This is bait

| To the person who is entertaining the ruski Trolls, do you want this board to become a political debate center or what?? Stop wasting your energy, read the sticky in /new/ and educate yourself on their tactics.

| bumping for the lulz

| Omg another fucking post by russian trolls people stop engaging in their threads

| >>1047096 ur mom's man meat was better than ur daddy's boyclit last night

| >>1047096
Your dad never loved you.

| How tf is that thread about ukraine LMAO this is pure comedy gold

| thing is why would they troll here what use is there?

| >>1047162
to stop every wholesome place from gaining momentum and uniting people. russia wants their enemies to be miserable and isolated because they only know how to control miserable people.

| >>1047070 CEO of politics here (jk, I'm Political Shit Thread's OP)
I actually want less political stupidity (usually comes from russian trolls/bots, I know)
So I made that thread specifically for people to vent their "politicalness" there and not in the other danger/u/ threads. Isn't that practically the purpose of the /news/ board? To be a Political shit flinging containment board?

Anyways, I recognize danger/u/'s core friendlyness and lovelyness as very important aspects

| >>1047204
Cute cute

| >>1047265 no, you're CUTE!

| Ahhhh <_> !! You make me feel cute!

| >>1047334 hehehe cute

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1741407439
