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pkease spam me harder retard chan >w<

| At first I wasn't sure about you, but after seeing you spam your mental retardation everywhere, I couldn't help but fall for you.
You have such a way with words, retard chan.

| cute

| cute~

| I think she talking about death to tyrant but misspelled because of her homemade HRT

| hnng
harder retard chan
fill me with your spam

| So fucking hot

| this is too lewd take it to the /d/! if someone sees this while im working, i will get suspended!

| I’ll seduce your suspender:3

| i am retarded

| >>1044510 *spams your mouth*

| >>1044510 deep kiss 4 u <3 <3

| A Korean man arrives in New York. He sees a sign for a hot dog. He's happy: Dogs eat here too. He goes up, gives his money and says:
- "One hot dog, please."
The vendor gives him a sausage wrapped in dough. The Korean examines the sausage carefully and hands it back to the vendor, saying
- "Give me another piece of dog, please."

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1740039727

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