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| figured out that dange/u/ isnt blocked by our IT guys lol

| 80/20 odds the it guy is also a faggot and starts posting here or you get fired for using this website (as you should be)

| yipeee for unbanned website!!! what are you doing at work rn?

| Shown us your work! I love employed people!!

| >>8c39a0 suspension prolly, never heard anyone getting banned for using an unblocked website here

| >>1042987
I got banned.

My mom blocked it because it looked dangerous.

| were the opinions too dangerous for her liking?>>1042989

| >>1042989 that's sad, my mom would probably not care enough if she saw me browsing here

| any milfs on /u/????

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1738993925

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