My friend... yeah...

| My friend disappeared from the network for 2 months and I didn’t know what happened to him or where he was. I was very scared and sad about this. a week ago he appeared online. It turns out that he tried to commit suicide and ended up in a mental hospital because of it. Fuck...

| He’s ok c: I’m happy

| Big hug u

| >>1046616 Yes, he's okay. although his humor, which is based on suicide, bothers me

| scary. is he in therapy? glad to hear he's okay.

| >>1046624 Yes... I think. I don't remember honestly

| L

| I want you to feel ok too g/u/rl. What do you need?

| >>1046644 Can of dr. Pepper and hug

| >>1046649
I’m hugging my phone in ur direction but I don think I can pour the Dr Pepper in to get to u :<

| what's a friend?

| >>1046722 a g/u/rl that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside! I love my friends <3

| >>1046742 shut up <3

| I hate it when friends do that (or are nearing that state of affairs), they should really come to me and ask me for many tight hugs! And some gaming sessions!

Anyways, I know it can be tough and sometimes a rollercoaster of emotions to have friends like that, but I'm glad OP still cherishes her friend.
That's friendship and love!

Remember to take care of yourself as well, OP! Take a breather and some rest whenever you need it!


Ur good friends g/u/rls I luv ya

| >>1046742 would you perchance also enjoy being hit by an hammer?

| >>1046828 No... why? :c

| >>1046829 I assumed you could be M so we could make out a training session owo

| >>1046833 I am very confused :c

| >>1046834 Um, have you ever lived without friends?

| >>1046836 Not that I remember!

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1741129823

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