised DogeSharp exists xD >>1048898 i think i'm little getting it
Post number #1048996, ID: 926ca9
>>1048705 I LOVE FLAT TIT
Post number #1049004, ID: 38026f
>>5b8be4 fake and bot
Post number #1049048, ID: 2bc473
>>1048996 they are so flat that even earth-chan looks as not-flat xd >>1049004 naah she is authentic copilot
Post number #1049123, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048561 I hope.. Generally speaking, the dispute between Bohr and Einstein concerned the foundation of the universe, either determinism or absolute randomness at the base of everything. I must say that there is still no answer, but the dispute has won by Bohr. The theory of quantum mechanics is complete (see Bell's inequalities and subsequent experiments to verify them) and works (it corresponds to experience, or you can say that the predictive power of the theory is not zero).
Post number #1049124, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048561 The wave function changes causally over time, but as just we goes to the experiment (to measure), alas, the probabilities here. I would recommend the book by Abraham Pais - "The science and the life of Albert Einstein", 1982.
Post number #1049129, ID: 21c6ed
Good ol' Bert Einstein.
Post number #1049131, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048562 Unfortunately, many pseudo scientists and fanatics pour dirt on scientists and science in general. Darwin, his theory has changed a lot, but the fundamental principles have remained (more have been added to them), strictly speaking, this is another theory, the name has been preserved due to tradition. Unfortunately, I have not heard of your biologist. Yes, aging is a terrible thing, I haven't heard of such a book, I need to ask my colleagues.
Post number #1049132, ID: 5b8be4
Schrodinger's contribution is already in his equation and one of the representations of quantum mechanics, another representation is by Heisenberg. They are equivalent.
Post number #1049139, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048583 Oh, maybe you liked fantasy, or maybe you still do, what about the science fiction genre?>>1048570 There are also theoretical fields, but "exact sciences" is probably a more appropriate term (in short, physics, mathematics, chemistry, computer science, engineering, etc.). >>1048572 Interesting! Maybe they don't know what they want? Maybe you really need to get some sleep. XD >>1048573 Thank you! // P.S. everything went fine.
Post number #1049147, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048639 Thanks! >>1048670 Try install Arch linux (like in my own case), do it by console, learn before it the base of shell (e.g. bash), read manual from Arch Wiki, read about this as many as you can. My recommendation: answer on what the initialization subsystem of OS you want, what the system of package controlling (i.e. package manager, as rule); try don't touch distros based on other distros (especially *buntu line), choose Desktop Environment you like... xfce, kde, no gnome!
Post number #1049152, ID: 5b8be4
>>1048670 >>1048678 Oh, may be try learn assembler? >>1048911 cutie-silly :D I especially put that word ("touched") into quotes. I meant about theory and practice around plasma. >i think i'm little getting it good! >>1049048 Thank you! // about flat and earth-chan is funny :D
Post number #1049168, ID: ba1379
Thanks g/u/rl! Lots of my plate but it’s on my list and it’s cool hearing about the books you’ve read! That’s great to learn so much like that
Post number #1049284, ID: 2bc473
>>1049131 i didn't know :o biologist wasn't famous but did become famous while conspiracy theories, AllatRa (one russian group), anti-covid things etc. before wasn't famous i think that she did become famous because how bizzare figure she was. >>1049139 i feel little confused how you got here xd i like horrors/psychological story telling in general, some kind of things as Another, Ring, Sion Sono movies (i love this), Battle Royale etc. from sci-fi i liked star wars but somehow
Post number #1049285, ID: 2bc473
"averagely" i like original 6 episodes but i can't tell it was "special" for me, about sci-fi.. usually with some interesting world setting but i can't tell i would like lord of the rings for example, this i saw boring personally :c but i can imagine it as interesting MMO hypothetically.. in MMO genre i loved Metin2 xD or Minecraft if it can "counts" xd but i like japanese cyberpunk kind of as SEL, GITS, Akira etc. somehow i think it's kind of path where is future going
Post number #1049286, ID: 2bc473
>>1049139 yes, so natural=exact? or natural are "opposites" one to social sciences, theoretical etc.?:o >>1049139 i was sleeping and it's still sounds to me as religious people don't want know if god/allah/gods/mystical animals/spaghetti monster/elephants with a lot hands or anything exists xD >>1049147 it's funny recently i made one post about os for surface go (idk if it's inspired you or you stalked me by my bad english) but i was questioning about alt. distro for this xd
Post number #1049287, ID: 2bc473
>>1049147 but on my main device i will honestly stay on Win 10 (upgrading to Win 11).. i somehow like videogames and don't want have problems with anticheats, compatibility etc. :/ but about Surface i'm thinking about Manjaro based on Arch.. what you have again Ubuntu btw.?:o about gnome i understand it on main pc, but about tablet-pc like device it's pretty reasonable choice no? >>1049152 so you didn't touch plasma? :c i was breathing 50% nitrous oxide few times and it was nice xd
Post number #1049288, ID: 2bc473
>>1049152 earth-chan is one of my most favourite meme since discovery blackhole to covid xD and arts when she is bulliedd by blackhole-chan and corona-chan xd ngl i wouldn't mind be earth-chan little xd
Post number #1049380, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049284 Oh, so she's an anti-vaccination worker? Apparently I misunderstood the earlier message. Not understood.
It seemed to me that this was the case from that message! about fantasy. >>1049286 "natural<exact" is better. You consider "natural" as opposing to "humanitarian" //to be continue.
Post number #1049385, ID: 2bc473
>>1049380 she was working in virus science and than doubting covid honestly it's too long little but if you had confidence to reading it wkth translate or ai it's this person -
My english is little bad so jdm what natural clearly is but if i understand natural sciences is synonyms to exact science?
Post number #1049387, ID: 2bc473
Post number #1049411, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049286>>1049380 >You consider "natural" as opposing to "humanitarian" so, yes, this is two categories, in each of them you can select experimental and theoretical parts; exact sciences are one that operated with exact methods. So linguistics are exact science and humanitarian simultaneously, for example. My idea is that who works in exact scope of science is less susceptible to belief.
Post number #1049417, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049286 I'm also was a sleepy, that is why a type "to be continue" XD And yes, I guess you're right here, they won't to be know exact answer. >(idk if it's inspired you or you stalked me by my bad english) Didn't see it. I just got impulse in that moment when I read about someone trying step into linu.. [tongue is bitten]. Khm, world. >>1049287 No, *buntu is hell, I'll never use it (same about gnome DE), use Debian if you want same Deb-package system.
Post number #1049424, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049287 No, didn't touch it. Not high temperature one (that's deadly), no low temperature one that can be used in medical purposes. >tablet-pc I guess you can find guide for arch lin. to installation on such device. Like to that you can find similar guide for phone. Will be better? I don't know [said it like Christopher Walken]. But you should study available apps for this case before. The plus is that you control your system, without unnecessary annoying apps. Minus is much work
Post number #1049431, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049288 Ah, you means that's is such called mascot, but for Earth the mother-planet, did you? >>1049385 Almost synonymous, but still not quite. Many people perceive it that way. The linguistics that also based on mathematics is actually at the junction of the fields of sciences, although it does not belong to the natural sciences, but uses precise methods. Let us accept there they will be exact synonyms, unless otherwise agreed.
Post number #1049433, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049385 I see that it's not just us who have such sugar-free people (e.g. anti-vaccinators). >>1049287 I understand, you need big will to migrate to another axis (i.e. OS). So, may be on second machine will help to learn other OS (firstly prepared it for job). Surface Go is laptop from M$, don't know, you should may check if iron (e.g. CPU, motherboard, etc.) will compatible with other OS.
Post number #1049439, ID: 2bc473
>>1049424 what if it was really really small amount of magma?:o like 0.01 mm³? Idk if i would want have much work on this device honestly >>1049431 somehow probably xd it's kind of personification, mascots are mostly commercial and representing something official - I see:o >>1049433 truth is that is losing support by Win 10 and Win 11 is not officially supported there (and is honestly slow too) but it's
Post number #1049440, ID: 2bc473
Really low weight device. Question is how much overpriced but it's one of most mobile devices somehow really easy to carrying with compare to laptops and still x86 compatible
Post number #1049456, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049439 Magma? And what does molten rock (stone in particular) have to do with it? A plasma clot is a (gaseous) mixture of cations, which are positively charged ions, and anions, which are negatively charged. Usually, atoms without one (several) valence electrons act as cations, and the electrons themselves act as anions. >>1049440 better say to be compatible with x64 arch., like support x86_64 (yes, both). But really, we should leave x86 (more accurate, x32bit arch.) in history.
Post number #1049478, ID: 21c6ed
Post number #1049483, ID: 2bc473
>>1049456 i'm sorry, yes plasma >>1049456 well i honestly thought about 32-Bit distro too since it's have just 4 gb ram.. >>1049478 i'm sorry dinosaur you are too big for me :c
Post number #1049535, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049478 Aah, run, g/u/rls, run! Save yourself! The Roar-g/u/rl is free!!! >>1049483 It is ok, nevermind. Retuning to plasma the clot of it very small, idk hoe much but tubes of working installation are pretty small in diameter. The main concept of collective acceleration of ion in the inner interaction between parts of this clot, which produces a force, thereby an acceleration, so the clot is self accelerated, and in the end we separating elelectrons from clot that is we needed.
Post number #1049536, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049483 It makes no sense to look for such a distro, just take x86_64 one, like debian, arch, void, fedora (free red hat), gentoo, sourcemage, lunar, etc; bsd ones such as: freebsd, openbsd, dragonflybsd, etc. Anyway, along with the x64 libraries, you will also have to install 32-bit versions (from repository, of course), e.g. for steam, despite of that will be the entire OS and the main programs will be x64.
Post number #1049563, ID: 2bc473
>>1049535 so it would hypothetically "shot" on hand for example, person would probably get injured but it's pretty much survivable no?:o so... is there some way how "carefully" touch plasma? just by same way to touch fire for fun xd how plasma tastes like? so many curious questions~ >>1049536 i noticed 32-Bit Windows was recognisably smoother than 64-Bit so it's why i thought it..
Post number #1049564, ID: 2bc473
but honestly yes about distro i will probably prefer 64 anyway because of compatibility. So mix of 64-Bit Manjaro on gnome isn't something what would you recommend?:o as mainly "Word/Powerpoint player" and than simple media tasks movies/casual games and websites browsing
Post number #1049698, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049563 ..and si many dangero/u/s~ I found article named as "Application of low-temperatue and low-preasure plasma in clinical medicine and pharmaceutics", so may be it answers on some questions~ About "smoother": I think this is due to indirect reasons.
Post number #1049705, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049564 the 32bit arch. has limit for time representing, so 2038 year problem here. So x64 solution pushed the limit to over ~292 billion years. And yes, i will not recommend Manjaro; better do it a little hardway (using archwiki) that is to install Arch disro by itself; or, as exclusion, Artix may be solution, also it can be choosed prepared to work different initialization system, when original Arch prepared only with one system.
Libreoffice, xfce the lightweight modular DE.
Post number #1049708, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049564 >>1049705 fir7xfce has apps for djvu+pdf the artill, for image viewer ristretto, media player parole, etc.
Post number #1049709, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049708 firefox for browsing.
Post number #1049740, ID: 9b784d
>>1049698 it is why I'm on /u/ after all i have a lot dangerous opinions and questions xdd I don't want to confuse but isn't blood plasma refer to some part of blood? But it's not have anything with do plasma in physics?:o >>1049705 i would definitely reinstall this device or replace by other one too i think before 2038..
Post number #1049741, ID: 9b784d
ahh i would be so old:(
Post number #1049750, ID: 5b8be4
>>1049740 Just same Greek word, plasma to plasma is differ. >before 2038.. sure) >>1049741 That is sad, g/u/rl.. sad-g/u/rl? Hm, or sad-chan, may be someg/u/rl will be obtain that title.
Post number #1049752, ID: 5b8be4
On the third day, I read an article about csh/tcsh. Now I can't give my preference: POSIX-shell or C-shell? //I guess I'll have to practice both, I wish I had time to do it all....
Post number #1049942, ID: 5b8be4
So, no one have a question to OP? I'll try. What about all those simulator game, like truck, train, shop, gasoline station, car repairing, etc? There even is a rock simulator!
Post number #1049944, ID: ba1379
Dear OP: I have a wedge pillow I was really excited about- but it’s too steep to sleep on! What should I do?
Post number #1050050, ID: 2bc473
>>1049752 it sounds as solution xd >>1049942 i made one bsod simulator 10 years back xd i think it's not that "big thing" anymore.. i think in past was bigger hype.. if i would tell if is there some newer "trend" i think it's "banana" clones or ai generated sprites inside games :/ but i have nothing again sims, these what you named are one of bigger quality.. but honestly i hate games from playway.. i was trying give a chance few of them (full version also prologues) 1/2
Post number #1050053, ID: 2bc473
>>1049942 and most of them feel as "simulator of work" than actual game :/ but positives reviews would definitely disagree with me. one of kinda funs i can recommend walking simulator 2020, yohjo simulator (if you have money to waste), chair simulator, surgeon simulator, ets/ats is fine, goat one, yandere sim (or yandere sim clones), high school simulator 2018, mountain, dlc quest etc. but there exists funnier genres.. but if comes about simulation/arcade i feel 2/x
Post number #1050054, ID: 2bc473
>>1049942 i feel that gameplay should have be mainly fine than "work" one.. what is point of cleaning areas? viscera made it ok but i think really i need clean train station so i can put there another things? oppositely i see fun for example unpacking but it's little unique and cute. but if comes about train sim i think there existed interesting japanese from PS2 era mixing with FMV. this genre almost "died" but there exists "remake" - Japanese Rail Sim: Journey to Kyoto. 3/4
Post number #1050055, ID: 2bc473
>>1049942 i hope you will maybe see it interesting and randomly i remember game dev story now xd do you have some specific sim games in mind? :D i have Rock Life: The Rock Simulator in my library but didn't played it yet xD >>1049944 hmm i don't know :o did you tried to rotate it upside down?
Post number #1050056, ID: 2bc473
>>9b784d was me btw. just from another connection
Post number #1050063, ID: ba1379
>>1050055 The angle is the same with a 180 degree rotation! With 90 degrees it’s even more. I’ve thought about cutting it down a be flatter but I feel bad being destructive :<
Post number #1050068, ID: 2bc473
>>1050063 and what about rotate it upside down 2x? :o maybe you can ask your nearest pillow specialist in your area
Post number #1050069, ID: 2bc473
>>1050063 but don't cut it, it would hurt pillow :(
Post number #1050070, ID: 2bc473
Also don't forget to headpat and feed pillow regularly maybe it would help pillow to feel more comfortable
Post number #1050101, ID: ba1379
Awww so true
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