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How to get blood out of clothes?

| There's a shitton of blood on my favorite hoodie and the stains still haven't gotten out after 2 washes..
Need help g/u/rls!!

| what's the hoodie made of?

| pickle it in piss

| Idk anything about it but chatGTP says it’s because proteins bind to the cotton and iron. So you can remove it maybe by attacking them with enzyme based agents or harsh chemicals like ammonia- which piss has! So I would try soaking in enzyme based cleaner for a few hours, then washing with cold water, then ammonia if that’s an option. Heat is to be avoided to stop more binding.

| >>1047510
uniqlo 100% cotton one
its creame colored and a big splatter of blood got all over it

| And you’re ok right? Are you feeling safe and happy about the future? I’m worried you cut yourself!

| >>1047526 wet it and apply an enzyme based cleaner directly onto the stain, like the arm & hammer bioenzyme stuff from walmart. wait 10 minutes, wash as normal.

| yoo remember to take off the teeth, they're the nastiest part to take care when you want to keep all your disposion anonymous

| Soak it in something something like biotex, it has enzymes in it which attacc the blood!! Be sure to also use lots of stain remover like Vanish!! And wash it in a long cycle!!

I hope this helps, I managed to get blood out of some clothes this way ^-^

| >>1047529
don't worry it's not mine

| >>1047530
thank you!!!

| >>1047583
Phew thank you safe gurl!

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1741543948

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