my microbio genomics class paper

| should i write about myxozoans or virophages

| fuck myxozoans
i have no strong opinion on virophages

| Myxozoans, I love all cnidarians, they are a higher form of life left over from a previous yuga
I also have no strong opinion on virophages

| >>1041973 why tho? do you work in the aquaculture business?

| >>1041989 we'll have to see then, i'm pretty sure both clades have some nice genetics studies

| myxozoans, nobody gives a shit about virophages

| myxozoans

| >>1042012 but virophages are also coooooool

| maan, if life wasnt so tough and unwelcome for the autism/add combo i wouldve been a marine biologist with a focus on deep sea microbiology. instead i ended up as an underpaid pentester because of all the knowledge that came naturally from living on the internet for so long. kinda wish i should go for it but i know its gonna burn me out.

| >>1042038 i feel you... i want to pursue a career in midwater ichthyology but so far i don't see it happening

| myxozoans 100%

>>1042038 I'm going the exact same way. I was working on a bioinformatics degree but I think I'm going to end up working in IT cause I can't stay in a fluorescently lit room with a professor shouting at me any more

| >>1042068
its a shame for sure. we couldve gone on field trips and talk about nerdy stuff and eat ramen together

i think you should give it your all with your bioinformatics degree but thats easy for me to say. its an exciting field desu

| >>1042086 i have been! i ran out of steam and needed a long leave though. whether or not i return mostly depends on if i can get better accomodations

| >>1042092
ive been there. lets hope you get the accommodations you need

| >>1042092
I’m rooting for you! We were talking about how molecular cell tagging is just getting better today and the bioinformatics people may be making protein expression maps of the entire body one day

| >>1042086 this sound pretty cool lmao

| >>1042081 lets hope that things will eventually work out

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1738211157
