Post number #1042199, ID: 5f4f32
What is this forum about? What is it's purpose? And why does everyone here wear ironic face masks while writing the most nonsensical shit ever written by man?
Post number #1042200, ID: 69d85b
Feeling cute and having fun with your g/u/rl friends who also feel positively towards va-hall 11 cyberpunk bartender action
And I’m not ironic! It’s in IRL I have to wear the unenthusiastic mask! Luv ya ^^
Post number #1042205, ID: 58972f
competitive retardation. >>69d85b is in first place
Post number #1042216, ID: 45bdcb
am not ironic im this stupid fr
Post number #1042220, ID: 96ee08
Forced feminization
Post number #1042223, ID: edb26c
being functional and normal is exhausting, so i come here to be gay and retarded when i need a break
Post number #1042227, ID: 92731b
Post number #1042230, ID: 5ea4b4
skill issue lurk moar
Post number #1042233, ID: 8fa398
>>1042205 new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag
Post number #1042234, ID: 27fe0a
>>1042200 Do I need to play va-hall 1~10 to understand this va-hall 11 forum?
Post number #1042235, ID: b15f4d
>>27fe0a kinda, not really.
Honestly op, you can either ignore them or play along. There's no inbetween.
Post number #1042244, ID: 895e7e
>>1042199 man? You are maybe confused, we are cultivated g/u/rls just gathering and having serious debates each other while we drink tea~
Post number #1042256, ID: 434a09
Post number #1042259, ID: c924e9
>>1042223 so true fr fr
Post number #1042260, ID: c924e9
it's a safe haven
Post number #1042275, ID: 4c77ba
u uwawa uwah
Post number #1042280, ID: 8fa398
>>1042235 new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new new fag
Post number #1042281, ID: 8fa398
Stop outing yourselves
Post number #1042283, ID: 8c3c5f
>>1042199 hahahahahahahahahha Oh g/u/rl you're killling me!
Post number #1042441, ID: b8f629
>>1042199 Burg war, post angry burgs only
Post number #1042467, ID: 2685ce
>>1042360 Same desu
Post number #1042503, ID: 9383bf
>>1042223 discord is that way
Post number #1042506, ID: 28c1f6
>>1042503 Discord kiss! Mwah! >>1042223 So true so true g/u/rl
Post number #1042509, ID: 8e37a3
>>5f4f32 go crazy. get stupid. thats the point of this forum
its like a contained gay autism with unapologetic sex addiction
Post number #1042531, ID: 4a97c4
You played va11-hall-a, saw the posts on danger/u/ and didn't believe humans could be such a disgrace to their own species? Well, the purpose of this forum is to disappoint poor, sweet summer children like yourself, let me tell you
Post number #1042576, ID: 5a15b3
>>1042531 mom get off its my turn on the computer
Post number #1042624, ID: e1230e
I love sex.
Post number #1042659, ID: 1680e2
>>1042531 why do you write like a redditor
Post number #1042731, ID: 28c1f6
I want Reddit SEX!!!! I tried to make an account but they banned me and said I couldn’t DM people :<
Post number #1042753, ID: 6639fb
>>1042731 typical reddit L
Post number #1042806, ID: fc81bb
That wasn’t fair of them g/u/rl! Don’t let them get you down! Reddit style kiss! You’re my upvote <3
Post number #1042815, ID: 4a97c4
I love how redditor became a slur
Post number #1042834, ID: 28c1f6
Ironically I hear Redditors use it more than ppl who don’t go there when I talk to them. I worry about their self esteem.
Total number of posts: 40,
last modified on:
Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1738813030
| What is this forum about? What is it's purpose? And why does everyone here wear ironic face masks while writing the most nonsensical shit ever written by man?