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I switched my alarm sound to a softer tune

| I set it for 7 but I woke up at 10. At least me eyes don't hurt.

| get a smartwatch! doesnt need to be fancy, i have a pinetime i cant remember how much but it was cheap and its kind of shit. it has a vibrating alarm though and wakes me up quietly and without giving me a panic attack! there are probably better options out there, but its worth a look! i love you!

| I love you too

| >>1042861
My xiomi mi band 8 does this and schedules it during the right sleep cycle time too! I love you nice g/u/rls

| Try dead rat

| I woke up half past ten today. I turned off the sound and just left vibrations on. I woke up at 8 and 8:30 to just turn it off ????

| Today I woke up at 9.

| Ur body takes time to adapt! I wanna update tomorrow! Be sure to take breaks and hydrate and rest too!!!

| >>1043119 10:40 today...

| I woke up in 7 pm "^^

| I use Disco Elysium's Red Rock Riviera Day 1 as an alarm. It is awesome.

| >>1043450
That’s ok I hope you can be asleep a little earlier and remember who you are and your future that matters!
My friend made a thing on zylaphone I want as my alarm but it’s hard to download from telegram because it’s short :< but I’ll figure it out g/u/rl!!

| 10 today

| Danger/u/ was down today for me but I managed 9 am and I even got my job interview!

| >>1043575
Cause and effect

| 10:30 today

| Today was late for me too

| 6:30!
god i hate my job

| I used to use softer alarms but then I found that it started to scare me every morning. I only use vibrate to wake me up now

| 11am

| Like 10 am

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1739467406

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