>start playing sovlfvl visual novel

| >see genderbent version of futaba-style textboard
>remember site from an altchan listing
>look inside
>it's like a cross between 8/cyber/ and anime board but anons call each other g/u/rls ironically
>still no women on the internet
briefly i actually thought there was a female dominated board that wasn't infected by lolcow culture, something 8/girltalk/ allegedly was. oh and i guess technically there's /tttt/. just curious about this place.
>inb4 sites obsessed spammer enters thread

| there are no women on the internet, and if there are, there should not be any
this includes transwomen, you have to be retarded to want to be a woman, so you get to sit around in whatever special ed room they end up in

| >>1047330
thank you for clearing up the implied meaning of there are no women on the internet. it's that the average channer thinks nothing a woman would say could be worthwhile on its own. thought the signal to 'ger ratio looked decent at first glance, but it seems waifu bartending still attracts the same herd.

| I like how you use big words and I think you’re pretty! This conversation is too meta and confuses me. Do you like science fiction stories? I like Isaac Asimov and cordwainer smith!

| >>1047337 anytime love, click the bell on my instagram for more cutting commentary

| We’re all a lil retarded here honestly.

There are no girls on the internet but there are no men on danger/u/. Hope that clears it up. :3

| >>1047342
read foundation up to fourth book, love idea of psychohistory. for confusing and meta scifi you might like permutation city and its intriguing model of consciousness, personally convinced it can only emerge from human subjectivity. so what did cordwainer smith write about?
the ways some g/u/rls break mask to establish social boundaries or don't feel need to wear one in the first place might be testament to strangeness of masculinity. guess i'll lurk a bit more.

| >>1047320 >ironically
This is where you're wrong, sweaty. ^-^

I like Isaac Asimov!!!

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1741426137
