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Finally played elin and elona

| They're really ass, why are they so popular? Yeah you can do a lot but none of it has any substance or particularly interesting content. It's all just grind for grind's sake. If I wanted that, I'd go play borderlands 2!

| It's the autism

| i had fun for like 18 hours in elona then said man what a chore and stopped. i want to try elin with the mod cuz thats what everyone here cums their jorts over but that will be much further into the future

| Elona was fun, I played as a bard for a while
It's not about the grind, it's about enjoying the world and stuff
plus mods make the grind a lot more bearable

| Elin rules. Maybe you just aren’t retarded enough to enjoy peak.

| It's not about the grind, it's about enjoying the world and the grind.

| Bro what world??? There is not that much interesting happening in any of it. Especially elin where it's not even finished and there's no depth to anything but the crafting. Like sure there's tons of npcs... with no interactions whatsoever

| >>1042512
just because your taste dont find it interesting it doesnt mean that everyone else it the same

| >Elona
One more g/u/rl fallen to the meme

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1738555959

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