im like asa mitaka frfr

| if i was a g/u/rl…

| You are a g/u/rl silly!

| >>1042968
but..not a pretty or cute one.

| >>1042970
You are to me cutie
Be a good girl and call yourself pretty <3
I just did <3

| >>1042986
w-well i guess i am..pretty.

| asa best g/u/rl (tbh she seems to be the kind to post on danger/u/)

| >>1043014

| >>1043010
^##^ you made me blush reading those words pretty g/u/rl

| >>1043021

| >>1043029
You’re really charming you’re better than asa because you’re my friend

| >>1043034
thank you..youre my friend too! being charming is something i aspire..id like to be a pretty cute charmer!

| >>1043039
You’ve sure charmed me pretty cute charmer Chan!

| >>1043040
i cant help but give a kiss! a smooch even!

| holy cooties. i condemn this bread
da g/u/yz

| Eeeeek pretty cute charmer chan-you know the way to a g/u/rl’s heart!

| >>1043058
im so glad you think so cute chan! hugging and kissing!

| C-c-cute chan?? I’ve never had a name here before! Thank you charmchan <3 hugging and kissing lots!!!

| >>1043120
cute chan!! ofc! n yw! hugging and kissing lots lotsss <3

| Charmchan
Sparkles on my tongue
A pink number on the black swirls
Swirls into letters
Letters into words
A letter of love on a crisp white screen
Sliding into my heart

How my smile fills my cheeks
How my eyes sparkle
How she dances through the thread
How she dances through my mind

I feel empty
I’ve called her pretty
I hope she knows it’s true
I told her thank you
I hope she feels it’s real
But what to say now
And I don’t know

| Charmchan
But I’m glad to have spoken
But I’m glad to know her
But I’m glad to be cutechan
I guess I might say
I’m charmed


| >>1043481
cute chan..ToT ????OUGGGHH... PUUH....AWWHHH...OIUHHGG.... ..???????????? OUH. ... SOB SOB UE UE UE UE AWWGGHH THANK YOU..i feel bad i cant come up with poems as good as u

| the question marks are mojis not actual question marks..!

| Oooooo I’ve had that happen too g/u/rl but I didn’t realize thank youuuu :3

I’m glad you liked it- I couldn’t come up with saying so charming as you say ;>

So I’m wishing you really well today and forever <3 and I liked seeing your reply :3

| t/i/t pic

| >>1043516

n i did! it WAS charming! you’re just as charming if not more!

i wish you well and forever as well cute chan <3 i liked ur poem n i tried fast to respond!

| <3 u did a great job Charm Chan. My day was pretty good too so I think ur wish worked! You’re my lucky charm~

| thanku <3 cute chan..and im glad! UHGOGH i-im honored!

| continue having good days!

| Ok charmchan you better take care too my
<3 lucky charm <3
I better go to bed. Have you been sleeping ok? A cutie like you needs her beauty sleep *big nods *

| <3 <3 yes! and i wish i was but my sleeps been terrible..hopefully tonight itll be fixed again. i hope im very snug and comfy this time

| I hope you are feeling rested charmchan : > I slept a lot last night! I read a tip for getting good sleep too and thought of you! But it’s somewhere in my backpack…

| i did end up sleeping a bit but then i slept some more than i shouldve so i woke up tired. but im glad you slept lots! cute chan is cute-ing..what else do you have in your backpack?

| I read this and realized I should her asleep for my big day tomorrow charmchan! Thank you! I need to do my part of a presentation before I go to meet with my group so I’m getting up early.
My backpack has 2 textbooks I haven’t opened yet but I wanna read, and a water bottle I put my sun tea in but my sister showed me you shouldn’t brew your tea too long because germs can grow and it’s tasted off lately so I’m going to change my pitcher out. Jeez it’s not too cute to tell the truth

| But you are :3

| >>1043744
yw! also a presentation on valentines day?! happy valentines day cute chan! whatre the textbooks about? and wooa i learned something new! thank you cute chan! and youre cute regardless!

| “Many people will tell you that they can't nap. The one thing | learned from a single yoga class I took many years ago was to slow down my breathing. I just keep breathing slowly in and out and don't think I must fall asleep. Instead, I think things like, Sleepytime! and just focus on my breathing. I also make sure it's dark in the room, or I cover my eyes with one of those airplane sleep masks. “

| “ Also, I set my phone alarm for twenty-one minutes because turning a short power nap into a longer sleep can leave you groggy. This amount of time gives me what's basically a cognitive reboot."
Found it!!! I’ the source was an advice columnist. I’m going to try it but with box breathing instead- 4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds out. Oh! And 4 seconds empty. I never did that so there’s another learning thing for you charmchan :3

| And thank you charm Chan~
Happy happy Valentine’s Day to the charmingest g/u/rl I know <3
I hope you rest well tonight too, bright gems need to be polished so they can shine <3

| If I was younger id fuck the shit out of Asa

| >>1043818
ill try this then! i was actually interested in trying breathing techniques for all manner of things recently!

yw! <3 thank you..uwah i feel polished already with your words! i hope you rest well also cute chan! i hope the presentation went well!


| >>1043818
ill try this then! i was actually interested in trying breathing techniques for all manner of things recently!

yw! <3 thank you..uwah i feel polished already with your words! i hope you rest well also cute chan! i hope the presentation went well!


| whoops ir sent twice

| >>1043872
Oooh looks like you charmed someone else charm Chan you charmer

I think maybe I ignored you about the presentation before. S-sorry it got moved to Monday and I didn’t want to overload you with details. But I slept 10 hours last night! I think it was just cause I was sleep deprived but still :3

| So I hope you slept well! My books are on using biology to help people out! I want everyone to be healthy and happy and love each other and to do it professionally one day, maybe as a cool science g/u/rl!

| Shine on charm Chan-time for this cute Chan to go to bed ~

| >>1043919
cute chan..im flattered!

its okay! its enough just hearing more from cute chan. but thats good! aside from the sleep deprivation..but its like that for me too today n yesterday sadly

hoping today i will! ganbare cute science chan! ill be rooting for u! make the world a healthier better place!

i hope you slept welll shining cute chan!

| I did I did!!! I’m rooting for you right back and I hope you can sleep well tonight! I‘ll do my best to be just like you <3

| >>1043961
cute cute!! n thank you i hope to see you in my dreams cute chan! and i hope i can be as cute as you are! <3

| You got your head blown off?

| >>1043998
Eep! You know what to say charmchan :3
I’ll be looking out for you in mine then too! I hope I can be as lovely and enchanting as you charmchan. I didn’t do the box breathing before bed yet, but I’m looking forward to telling you how it went! And I’m looking forward to hearing from you too <3

| And it went great!!! Sending my good fortune to you charmchan

How are you feeling? Have people been nice to you today? They better hmph

| >>1044025
really..? i try to! i hope so then we can frolick! and i should be saying that about you cute chan. <3

im so glad it did! keep at ittt cute chan and i hope it reaches me

i havent been too good ive been a bit sick but yeahs i think everyones been the usual niceness to me lately. cute chan cuteing <3

| >>1044119
Awww Pat pat pat *tucking you in for some good rest * I will keep at it charmchan! Thank you it’s nice to hear that and I’ve really been trying more lately.

I’m glad about them being nice. You’re a really nice g/u/rl charmchan I’ll be hoping you get some rest but also get to be out of bed and do what you love too

Lots of love to my favorite charm-Chan

| Jeez it sure is a lil crazy out there isn’t it? But you’re still a shining Star. I better get to bed, but it’s nice to think about lovely charmchan before I do :>

| >>1044406 you misspelt tyranny

| >>1044144
*gets snuggled up* ywww and thats good to hear never give up!

and i try to be..but thank you me too, sometimes i get too snug i cant get outta bed to be bothered to do anything!

it is..and you are too, lets shine together and shine the brightest! ill be thinking of cute chan as well before i sleep tonight

lots of love to my beloved cute chan
<3 <3
from charm chan

| I will be too charmchan :3 I’m getting a really gentle sleep tonight for sure. Particularly when I think of you <3 getting outa bed and bad behavior patterns is rly hard, but so worth it.
Lots of love,
Cutechan <3
Ps: snuggle snuggle snuggle ^~^

| gayyyyyyyy!(not that there's anything wrong with that)

| >>1044690 but there is

| I slept really well last night! I hope you have a lovely day charmchan
Hugs and kisses

| Bdibg gY is based

| >>1044687
id hope so and me too when i think of you cute chan..and it really is hard. its so rough sometimes i just wanna curl up.
lots of love snuggle snuggle!

im glad! and it was alright, but im trying to sleep at a reasonable time now and i think its somewhat working. hugs and kisses, i hope your day is even better cutie chan!

| >>1044687
id hope so and me too when i think of you cute chan..and it really is hard. its so rough sometimes i just wanna curl up.
lots of love snuggle snuggle!

im glad! and it was alright, but im trying to sleep at a reasonable time now and i think its somewhat working. hugs and kisses, i hope your day is even better cutie chan!

| oops againn

| Little twin posts! your posts are just double good charmchan c;

I’ve been staying up really late and losing it a little lately. It’s time for me to curl up too. You don’t need to worry or anything, you’ve already soothed my heart. <3
I really admire you going to bed at a reasonable time and making slow but gradual progress to a better life

| :> sweet dreams charmchan

| >>1044965
it seems that way! id hope

curl up nice and snug as a bug, cute chan. i feel that everytime i stay up especially if its all day in an attempt to fix my sleep. also im glad if i was able to cute chan..
and im trying but its so tough for sure.

sweet dreams too cutechan im sorry i took a bit long i wasnt feeling well again yesterday

| Awww snug as a bug, I guess you’re my queen bee charmchan! I’ll be thinking of you too

Sweet dreams to one of the cutest g/u/rls I know!

Lots of love, cute chan ^_^

| >>1045289
snug as a bug in a rug! and queen..bee? im honored and flattered! being a queen bee would be soo fun!

sweet dreams to you too cute chan! thats my line!

lots more love, charm chan! <3

| >>1045384
Even MORE love :O !!!
I’m going to bed a little late tonight but I’ll be up on time and it’ll be a good day tomorrow charmchan! I hope you’re nice and snug. I’ll give my pillow a hug and hope it finds its way to your blankets hugging you
lots of love for a lovely charmchan, Cutechan~

| i wonder what went wrong in this sensitive spammers life and what kind of dumb choices he made to profoundly view everything in such a negative light

| Big hug! Don’t let her worry you, g/u/rls have bad days sometimes she’ll probably feel better soon enough.

I had the best day ever!!! Love u all ^^ I felt so calm and focused and I found the quiet reading room in the library was exactly what I wanted and my head felt clear enough to work! I guess some of charmchan’s magic found its way to me huh? I hope you feel good Charmchan. I’m going to bed early now- big hug again!!!

| >>1045434
cute chan! ill hug my pillow as well and hope it finds you too..i always hug my pillow, it just feels so nice and makes me feel supa snug. and im glad it was cute chan! a clear mind is a productive mind, i thinkk! cute chan..it was all you! and i could feel better, its a little rough but seeing cute chans messages always make me feel a lot more better..im going a little late tonight but sweet dreams cute chan <3 bigger hug!

| A-all me waawaawaa hug hug! I can’t wait to get home and back to sleep again just like you charmchan-

Everybody should feel supasnug you in particular charmchan! I’m going to be really thinking of you today, so really good luck! Cute g/u/rl like charmchan shouldn’t be bullied be silly stupid world things. *big head shake saying no they shouldn’t *

| >>1046210
cute cute!! hug hug! me too im gonna get all nice and cozy and you too cutechan! supa dupa snug! good luck as well! and cutechan..*gives big snugly hugs*

| >_<
Mmmmm see u in the morning

| <3 eeby speeby weekend

| Femcel

| charmchan and cutechan are so cute together!! <3

| >>1046652
<3 <3 you sound like a nice g/u/rl too :3
I’m having a warm happy busy exciting day today! I hope you do too

And I hope you are happy and warm lovely charmchan- you’re a special g/u/rl to me

I would never have been brave enough to call myself Cutechan without your encouragement

So thanks for making me, a grateful Cutechan <3

| >>1046689
you’re a special g/u/rl to me too cute chan! i was a little distracted..

and im glad i was able to help you in some way cutechan! its the truth..i was only pointing out the facts! that youre cute! i say the same to you for making me, charm chan..<3 <3

<3 *hug*

| >>1046689 >>1046739 aaaaaa thank youuuu <333

| Posting in epic asa thread

| We love charmchan!! I’m feeling ok today! Head is a lil fuzzy- I’m going to get some exercise maybe tonight c:

| I read a lil about breathing exercises- apparently box breathing 4 seconds in 4 seconds hold 4 seconds out 4 seconds hold it empty- that’s good for focus

But if you are anxious it’s better to breath in 4 seconds, hold it seven seconds, breath out 8 seconds.

So I think I’ll box breath in general when I feel out of sorts but if it’s not effective when I’m stressed I’ll try the extended exhale.

| >>1046778
ywww <3


we love cutechan! whys it fuzzy? i hope cutechan is doing more than ok..what kinda exercises? cutechans staying healthy!

im gonna do this now! not feeling too well in the tummy

| Cutechan charmchan sex when?

| Ahhh poor charm chan! I was really queasy this morning and I think mostly I was dehydrated and empty. I hard a chocolate bar and some oat and nut cake I’d made and some tea and felt better. I hope you feel better :>

I didn’t actually use my stationary bike last night (bike on stand with brakes zip tied somewhat) but tonight for sure! A lot of the time My head feels fuzzy and I kinda flail around without thinking. I’m not really sure. It’s not all the time though, so that’s good!

| >>1046953 be sure to drink enough water!!! ( v^-゜)♪

| For sure! I really had to pee this morning but I felt ok… still dehydrated. Honestly I might need you just accept getting up to pee in the middle of the night to fully hydrate. I bet it wouldn’t be so bad if I had enough sleep time. Old time people didn’t used to sleep all the way through the night either.

| >>1046907

i think im a bit dehydrated now i think about it! also that sounds like such a nice snack, cutechan but i did feel better!

i hope the flailing and head fuzziness isnt too bad! ive been trying to get my steps in again! heres to both of us trying though cute chan!

| Omg I almost forgot to exercise tonight! Thanks charmchan! I’m finally home early too!!

I’m really glad you felt better :> I’m keeping a water bottle next to my bed in the future.

Here’s to us! \(^^)/

| This thread gave me diabetes.

| It's good and bad at same time

| Here’s to both of us charmchan <3
I had a situation where they were measuring my blood pressure and in the past they didn’t like how my heart was going too fast but I did the 4 seconds in 7 seconds hold 8 seconds out and I did great! Thanks for your well wishes, I’m going to keep them in mind. It’s important, making sure good ideas live there. Things don’t seem so bad when I’m thinking of what I’m doing about them. Have you been feeling ok?
Lots of love,

| >>1047173
yw cute chan!

and me too i was worried i was gonna get sick again. and i always try to keep a bottle by my bed too! heres to us!

ofc cute chan!! <3
im glad you did great! that breathing is coming in handy! and yw cute chan. me too..i have to try my best to keep your good wishes in my mind too so i dont feel so bad from my own thoughts yk? i get wym. and ive been alright i think, though i still get worried about my tummy.

lots of love, charmchan

| Oooooh I’m glad to hear it : )
I’ve realized I’m too lazy late at night to open my water bottle so I’m going to use my one with a straw.
Wow I gotta keep your good wishes in mind too :) thanks for being so nice charmchan <3

| >>1047571
a straw really does make it much more lax feelingg just a sip away! i always prefer that over bottle too. the less effort and risk of waking up further to open the bottle the better and yw cutechan, youre the nice one! <3 im sending you good wishes!

| :3333 nuh uh YOU are super nice and charming and make me feel good when I talk to you! I felt a little embarrassed last week, I talked so much about exercising and kept being too tired when I got home. Well, I finally got on my lil bike yesterday and found I was too uncomfortable on it, so I went for a little jog around and that was ok. It’s been like that with everything, overwhelming and with pieces of fortune and joy. I hope you’re snug and safe cute charmchan ~

| Gosh I felt so good this morning I just had a to send you another message!! I got to talk with an old friend and she is super super nice and makes me feel so good and desirable when she flirts with me, and she’s really brave and all too but doesn’t look down on me and there are ways I can help her but not as a lesser which makes me feel good. I guess I wish I were more clever with words so I could make you feel that way without being creepy.

| I slept so well last night after talking to her, though I still stayed up a little late. And there’s a reason thinking about that made me think of you. You’re a lovely girl who charms and bring light and life to those around you charmchan, particularly me. I feel a little bad that I just blog about my self help at you or whatever. I want you to feel really good and alive like I do right now. I hope I’m not making you play a character caring for me saying the same shit while I whine

| So I love you charmchan and I really really wish you a happy day. I’d ask you about your diet or sleep or something but I haven’t improved that much and I feel bad lagging behind if you’ve improved, or making you dwell on something if you’ve been trying the same thing and it’s been frustrating. And it’s funny I guess I complained to a friend about my problems and they gave me good advice and I didn’t improve much,

| I hear my other friend message me and call me cute and ask for help and I feel like the sun came out. I watched a clip of the sopranos on YouTube and a girl told tony sopranos he was a good capable guy and the commenters said that was better than the therapists. But she did it with intimacy, it wasn’t just ‘you can do it.’ So I’ll just say I love you, not in a scary stalker way though I want you to be happy even if we never message again.

| >>1047729
nu uhh YOU AREEE. its okay as long as you’re getting some activity in cutechan..i can relate to everything feeling overwhelming. i did lift today for the first time in a while after sort of giving up on it. i hope youre snug and safe too cutechan.

| >>1047830
w-whoa..cutechan is lucky!! im glad that it makes you feel so good, to the point of wanting to send another message. but you dont need to worry about that cutechan, you DO havw a way with words. after all you came up with that cute poem!

| you dont come off creepy either

| >>1047831
cutechan..dont feel bad. i enjoy hearing about what you get up to, no matter what. i hope i can feel that way also perhaps someday but i also simultaneously feel it whenever we chat!. i didnt think anyone could think of me in such a good light the way you phrased it cutechan. thats further proof of your way with words!

| >>1047832
i love you too cutechan..i wish you an even happier day. never feel bad about “lagging behind” its only an improvement for me if we’re BOTH improving or if YOU are. as long as cutechan makes improvements wethwr big or small, thats enough for me.

| >>1047833
ive wanted to watch the sopranos, ill check this clip out cutechan and itll remind me of you always cause you first pointed it out to me. cutechan..i feel the same way. i hope you’ll be even happier. <3 i love you too. i hope youre doing alright..

| i wish my words were more varied and more charming to better explain my feelings so if they arent then i hope my good wishes reach you, sleep well cutechan

| >>1047925
<3 Good <3
I really hope I get to tonight. Feeling a lil overwhelmed but it’ll be ok. Trying to breathe ; )

And I felt proud of my poem, thanks for noticing me charmchan, you have a good eye for people.
Gosh you make me feel really cared about charmchan ^//////^ that was really something you said..
I dunno if it’s good or bad. They’re bad people :< … not like you charmchan
You reached me really well, a weight is lifted off me reading your words<3

| me too, i hope youre supa snug and yw cute chan, geez i feel flatteredd i dont feel like my eye is that goood but if you think so then that’s enough!

ehh was it really? did i really? im glad!! i tried my best to put my feelings in it!

oh! well i hear its goood
and i was hoping i did cutechan..it felt serious and i wanted to help alleviate in anyway <3

| <3 you’re lovely charmchan I’m here in my bed about to go to sleep. I love ya. I’ve been emotional lately. Sooo tired. But I love ya and I’m soups snug <3 sweet dreams sweet charmchan~

| you’re lovelier! <3 all in bed comfy i hopes. i love ya too! and thats okay, as long as it doesnt keep you down cutechan. sometimes i feel that way or like more sensitive. i love ya too! and snug as a bug! good! sweet dreams to you cutechan!! have a comfy snug sleep! <3 <3 you deserve it!

| I did I did I did!! You’re sweet as pie charm chan! I read in my how to learn book that someone was able to get out of bed every day at 5am because she thought about how good breakfast would be instead of how tired she was. Well, I threw up this morning after having my pills and a piece of bread, but I sure didn’t hang around the house cause I knew I’d get to read your sweet posts after getting to school! And sweet they are <3 ahhh I hope you feel really good and you’re right! <3

| You’re the best charmchan I cried a lil this morning but I’m feeling good and a nice calm energy- I’m sending it your way too to the loveliest gurl I am supa lucky to know <3

| yay! cutechan..im only sweet because of you! and ehh is that for real? maybe i should try something similar though im sorry you threw up cutechan..thats always the worst feeling but im glad that you were able to power through afterwards. strong cutechan! seeing your posts always motivates me to keep at it too you know, improvement! <3 <3

| cutechan..*hug hug* im glad you feel much better now and i hope i receive all your good energies! cutechan is the cutest gurl ever! supa dupa <3

| also! today i lifted a bit again, starting very small..but still and ive been trying to consistently make it through my book. i almost feel like im increasing my stats a bit for sure for sure

| If you’re only sweet cause me me well then I’m only cute cause of you charmchan!! Lovely g/u/rl <3 <3 <3

I also read to quit work at 5pm every day and spend time with loved ones but work on saturdays and start early- so here I am at the library checking on my fav g/u/rl on arrival! …in the afternoon- well, there’s always more to do xD

| … I’m not so sure it’ll go well, I tried to study here yesterday and spent it all on my phone even if I stayed off here :< but I have a good feeling when I talk to you cutie!!

Be careful and treat yourself well charmchan! I want you to be really healthy and happy from doing nice weight lifts- you don’t have to lift a certain amount, just what is a nice challenge. I went for a walk yesterday but I feel a little bloated today- maybe I need a run : D

| cutest loveliest g/u/rl!! *hugging supa dupa tight*
<3 <3

ahh cutechan! im honored..

| cute cutechan, thats okay. i still do that too when i oughta be doing something i set aside time for like my reading or lifting and me too! i always feel nice when talking to you cutechan <3 i always look forward to it

and i will! ill try. though it does feel a little discouraging but i have to keep at it! a run is always nice! dont overdo it if youre too bloated cutechan. aside from the too much wind it felt nice out today

| Aww supa supa tight hug! It didn’t go so well :< but it’s good to feel nice… maybe I’ll go to the park and read. Your cute as ever, thanks for reminding me I am too <3

| I’m sending you a hug today <3

| cute chan..*big hug* did you end up reading? and thats you! its in the name silly! <3 and heres another hug! *bigger hug*

| Aaaaahhhh!!! *big big hug hug hug hug hug!!!*
Gosh I’ve been all over the place lately. I’ve been in the bathroom on my phone before I go out to read with no distractions this time for the last hour or so. You always know what I need to hear charmchan <3

How’s charmchan!!!!????? <3 <3 <3

| Gentle rest charmchan

| >>1049082
cutechans so cute..! hyper cutechan, still as long as you’re getting some reading in! ive been somewhat alright, ive been trying to get my steps in again before it gets too hot outside

gentle gentle rest for cutechan

| :3c
Thanks charmchan, safe and gentle walks for lovely charmchan. I’ll give my pillow a hug for you
Good night kiss

| yw cutechan and safe and comfy sleeps for the cutest g/u/rl ill hug my pillow tonight too for you good night kisses <3

| <3
I slept really well last night charmchan. I couldn't remember why I felt so relaxed. Well, now I do :-)
I guess it I haven't been talking in the morning huh? Tomorrow's my first day in a while getting up early to get to school! I'm going to be studying together on a call with some of my online friends on monday and I don't want to oversleep and let them down, so I better start tonight huh?
How's charmchan feeling? you better remember how cute you are!!!! >:O cuz it's true <3

| im so glad. is that a good thing not talking in the morning? and yay! cutechan doin some bonding with study buddies! yes get early sleep in cutchan!
and im somewhat alright i thinks. mostly trying to hype myself up to be more adventurous. lately ive been feeling a bit anxious not accomplishing as much major things..and cutechan is cuter! the cutest! <3

| | ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢰⣶⣤⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠀
⠀ ⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⢿⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡻⣿⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣾⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀
..▄▀░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ▀▄
... ▀▀▀▀▀.......▀▀▀▀▀

| the cutest??!!! >~<
I like that a lot charmchan, I like you a lot too~

oooh I was meaning to message you in the morning right when I got to a study spot... and well I haven't really. studied, or gotten there, or gotten up.. we'll see.

and yeah... anxiety is really really rough... You're a wonderful person charmchan. is it anything in particular? I hope you know you're cute and cool and should get to do all the beautiful things you think of.You are charmchan-I hope you'll say it

| and i really hope you feel better tomorrow

| yes the cutest!! only you cutechan, its in the name!

and its okay cutechan, at your own pace! you can do it i know it. <3

thank you cutechan..you are more though. and well its a mixture of things i think. mainly being more straightforward in how others make me feel and not being a doormat. also just being more comfortable being sociable. and i should be saying that to you cutechan..you’re all those great things and more! and i felt somewhat better i thinks.

| im..cute and cool and should get to do all the beautiful things i think of but also cutechan as well!

| How is this thread still alive? *blush*

| balls

| Post flat tits pic

| I love sex.

| >>1049814
… I really really love it when you say that charmchan <3 you’re beautiful <3 and so will I be then if you say so!

S-So-thanks for indulging me! I love to hear it from you so much, and about me too but always charmchan is cute to me!!

And yeah you said it! I did some good things today- sometimes I feel like I have to report on my progress and justify and plead for my existence to people or even my diary just becomes ‘did x failed at y’ with no love or feeling. ..

| Jeez that’s a little silly huh?
So thanks for saying to take it at my own pace but also how I make you feel- really that’s what I wish I said a little, how I felt bad and how you are and words for you, not a status report. You’re still mega cool charmchan by the way! That’s your status!

All that for me waow… my classmate who tries to walk all over me and be in charge of me is sucks and I get so tired of the class but as you say, at my own pace~

You deserve to live and thrive<3

| >>1049933
good! <3

of course cutechan! only for you! and that goes for you too, the cutest!!

and i understand that cutechan..i feel that sometimes especially when ive told someone that id already do something. but dont feel like you have to justify or plead about it cutechan, its okay. *hug*

| and its okay fo be silly! and youre welcome. dont feel pressured, i like hearing about your updates you know <3 getting to hear how youre doing. and you are too! and especially the cutest cutechan!

yes all for you! and dont let them cutechan, you have a say in the matter too! youre not their worker and yes your own pace!

you deserve to live and thrive as well! prosper cutechan!

| *hug*
Thanks a lot charmchan <3 T_T I’m a lil overwhelmed this morning but it’ll be ok
I’m here before class today to study and I don’t even have much I have to do but I’m scared I guess to confront it all, and if I ever get ahead you know, think about my life and all the scary stuff there and have to act on it. Haha I guess I’m used to always being behind to protect myself… at my own pace huh? *hug* I love ya charmchan

You are cool and nice and always charming

| You deserve today, I wanted to say you deserve to live your dream but big dreams can be overwhelming and it’s not about the image itself or specific goal to me, it’s about charmchan living and smiling. You matter a lot, you’re allowed. You’re ok charmchan just like you make me feel. Don’t let dummies lie to you!*hug*

Total number of posts: 148, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1743084260
