Does Nazrin count as loli?

| Like, she is 1000+ year youkai, but short, so she looks really young :P

typical situation with short female characters

| bruh that's a mouse

| Who is Nazrin?

| So cute

| >>1047250 nazrin balls

| naides

| >>1047250

| >>1047318 I have to get into touhou more, it's so epic

And to my eyes, about OP's question, I'd say, yes

| nigga, shut up bro

| she more of a middle schooler body, too old for me

| >>1047338 naw bro we all know the clock

| what?

| >>1047347 my clock is 0-9

| >>1047359 do you castle if your clock is at 0-0

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1741530578
