The sun is too bright

| My eyes hurt! (>_<)

| -_-

| Shut-in

| Your face is half burned! Oh no!

| Vampires rise up!! Let's turn off the sun!!

| >>1046932 don't worry I used sunscreen before going outside!

| >>1046932
no, not half, it is on 90%!!!
Praise the Sun, heretic g/u/rl!!!

| There can be no sun, only void and g/u/rls lurking in the dark!

| >she gets out

| laying in the sun feels amazing though

| >>1046952
So, come! Enter the Vo¡d, g/u/rl! - is that you want to say?
Oh, be careful, g/u/rl, don't get burned! You know its surface is hot as hell - several million degrees by Kelvin.

| The sun is less bright today!!! ( ; ゜Д゜)

| >>1047010
The surface of the sun is only like 5,500 degrees Kelvin which is cooler than what a mantis shrimp generates with its punches. If you continue to post scientific inaccuracies on the internet a mantis shrimp will lay eggs in your unzipped fly and punch your balls while she's at it.

| >>1047102 that was way too graphic and uncalled-for!!! Be nice to other g/u/rls okay? (´・ω・`)

| >>1047107 based niceg/u/rl!

| >>1047107
I'm joking lol :) Have a nice day

| >>1047127
Cute joke g/u/rl

Based sticking up for others g/u/rl

| >>1047102
Hm, so I said about corona temperature, you said on effective temperature of photosphere (the surface of Sun), my bad, thank you for correcting, g/u/rl.

It reminded me of an anecdote:
- In 4.5 billion years, the Andromeda galaxy will collide with ours.
- Excuse me, did you say a billion?
-Yes, a billion.
Oh, thank God! I thought I heard 4 million.

| >>1047191 very funny humour kek
We humans are just like that

| I'm so used to eating at night that when I leave the kitchen in the morning, I instinctively try to turn off the light, which is the sun. One day I will turn off the sun...

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1741389154
