Pharology Thread

| What's you g/u/rls fav lighthouse design?
I need to attract more seamen to my cliffs to plunder their bootey

| Huh, I don't care about lighthouse designs. All I care about is plundering me some booty. You want to attract more semen to your clitts? How about offering them some actual treasure instead of focusing on the design of your damn lighthouse? Then maybe they'll be more interested in your clitts

| i live very close to lighthouse in fact it's a literal tourist attraction so when as a qualified lighthouse critic i say they need to be long and white and you must be able to see it from very long distance

also birds. lots of birds

| >>1042545
Do you feed the birds?

| >>1042545
i prefer my lighthouses to be tall instead of long or wide or whatever you said, checkmate atheist lighthouse critic

| >>1042577 no they get very territorial during specific season

>>1042586 tall is for beta cucks!! ur a beta cuck!!!!

| >>1042589
how are your lighthouses gonna be visible from a very long distance if they arent tall. a long corridor like lighthouse isnt gonna help any ships. youre a bad lighthouse critic and you should feel bad, oh and your the beta cuck im not the beta cuck im the alpha cuck and thats final

| >>1042590 its a sailor skill issue if they cant see a long lighthouse raving bright lights

also not final u cant be alpha cuck thats cheating!

| >>1042590 so close! this is actually very helpful for horizontal ships, much like how tall lighthouses help vertical ships. keep learning though!

| Like barges! Wow cool! Or people with horizontal eyes like Asians vs people with vertical eyes like argonians!


Post number #696229, ID: 85bb3b>>697252 >>717534
| >KDE Connect
Awesome app to make my android phone and my linux laptop work as one complete ecosystem. Phone notifications on my laptop screen, run linux command on my laptop via phone, use phone as a touchpad and even more! And that's not counting plasma integration (i use XFCE).
Probably one of the most beneficial apps i used

| >>1042619
Hmm, you're right. I wasn't thinking of horizontal ships vs vertical ships. It's just common sense and logically sound that a vertical ship would need a vertical lighthouse and vice versa.

It's final, I am the alpha cuck! Quitsies, no anti-quitsies, no startsies, stamp it, no erasies, Touch blue make it true. u jelly?

| >>1042679
grrr u win this timeā€¦ i will get my alpha cuck status away from you at some point

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1738734855

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