What if man really exist?

| Like, we all g/u/rls here, right? But, what if one of g/u/rls - not a g/u/rl?

| You mean like, trans?

| >>1047226
don't confuse girl with g/u/rl!

| >>1047243 Don't confuse g/u/rl with g/u/rl? Sorry g/u/rl, I have trouble understanding you.

| f/u/ck yo/u/

| Everyone is a g/u/rl! If we open a portal to another world with ‘men’ we will make them happy g/u/rls too with the power of friendship and love! Nothing can stop those!

| portal to the world with men is your front door. Go outside stinky

| Waaaahhhh ok I will

| >>1047247
That is sad, if you have trouble to differ "i" and "/u/", then you need help of specialist, get well soon, dear g/u/rl!

| >>1047226 don't be silly, higher chance is we would have ghost here than man or something I'm out of mana all the time

| >>1047257 sorry there is no place for bronie you are signed up to death trial

| Death trial sounds hardcore! I’m a tough g/u/rl I’m going to pass with flying colors and blood and skulls all over! I’m going to use a saber and slice this one challenger clean in half and jump through him to escape an enemy’s blade! I’m listening to karpatia hussar song and it’s really exciting!

| I'll rape him

| >>1047299 On here I refer to all girls as g/u/rls ૮₍˶ •. • ⑅₎ა ♡

| >>1047309 wtf we love bronies here

| >>1047339 uh huh you should ask for consent first

| >>1047339
You make me feel so safe and protected from ‘men’
Good g/u/rl
Nice thoughtful g/u/rl

| >>1047367
Oh, I see, well.
Good health to you, g/u/rl; there never is much of it!

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1741494872
