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I'm going to be admitted to a psych ward

| They're going to take my things so goodbye /u/ See you in a few months

| Have fun, make sure you develop an unhealthy psychosexual obsession with the most fucked up girl there!

| God I really hope things get better for you and you live your dreams. Pls take whatever opportunities you can find inside or outside there seriously!

| >>1044474 Wish you the best! Take good care of yourself, g/u/rl! <3

| Make the best out of the situation so you can continue forward with renewed hope. Looking forward to hear from you again too.

| Good luck, and stay safe in there!

| Stay safe!

| Good luck! keep ur head down <3

| Happens to everyone

| post tits

| the psych ward is lowkey fun though you literally just hangout and there might be cute girls.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1740070548

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