I did it g/u/rls

| I've been clean for a week!!!

| congrats g/u/rl!!!! we’re so happy for you!! lets strive for two weeks now! (*´꒳`*)

| >>1047391 Thanks.... But I hate being sober!!!

| Awwww but you’re so pretty sober

That’s really good you are


I am proud for you g/u/rl!

| >>1047392 Keep it up cutie pie. The longer you go the easier it gets.

| why... that's it I'm killing myself

| That’s it I’m kissing you!!!! And still cheering for sober g/u/rl I bet her skin is looking healthier

Why are you feel like that kill myself g/u/rl?

| >>1047524 my only source of happiness come from other people ruining their life slowly with bad choices, if they're getting hold of them self and develop a healthy life then I'll have no more happiness left.

| >>1047536 Don't worry g/u/rl, I'll make tons of other bad choices <3

| >>1047390 fantastic work g/u/rl! i'm really very proud of you, that's hard. keep taking it one moment at a time!

| :o wow what a thoughtful clean g/u/rl making bad choices just for you

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1741523077
