Have you ever traveled to Japan ?

| hi guys and gorlz, i went 2 times in Japan and loved it ! I visited Tokyo, Osaka, Nara, Kyoto and even Kobe for a day. I plan to work there, do you ?

| I would move there to eat cheap ramen at 3AM and drink beer while playing IIDX in an arcade. But it seems like the job and housing situation there isn't too easy for gaijins

| Oh my god the ramen, it's so good, even the cheapass restaurant chains with shitty ramen tastes so much better than the ramen they make in my country

| >>bdc500 zamnn you play rhythm games ? Nice, IIDX is a good choice, I play Lv.46-47 on Pop'n Music :)

| >>1047234 Yes it's a hard journey to get a job and a house but if you work in engineering/IT it might be easy. Especially if you have N4/N3. For housing, since you have a visa you can afford a big house for a ridiculous price . Look at https://realestate.co.jp/en :)

| >>1047236 cool! I got an asc recently and play 33-35. I only played IIDX a bit in JP and some BMS on a keyboard

| Do you think I could make a Japan in the USA? Like I have a dance mat and flour to make ramen, and then I could meet smart engineer science g/u/rls who want to live in my Japan!

| no

| I have! But I got very sick after exiting the plane so I spend the first week feeling absolutely awful. I already described my adventures with the cops there in another thread, but overal, it was pretty fun!! I only visited Tokyo though.

| I've been to Japan I think 4 times. Kyoto was my favorite, I dream about the train station there every once in a while. I need to fill out more temple stamps someday c:

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1741517714
