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I need to be hurt rn

| I need to be hurt right now so bad. It wouldn't fix anything but it'd make my little puppy brain happy to be taken advantage of! I wanna be punched, kicked, choked, slapped, cut, burned. Anything to be a good dog hehe

Not a sex thing btw thought i should clarify. Sometimes it is but right now I want it because I'm horribly mentally ill and wanna be abused

| ew

| rip a belt of hate

barrels Hot!

bodies in the sand

left to Rot!

| I wish I could wrestle with you and grab and hug and kiss you maybe that would make you feel better and not make me have to disrespect you which would make me feel sad. Maybe a cold shower?

I think part of my self harm is because I disassociate a lot and need to feel something. I know ‘just take a shower’ isn’t going to be something you can do all the time, I guess recently one of my friends said something to me which made me feel like it matters and I’ve been less disassociated.

| Real? Please tell me how I can identify people like you, I want to hurt a person so badly but I just know that I can't only do it.
I need to get some proper consent and I want to punch people so badly, but I love the most using the varieties of common tools you can find in any house. I need to hear the scream of other's pain because nobody will notice mine anymore, anyone I know knows already I'm all so over about it. I just can never keep my urge from snapping every once and then.

| Let me say that I would want to hear you out, I would send good people at you, giving you so many kind advices to keep on your life, just to get them off and make you realize how helpless you'd be alone. I'd love giving you all the time to reflect on your own independence, no matter what I'll keep baiting you with some good interactions just to shook you later on. Every now and then I'd send you people to hear chip you out any detail about you preferences.

| In struggle I'd care you, in happiness I'll make you miss comfort. You'll just get any sort of illness, I'll take care of any of your doubts. Like a children I'll support any of your small needs, you'll never have to be bothered by anything again when you'll want to relax. I'll make you open up to anything. Even if you were to learn to be paranoid I'll do all I can to help you. I'll whisper any positive wise word you can find everyday or from the most obscure book.

| I'll wait years to let any memory you decide to hold where I'm the protagonist to remain forever in you mind. I'll write down anything strong I tell you, so you'll never end up doubting me. At some point, you'll always follow me when I'll yell at you.
I'll make promises, I'll let you hear a plan for the future. I'll follow upon it and hide any ambiguity of some stages. I'll be sure to stray away from anything that will allow you to pursuit freedom.

| who knows, when I'll get bored I'll put you in a relationship with an agent of mine. Like, to keep you around as a puppet in case I feel missing on manual labor or something.

| No, really the uggo I'll send together with my stars will make the choice a far laugh. The sex? Basically free.
In weakness, you'll fall for any mental damage that come from trying to hold up a relationship with someone who'll show you only a mask.
In strength, you'll learn about dealing with someone too naive for the world and you'll lose from trying to protect her.
I'll receive any lesson of life in the harshest way and I'll deny you to make it a lesson. Lost in your emotions.

| >>1042740 man wtf ate you even talking about

| >>1042745 chill, we're friends right?

| >>35a626
bro is onto nothing!! what u yappin bout?!

| >>35a626
Much love from India sir


| >>35a626
There there g/u/rl I feel that way too sometimes you don’t need to feel bad. I’ve always wanted to be a super cool hero someone wants to touch and cling to, but people who are hurting don’t want that usually, and it’s sad I know :<

You should find things in your life you can be proud of and share equally and without a mask with others, like political campaigning. Try to support others and be the hero I know you are and you won’t get a princess, but you’ll get hero friends

| I joined a political group and have tried to be a good member and take care of the others, and there’s a pretty trans girl who also checks on the others and is pretty capable and responsible who checks on me sometimes and let me trauma dump a little (try to avoid) to her and gave me good advice and usually women avoid me so I really appreciated that. If it worked once, I’ll make other friends like her, and maybe one day one of them can be my partner.

| How beautiful, even if it's not a pretty flower, it still can bloom. But my misfortune teaches me otherwise, the happiness should never be remembered, because it binds you to the past, it binds you from moving forward properly. I don't believe in miracles, I believe in obstacles. A proprer planning that's proofed from any distraction. It's simple, hold yourself from doing what you want and do play the character they need you for.

| Dear friend, pray tell, what manner of confusion hath befallen us? By the stars above, I am confounded beyond measure.

| >>1042683 *headpats you* who the good g/u/rl you are :3

| >>1043075 yay thank you X3

| >>1043075
U know what to say smart g/u/rl *soft hug *

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1739150022

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