Post number #1046522, ID: 9f9d38
Awww cute sleepy g/u/rl *tucks you back in *
Post number #1046525, ID: 2205e0
>>1046522 thanks... I have to get up early on monday, but all I can do is lay awake, unable to fall asleep...
Post number #1046528, ID: 9f9d38
Nooo you’re too much of a darling for that. Go sit at the table for an hour and read something on paper perhaps
Post number #1046579, ID: 2205e0
>>1046528 naww thank you I will try that next time... I took some xanax but still had trouble sleeping, woke up every hour or so. I'm thinking of calling in sick...
Post number #1046580, ID: e7a7a6
try sex
Post number #1046581, ID: 670ee5
>>1046525 I'm in the exact same situation and I have a train and a ferry to catch today. It's soon 7 in the morning and I haven't slept a wink. I might get sick from traveling while sleep deprived and that would absolutely fucking suck.
Post number #1046586, ID: 2205e0
>>1046581 Where are you going? :3
Post number #1046587, ID: 670ee5
>>1046586 To germany for a meetup with old friends from the ns2 community.
Post number #1046588, ID: 2205e0
>>1046587 nice nice
Post number #1046589, ID: 670ee5
>>1046588 I will probably be bored while traveling so I'll likely spend time here or on YouTube.
Post number #1046590, ID: 670ee5
Or sleep xD
Post number #1046591, ID: 2205e0
>>1046587 what is an ns2 community?
Post number #1046592, ID: 670ee5
What about you?
Post number #1046593, ID: 670ee5
>>1046591 It's a video game and I made some solid friendships within that game's community.
Post number #1046594, ID: 2205e0
>>1046592>>9f9d38 tucked me in real nicely so I'll probably go back to sleep ^-^
Post number #1046595, ID: 670ee5
>>1046594 sleep well then gurl and have nice dreams
Post number #1046596, ID: 2205e0
>>1046595 Thank you! I hope you can get some rest on the train and ferry as well!
Post number #1046600, ID: 0ca0ef
I usually work pretty late at night, so when I do open at my job it’s a struggle to get to bed the night before. Unfortunately I open tomorrow and have been struggling to get to sleep myself. I feel your pain, g/u/rl.
Post number #1046612, ID: 4e098a
I've been having trouble sleeping lately, but I did better last night. I've been vitamin D deficient all winter, I can't wait for daylight savings next week.
Post number #1046615, ID: 0ca0ef
>>1046600 Report: fell asleep for a few hours but just woke up. Why am I always stripping down to my boxers in public in my dreams?
Post number #1046619, ID: 2205e0
>>1046612 take vitamin D supplements!
>>1046615 wow! that sounds like a very strange dream!
Post number #1046623, ID: 2205e0
I think I will sleep some more!
Post number #1046625, ID: 4e098a
>>1046619 I take a huge amount of vitamin D -w- but sometimes I forget, and being in the sun works much better
Post number #1046645, ID: 2205e0
>>1046625 But if the sun isn't out she can't give you any!
Post number #1046648, ID: cdbe0e
I like to take a large dose of vitamin D and lay outside on the lawn and just suck in the sun. Sunsucker is what they call me and I'm crazy for that D.
Post number #1046658, ID: 7d5b47
I love counting sheep when falling asleep I do it almost every night
Post number #1046660, ID: 3d2064
>>1046658 That's so cute!
Post number #1046661, ID: c6ec86
I cut my arm before going to bed *v*
Post number #1046684, ID: 46b375
>>1046658 Cute~ I didin sleep so good last night But ironically I feel very energized today cuz I got up and had a good start
Post number #1046694, ID: d56219
>>1046619 I was at work and couldn’t finish what I had to do because I kept taking my clothes off, getting embarrassed, and then having to put them back on again. Also I had to wear a gas mask for some reason. It truly was bizarre
Post number #1046699, ID: 2205e0
>>1046684 I'm happy to hear you feel energized! I called in sick and slept the entire morning and part of the afternoon, but I'm still tired!
>>1046694 A very, very strange dream... I forgot that it was a dream so reading this was even more strange!
Post number #1046705, ID: f9578e
XD thank you g/u/rl! I’ve been listening to eye on the tiger on repeat in my nice quiet work space and it’s helped a lot, and I’ll eep good tonight :>
Take care!
Post number #1046741, ID: 2205e0
I slept really well!
Post number #1046831, ID: e3da48
xD really good job! It’s my turn tonight for sure!
Post number #1046846, ID: 32b0d4
I hope I'll be able to sleep again. (-.-)Zzz・・・・
Post number #1046878, ID: 9f9d38
Race u!!!!
Post number #1046916, ID: 2205e0
I had very strange and vivid dreams, there was fighting against evil and we crucified someone? I don't remember it too well!
Post number #1046933, ID: 9f9d38
I dreamed I clicked on the GitHub link at the bottom and it led me to other boards using this software and one was called fedchan and you selected a classification level for every post before making it and I thought that might have flaws
Post number #1046941, ID: 793a1f
>>1046933>fedchan That's scary
Post number #1046956, ID: e3da48
I know some feds they’re not scary a lil normie brained sometimes but they do their best and try to be good usually. Did u see the screen cap from trumpist digging where the feds were talking about how they’d like to raise kids nonbinary and let them choose how to be? I think it was because I’ve heard the classification process is a lil bit subjective from them. The levels had cute emojis too next to them. But I fear their capacity for abusing people, as well as a world without them
Post number #1046968, ID: 793a1f
>>1046956 I think some community tasks that the feds do can and are genuinely a met positive or good for the people (sharing info about how to avoid certain scams, tracking and defusing dangerous organizations/groups, etc) But the main problem is the "dark" feds, that try to invade privacy to extreme levels on confirmed non-threats (normal people), the feds that are in charge of social psyops, dark projects like MK-Ultra, abusing their authority on the internet,
Post number #1046969, ID: 793a1f
..., or willingly choosing to ignore the core/root of a problem and go after the show, lights and bullets. Or doing stupid sting operations on people that haven't committed any crimes yet, enticing them to commit a certain crime, then they appear, arrest the puppet (or kill them), and then pretend their budget is being well spent.
Post number #1046970, ID: 793a1f
I think breaking the fed institution is a good idea, but we should keep people working on the most important, benefitial and community-helping tasks. And actually work as a centre of intelligence by adressing the root of the problems, instead of becoming one with the corruption!!
Post number #1047014, ID: d94d5d
I think they and sub-groups within them have their own biases, but I’m not sure you’re totally accurate with the phrase ‘the corruption.’ I think the corruption of the usa and most countries is spread across several groups-for instance The elderly consuming massive entitlements instead of working/dying The private industry who scam people out of money- casinos/religions The rich pushing against functioning institutions Administrators with questionable effectiveness
Post number #1047016, ID: d94d5d
I guess I feel like the constitution is corrupted in that it doesn’t fight for a better future and world, but just to treat everyone equally sometimes, even when they aren’t, and protect some minimal rights in some minimal circumstances. I’m too scared to oppose it because my life would be ruined, I don’t see myself succeeding, and I don’t have great confidence in alternatives, but I think on average Feds perhaps 10% less grifting than the average American.
Post number #1047017, ID: d94d5d
I think the problem is we’re all corrupted and we need some solid ground to put our feet on before we lash out. I guess I’m ok with attacking gambling/alcohol/payday loan companies because they’re so obviously bad but everyone else has too much of a fig leaf for me to really be sure- foreign agents are often raising legitimate concerns for us, fed psyops are often fed by foreign policy understanding I don’t have, the rich know their industry’s needs better than I do.
Post number #1047019, ID: d94d5d
Like with Russia, as I understand it the usa allowed yeltzin to take power and sell all their stuff to some Jewish guy and get rid of democracy to make them poor, then Putin to come to power, who made things a little better and made sure to get rid of traces of democracy. And now he’s conquering with torture and terrible things neighbors to gain their resources. The people who allowed that to happen need to be punished, and the us should have a plan to help rebuild russia
Post number #1047021, ID: d94d5d
But the fed position is it’s good for them to be poor and die?? And the trump crowd is specifically gutting the institutions so criminals like the crypto scammers and witch doctor cure people won’t be punished. I remember he pardoned one of those black rapper guys who I think murdered or raped someone last term. Everyone retreating into their own bubble without moral standards towards outsiders makes corruption worse not better. The problem is the public and experts are both bad
Post number #1047059, ID: 2205e0
I had trouble sleeping again, took me over an hour to fall asleep :c
Post number #1047071, ID: 793a1f
I think it's best to talk about sleeping... >>1047059 do not worry too much! Try to relax and focus more on your breathing! Breathe slowly and firmly... And drift away to the world of dreams!
Post number #1047076, ID: 9f9d38
>>1047059 Pat pat pat yeah I hope you do those things and sleep really good tonight!
Post number #1047321, ID: 2205e0
I think I will sleep well tonight, I'm quite sleepy already.
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