If you can guess who I am you will win a prize

| The only hint is that I am in the discord server, and I will not confirm or deny who I am!

| ok

| poppy

| go home ur drunk

| >>1042554
You are a True g/u/rl!!!

| Cute cute cute beautiful g/u/rl!

| >>1042554 well you can't be roommate-chan because that's me, you're definitely not pomu cause pomu would make everyone aware they're pomu. Maybe job-chan?

| >>1042671
Don't slander Job-chan's good name by suggesting she would start a shitty thread like this.

| >>1042671
Roommate-Chan! I’m such a fan thank you for visiting us!

| >>1042729 thanks! I'm around fairly often but don't always make it known :3

| a faggot

| nigger

| >>1042671 I'll put you in a wheelchair and make love to you

>>1042554 Are you one of the gay and retard underground group?

| >>1042786 ;)

| >>1042771
shut the FUCK up nigger

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1738795255
