In order to graduate this June I cannot take the parasitology course that I want to take next quarter
Post number #1042696, ID: 05bddd
College sucks
Post number #1042698, ID: 4df78c
you dont need a class to learn about parasites. just walk outside. theyre everywhere.
Post number #1042705, ID: 7cfca5
>>1042698 well said mlady you are truly the ryan gosling among us
Post number #1042723, ID: b7c86f
Awww yeah I was looking up advice for the field I want to go in today and apparently there are specific classes you should take and majors and minors which would have been good. But I think I can still do it, I’ll do research and teach myself and get into grad school! Do u wanna be a parasite doctor? I bet you can download some really great texts about it! And email the instructor for the syllabus and maybe course materials and your story! Maybe she’ll have connections!!
Post number #1042752, ID: c11ac2
>>1042723 no not really i'm just really interested in parasite evolution and ecology
Post number #1042761, ID: 3e5442
Email the professor to ask for the course materials and go through it in your own time.
Post number #1042838, ID: b7c86f
>>1042761 Yes yes and impress her with dominance in the field one day and make her all frustrated and envious and taunt her with your beauty and get drunk with her at a conference and let her fuck you deeply aaaauuuuuuggggghhhhh
Post number #1042860, ID: 3e5442
>>1042838 This too.
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