Post number #1042820, ID: cea670
hi g/u/rls, ive been a depressed neet for almost a year and its finally caught up with me. not only am i out of savings but my dad lost his job so now i have to cut my bed rotting time short and "lock in". i have an interview coming up on friday so advice on that as well as how to conduct myself like a human being in a normal work environment would be greatly appriciated!(◕ っ ◕✿)
Post number #1042822, ID: 4e4e7f
Depending on your job, most basic requirements is just, do what you’re asked to do when you get the job. they’ll also ask you some rather stupid questions duringthe interview so just tell them with honesty.
Otherwise good luck, g/u/rl! May fortune and luck be with you!! (*´꒳`*)
Post number #1042823, ID: aa8707
ez wink smile and laugh your way through it pretend all your personality and never show yourself mad don't act the victim, let them pick the victim
Post number #1042833, ID: fe83c0
I’m rooting for you a lot! It’s not good to say ‘eager to learn’ on your resume apparently just give examples and ask questions maybe. I want a job too one day! Go g/u/rl go!
Post number #1042839, ID: a70070
Once you get the job work hard, but don't work too hard. Whatever amount of work you put into the job will become what's expected of you, and if you put too much effort in you'll burn out and be resented for it... at least that's how it's been most places I've worked. Take it easy and make sure you always have something to do, because if you don't the boss might cut hours. Drag your feet a lil when you can get away with it. Good luck! ^_^
Post number #1042841, ID: 918c97
A friend had trouble getting his first job, too. First interview after 6 months, he answered honestly. But when the guy asking the questions went "Well, your resume seems appropriate and you had pretty decent grades! Any weaknesses beyond paper we should take into consideration?"
This idiot blurts out "Older women?"
After a solid minute of awkward silence, the guy went "We'll let you know of the comitee's decision"
He got the job, g/u/rl. If he could do that, so can you! Trust!
Post number #1042997, ID: 3d460d
hey everyone it's me! thank you all truly for the helpful responses. Just got home from the interview and appearently everything went well! i had to do a little small talk about football but luckily i was able to get on, unfortunately no mention of older women tho lol. again thank you g/u/rls for taking the time to help me out! xoxo
Post number #1043001, ID: d8d8d3
Awesome! Let’s goooooo
Post number #1043035, ID: fe83c0
Xoxo I’m happy to hear about that interviewchan I hope we’ll get an update!!
Post number #1043044, ID: 918c97
Proud of you, g/u/rl. Now, make sure to learn as much as you can. Trust me, learning new skills at work is a powerful thing to do, and your next workplace will surely appreciate it. Here's to your situation getting better!
Post number #1043074, ID: bd0d69
Total number of posts: 11,
last modified on:
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1739004907
| hi g/u/rls, ive been a depressed neet for almost a year and its finally caught up with me. not only am i out of savings but my dad lost his job so now i have to cut my bed rotting time short and "lock in". i have an interview coming up on friday so advice on that as well as how to conduct myself like a human being in a normal work environment would be greatly appriciated!(◕ っ ◕✿)