Let me pat you

| I hope you are well. My favorite activity is patting. Are you okay with this? Nuzzle my hand please. Are you happy about this proposal? Listen, my hands are soft. I promise you. Everlasting pets okay? Nobody will have to know.

| pls pat me i am very insecure and need reassurance in my life

| *nuzzles your hand and gived you big puppy eyes*

| >>1042550 thank you, g/u/rl!! i feel loved (*´-ω-`*)

| >>1042546
*pat pat* you have been a good g/u/rl, there, there.

| >>1042550
You come here too, who is a cute little g/u/rl? You areee!

| i want pats and nuzzles but im too shy to initiate..

| >>1042567 *aggressive patting* get over here u silly g/u/rl

| >>1042534
Mmmmm curls up and purrrrrrs on your warm lap

| look at the first letter of each sentence

| >>1042558
I am! I am! ^ω^

| mrrp~ purr~

| >>1042620 :O

| >>1042584
*curls up on ur lap snug as a bug in a rug*

| I'd prefer to pat the patter.

| >>1042534 pretty please! I'm just a vulnerable puppy and i would like a lot of pets!

| I have wasted day to solve PC connection on internet, problem exactly with configuration of my system. So, do not pat me, it is hurt.

| >>1042633 Nobody will ever know :3c

| >>1042668
Aww *pats* you cute little vulnerable puppy

| >>1042633 >>1042855

| >>1042899 >:3

| >>1042534 i have dark secret, I'm pat slut and lewd too much;-;

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1739005067
