it just hurts

| like. really realising someone doesnt want you despite all their flirtations. just go away, man, fuck

| you coulda just been friendly and cool and took that further step. leave me alone

| ahhh fuck im getting drunk tn

| anyways yeah sorry to vent in /u/ im just not having a great night

| sex feels better

| Big hug keep venting g/u/rl. She was uncharitable to lead you on like that. I don’t actually want to marry you but I’d kiss you if you’re in my area. Going to bed though.

| at first i thought you were talking about a relationship but flirtations? arent you overreacting? no disrespect. big hugs and lots of love

| self-pity and getting drunk over feelings of rejection when she wasn't even rejected. great. superb. very interesting post.

| >>1041489
looool lmao well when u put it like that

| >>1041489 most mentally stable /u/ enjoyer

| >>1041495 >>1041496
ugh memebrain(s) gtfo

| >>1041498 go down a slug of fireball over it bozo

| eh

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1737870826

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