Post number #1042413, ID: d7d794
Be a guy no one talks to me Pretend to be female everyone is adding and dming me and having nice convetsations with me
Post number #1042420, ID: 33be4a
Discord — Dick sword
Post number #1042422, ID: 2ed391
I wish everyone could do this everywhere
Post number #1042432, ID: c90b99
Post number #1042447, ID: 979922
>>1042422 What a great idea! Let's create a website where everyone can be women so everyone will have nice conversations with eachother. Maybe we can call it and we can call eachother g/u/rls.
Post number #1042457, ID: 954f13
Wow thank you thank you! And that’s how jobs should be too! And the government!
Post number #1042458, ID: dbac74
This'll actually be how everything is. Everyone is women now. It's women and g/u/rls all the way down. Each and every one just as dumb as all of us on this board.
Post number #1042465, ID: 11af58
>>1042420 *swings it around making swishing noises*
Total number of posts: 8,
last modified on:
Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1738482236
| Be a guy
no one talks to me
Pretend to be female
everyone is adding and dming me and having nice convetsations with me